Data Structures | Functions
BIT functions

Data Structures

struct  bm::all_set< T >
 Structure carries pointer on bit block with all bits 1. More...
struct  bm::block_waves_xor_descr
 Structure to compute XOR gap-count profile by sub-block waves. More...
struct  bm::first_bit_table< T >
 Structure keeps index of first right 1 bit for every byte. More...
struct  bm::bit_count_table< T >
 Structure to aid in counting bits table contains count of bits in 0-255 diapason of numbers. More...
struct  bm::lzcnt_table< T >
 Structure for LZCNT constants (4-bit) More...
struct  bm::tzcnt_table< T >
 Structure for TZCNT constants. More...
struct  bm::block_set_table< T >
 Structure keeps all-left/right ON bits masks. More...


unsigned bm::bitcount64_4way (bm::id64_t x, bm::id64_t y, bm::id64_t u, bm::id64_t v) BMNOEXCEPT
template<typename T , typename F >
void bm::bit_for_each_4 (T w, F &func)
 Templated algorithm to unpacks octet based word into list of ON bit indexes. More...
template<typename T , typename F >
void bm::bit_for_each (T w, F &func)
 Templated algorithm to unpacks word into list of ON bit indexes. More...
template<typename T , typename B >
unsigned bm::bit_list (T w, B *bits) BMNOEXCEPT
 Unpacks word into list of ON bit indexes. More...
template<typename T , typename B >
unsigned bm::bit_list_4 (T w, B *bits) BMNOEXCEPT
 Unpacks word into list of ON bit indexes (quad-bit based) More...
template<typename B >
unsigned short bm::bitscan_popcnt (bm::id_t w, B *bits, unsigned short offs) BMNOEXCEPT
 Unpacks word into list of ON bit indexes using popcnt method. More...
template<typename B >
unsigned short bm::bitscan_popcnt (bm::id_t w, B *bits) BMNOEXCEPT
 Unpacks word into list of ON bit indexes using popcnt method. More...
template<typename B >
unsigned short bm::bitscan_popcnt64 (bm::id64_t w, B *bits) BMNOEXCEPT
 Unpacks 64-bit word into list of ON bit indexes using popcnt method. More...
template<typename B >
unsigned short bm::bitscan_bsf (unsigned w, B *bits) BMNOEXCEPT
 Unpacks word into list of ON bits (BSF/__builtin_ctz) More...
template<typename B >
unsigned short bm::bitscan_bsf64 (bm::id64_t w, B *bits) BMNOEXCEPT
 Unpacks word into list of ON bits (BSF/__builtin_ctz) More...
template<typename B >
unsigned short bm::bitscan_popcnt64 (bm::id64_t w, B *bits, unsigned short offs) BMNOEXCEPT
 Unpacks 64-bit word into list of ON bit indexes using popcnt method. More...
template<typename V , typename B >
unsigned short bm::bitscan (V w, B *bits) BMNOEXCEPT
 Templated Bitscan with dynamic dispatch for best type. More...
unsigned bm::word_select64_linear (bm::id64_t w, unsigned rank) BMNOEXCEPT
 word find index of the rank-th bit set by bit-testing More...
unsigned bm::word_select64_bitscan_popcnt (bm::id64_t w, unsigned rank) BMNOEXCEPT
 word find index of the rank-th bit set by bit-testing More...
unsigned bm::word_select64_bitscan_tz (bm::id64_t w, unsigned rank) BMNOEXCEPT
 word find index of the rank-th bit set by bit-testing More...
unsigned bm::word_select32_bitscan_popcnt (unsigned w, unsigned rank) BMNOEXCEPT
 word find index of the rank-th bit set by bit-testing More...
unsigned bm::word_select32_bitscan_tz (unsigned w, unsigned rank) BMNOEXCEPT
 word find index of the rank-th bit set by bit-testing More...
unsigned bm::word_select64 (bm::id64_t w, unsigned rank) BMNOEXCEPT
 word find index of the rank-th bit set by bit-testing More...
unsigned bm::word_select32 (unsigned w, unsigned rank) BMNOEXCEPT
 word find index of the rank-th bit set by bit-testing More...
BMFORCEINLINE bm::id64_t bm::widx_to_digest_mask (unsigned w_idx) BMNOEXCEPT
 Compute digest mask for word address in block. More...
BMFORCEINLINE bm::id64_t bm::digest_mask (unsigned from, unsigned to) BMNOEXCEPT
 Compute digest mask for [] positions. More...
bool bm::check_zero_digest (bm::id64_t digest, unsigned bitpos_from, unsigned bitpos_to) BMNOEXCEPT
 check if all digest bits for the range [] are 0 More...
void bm::block_init_digest0 (bm::word_t *const block, bm::id64_t digest) BMNOEXCEPT
 Init block with 000111000 pattren based on digest. More...
bm::id64_t bm::calc_block_digest0 (const bm::word_t *const block) BMNOEXCEPT
 Compute digest for 64 non-zero areas. More...
bm::id64_t bm::update_block_digest0 (const bm::word_t *const block, bm::id64_t digest) BMNOEXCEPT
 Compute digest for 64 non-zero areas based on existing digest (function revalidates zero areas) More...
void bm::block_compact_by_digest (bm::word_t *t_block, const bm::word_t *block, bm::id64_t digest, bool zero_tail) BMNOEXCEPT
 Compact sub-blocks by digest (rank compaction) More...
void bm::block_expand_by_digest (bm::word_t *t_block, const bm::word_t *block, bm::id64_t digest, bool zero_subs) BMNOEXCEPT
 expand sub-blocks by digest (rank expansion) More...
template<typename T >
int bm::wordcmp0 (T w1, T w2) BMNOEXCEPT
 Lexicographical comparison of two words as bit strings (reference) Auxiliary implementation for testing and reference purposes. More...
template<typename T >
int bm::wordcmp (T a, T b) BMNOEXCEPT
 Lexicographical comparison of two words as bit strings. Auxiliary implementation for testing and reference purposes. More...
bool bm::bit_is_all_zero (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT start) BMNOEXCEPT
 Returns "true" if all bits in the block are 0. More...
BMFORCEINLINE void bm::set_bit (unsigned *dest, unsigned bitpos) BMNOEXCEPT
 Set 1 bit in a block. More...
BMFORCEINLINE void bm::clear_bit (unsigned *dest, unsigned bitpos) BMNOEXCEPT
 Set 1 bit in a block. More...
BMFORCEINLINE unsigned bm::test_bit (const unsigned *block, unsigned bitpos) BMNOEXCEPT
 Test 1 bit in a block. More...
void bm::or_bit_block (unsigned *dest, unsigned bitpos, unsigned bitcount) BMNOEXCEPT
 Sets bits to 1 in the bitblock. More...
void bm::sub_bit_block (unsigned *dest, unsigned bitpos, unsigned bitcount) BMNOEXCEPT
 SUB (AND NOT) bit interval to 1 in the bitblock. More...
void bm::xor_bit_block (unsigned *dest, unsigned bitpos, unsigned bitcount) BMNOEXCEPT
 XOR bit interval to 1 in the bitblock. More...
void bm::bit_block_set (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, bm::word_t value) BMNOEXCEPT
 Bitblock memset operation. More...
template<typename T >
int bm::bitcmp (const T *buf1, const T *buf2, unsigned len) BMNOEXCEPT
 Lexicographical comparison of BIT buffers. More...
bool bm::bit_find_first_diff (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT blk1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT blk2, unsigned *BMRESTRICT pos) BMNOEXCEPT
 Find first bit which is different between two bit-blocks. More...
BMFORCEINLINE unsigned bm::bit_count_min_unroll (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT block, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT block_end) BMNOEXCEPT
 Bitcount for bit block without agressive unrolling. More...
bm::id_t bm::bit_block_count (const bm::word_t *block) BMNOEXCEPT
 Bitcount for bit block. More...
bm::id_t bm::bit_block_count (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT const block, bm::id64_t digest) BMNOEXCEPT
 Bitcount for bit block. More...
bm::id_t bm::bit_count_change (bm::word_t w) BMNOEXCEPT
unsigned bm::bit_block_calc_change (const bm::word_t *block) BMNOEXCEPT
bool bm::bit_block_is_all_one_range (const bm::word_t *const BMRESTRICT block, bm::word_t left, bm::word_t right) BMNOEXCEPT
template<bool LWA = false, bool RWA = false>
bm::id_t bm::bit_block_calc_count_range (const bm::word_t *block, bm::word_t left, bm::word_t right) BMNOEXCEPT
bm::id_t bm::bit_block_calc_count_to (const bm::word_t *block, bm::word_t right) BMNOEXCEPT
void bm::bit_block_rotate_left_1 (bm::word_t *block) BMNOEXCEPT
void bm::bit_block_rotate_left_1_unr (bm::word_t *block) BMNOEXCEPT
 Unrolled cyclic rotation of bit-block left by 1 bit. More...
bm::word_t bm::bit_block_insert (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT block, unsigned bitpos, bool value) BMNOEXCEPT
 insert bit into position and shift the rest right with carryover More...
bool bm::bit_block_shift_r1 (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT block, bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT empty_acc, bm::word_t co_flag) BMNOEXCEPT
 Right bit-shift bitblock by 1 bit (reference) More...
bool bm::bit_block_shift_r1_unr_min (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT block, bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT empty_acc, bm::id64_t co_flag) BMNOEXCEPT
 Right bit-shift bitblock by 1 bit (minimum unroll) More...
bool bm::bit_block_shift_r1_unr (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT block, bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT empty_acc, bm::word_t co_flag) BMNOEXCEPT
 Right bit-shift of bit-block by 1 bit (loop unrolled) More...
bool bm::bit_block_shift_l1 (bm::word_t *block, bm::word_t *empty_acc, bm::word_t co_flag) BMNOEXCEPT
 Left bit-shift bitblock by 1 bit (reference) More...
bool bm::bit_block_shift_l1_unr_min (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT block, bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT empty_acc, unsigned co_flag) BMNOEXCEPT
 Left bit-shift bitblock by 1 bit (minimum unroll) More...
bool bm::bit_block_shift_l1_unr (bm::word_t *block, bm::word_t *empty_acc, bm::word_t co_flag) BMNOEXCEPT
 Left bit-shift of bit-block by 1 bit (loop unrolled) More...
void bm::bit_block_erase (bm::word_t *block, unsigned bitpos, bool carry_over) BMNOEXCEPT
 erase bit from position and shift the rest right with carryover More...
bool bm::bit_block_shift_r1_and (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT block, bm::word_t co_flag, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT mask_block, bm::id64_t *BMRESTRICT digest) BMNOEXCEPT
 Right bit-shift of bit-block by 1 bit (reference) + AND. More...
bool bm::bit_block_shift_r1_and_unr (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT block, bm::word_t co_flag, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT mask_block, bm::id64_t *BMRESTRICT digest) BMNOEXCEPT
 Right bit-shift bitblock by 1 bit (reference) + AND. More...
bm::id_t bm::bit_block_any_range (const bm::word_t *const BMRESTRICT block, bm::word_t left, bm::word_t right) BMNOEXCEPT
template<typename T >
void bm::bit_invert (T *start) BMNOEXCEPT
bool bm::is_bits_one (const bm::wordop_t *start) BMNOEXCEPT
 Returns "true" if all bits in the block are 1. More...
bool bm::bit_block_find_interval_end (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT block, unsigned nbit, unsigned *BMRESTRICT pos) BMNOEXCEPT
 Searches for the last 1 bit in the 111 interval of a BIT block. More...
bool bm::bit_block_find_interval_start (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT block, unsigned nbit, unsigned *BMRESTRICT pos) BMNOEXCEPT
 Searches for the first 1 bit in the 111 interval of a BIT block. More...
bool bm::bit_block_find_prev (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT block, unsigned nbit, unsigned *BMRESTRICT pos) BMNOEXCEPT
 Reverse search for the previous 1 bit. More...
void bm::bit_block_copy (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src) BMNOEXCEPT
 Bitblock copy operation. More...
void bm::bit_block_copy_unalign (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src) BMNOEXCEPT
 Bitblock copy operation (unaligned src) More...
void bm::bit_block_stream (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src) BMNOEXCEPT
 Bitblock copy/stream operation. More...
void bm::bit_block_stream_unalign (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src) BMNOEXCEPT
 Bitblock copy/stream operation (unaligned src) More...
bm::id64_t bm::bit_block_and (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src) BMNOEXCEPT
 Plain bitblock AND operation. Function does not analyse availability of source and destination blocks. More...
bm::id64_t bm::bit_block_and (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src, bm::id64_t digest) BMNOEXCEPT
 digest based bit-block AND More...
bm::id64_t bm::bit_block_and_5way (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src0, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src3, bm::id64_t digest) BMNOEXCEPT
 digest based bit-block AND 5-way More...
bm::id64_t bm::bit_block_and_2way (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2, bm::id64_t digest) BMNOEXCEPT
 digest based bit-block AND More...
bm::id64_t bm::bit_block_and_or_2way (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2, bm::id64_t digest) BMNOEXCEPT
 digest based bit-block AND - OR More...
unsigned bm::bit_block_and_count (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2) BMNOEXCEPT
 Function ANDs two bitblocks and computes the bitcount. Function does not analyse availability of source blocks. More...
unsigned bm::bit_block_and_any (const bm::word_t *src1, const bm::word_t *src2) BMNOEXCEPT
 Function ANDs two bitblocks and tests for any bit. Function does not analyse availability of source blocks. More...
unsigned bm::bit_block_xor_count (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2) BMNOEXCEPT
 Function XORs two bitblocks and computes the bitcount. Function does not analyse availability of source blocks. More...
unsigned bm::bit_block_xor_any (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2) BMNOEXCEPT
 Function XORs two bitblocks and and tests for any bit. Function does not analyse availability of source blocks. More...
unsigned bm::bit_block_sub_count (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2) BMNOEXCEPT
 Function SUBs two bitblocks and computes the bitcount. Function does not analyse availability of source blocks. More...
unsigned bm::bit_block_sub_any (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2) BMNOEXCEPT
 Function SUBs two bitblocks and and tests for any bit. Function does not analyse availability of source blocks. More...
unsigned bm::bit_block_or_count (const bm::word_t *src1, const bm::word_t *src2) BMNOEXCEPT
 Function ORs two bitblocks and computes the bitcount. Function does not analyse availability of source blocks. More...
unsigned bm::bit_block_or_any (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2) BMNOEXCEPT
 Function ORs two bitblocks and and tests for any bit. Function does not analyse availability of source blocks. More...
bm::word_tbm::bit_operation_and (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src) BMNOEXCEPT
 bitblock AND operation. More...
bm::id_t bm::bit_operation_and_count (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2) BMNOEXCEPT
 Performs bitblock AND operation and calculates bitcount of the result. More...
bm::id_t bm::bit_operation_and_any (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2) BMNOEXCEPT
 Performs bitblock AND operation test. More...
bm::id_t bm::bit_operation_sub_count (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2) BMNOEXCEPT
 Performs bitblock SUB operation and calculates bitcount of the result. More...
bm::id_t bm::bit_operation_sub_count_inv (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2) BMNOEXCEPT
 Performs inverted bitblock SUB operation and calculates bitcount of the result. More...
bm::id_t bm::bit_operation_sub_any (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2) BMNOEXCEPT
 Performs bitblock test of SUB operation. More...
bm::id_t bm::bit_operation_or_count (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2) BMNOEXCEPT
 Performs bitblock OR operation and calculates bitcount of the result. More...
bm::id_t bm::bit_operation_or_any (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2) BMNOEXCEPT
 Performs bitblock OR operation test. More...
bool bm::bit_block_or (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src) BMNOEXCEPT
 Plain bitblock OR operation. Function does not analyse availability of source and destination blocks. More...
bool bm::bit_block_or_2way (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2) BMNOEXCEPT
 2 way (target := source1 | source2) bitblock OR operation. More...
bm::id64_t bm::bit_block_xor_2way (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2) BMNOEXCEPT
 2 way (target := source1 ^ source2) bitblock XOR operation. More...
bool bm::bit_block_or_3way (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2) BMNOEXCEPT
 3 way (target | source1 | source2) bitblock OR operation. Function does not analyse availability of source and destination blocks. More...
bool bm::bit_block_or_5way (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src3, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src4) BMNOEXCEPT
 5 way (target, source1, source2) bitblock OR operation. Function does not analyse availability of source and destination blocks. More...
bm::word_tbm::bit_operation_or (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src) BMNOEXCEPT
 Block OR operation. Makes analysis if block is 0 or FULL. More...
bm::id64_t bm::bit_block_sub (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src) BMNOEXCEPT
 Plain bitblock SUB (AND NOT) operation. Function does not analyse availability of source and destination blocks. More...
bm::id64_t bm::bit_block_sub (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src, bm::id64_t digest) BMNOEXCEPT
 digest based bitblock SUB (AND NOT) operation More...
bm::id64_t bm::bit_block_sub_2way (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2, bm::id64_t digest) BMNOEXCEPT
 digest based bitblock SUB (AND NOT) operation (3 operand) More...
bm::word_tbm::bit_operation_sub (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src) BMNOEXCEPT
 bitblock SUB operation. More...
bm::id64_t bm::bit_block_xor (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src) BMNOEXCEPT
 Plain bitblock XOR operation. Function does not analyse availability of source and destination blocks. More...
void bm::bit_andnot_arr_ffmask (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src) BMNOEXCEPT
 bitblock AND NOT with constant ~0 mask operation. More...
bm::word_tbm::bit_operation_xor (bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT dst, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src) BMNOEXCEPT
 bitblock XOR operation. More...
bm::id_t bm::bit_operation_xor_count (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2) BMNOEXCEPT
 Performs bitblock XOR operation and calculates bitcount of the result. More...
bm::id_t bm::bit_operation_xor_any (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src1, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT src2) BMNOEXCEPT
 Performs bitblock XOR operation test. More...
template<class T >
unsigned bm::bit_count_nonzero_size (const T *blk, unsigned data_size) BMNOEXCEPT
 Inspects block for full zero words. More...
unsigned bm::bit_block_find (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT block, unsigned nbit, unsigned *BMRESTRICT pos) BMNOEXCEPT
 Searches for the next 1 bit in the BIT block. More...
unsigned bm::bit_find_last (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT block, unsigned *BMRESTRICT last) BMNOEXCEPT
 BIT block find the last set bit (backward search) More...
bool bm::bit_find_first (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT block, unsigned *BMRESTRICT pos) BMNOEXCEPT
 BIT block find the first set bit. More...
unsigned bm::bit_find_first (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT block, unsigned *BMRESTRICT first, bm::id64_t digest) BMNOEXCEPT
 BIT block find the first set bit. More...
bool bm::bit_find_first_if_1 (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT block, unsigned *BMRESTRICT first, bm::id64_t digest) BMNOEXCEPT
 BIT block find the first set bit if only 1 bit is set. More...
template<typename SIZE_TYPE >
SIZE_TYPE bm::bit_find_rank (const bm::word_t *const block, SIZE_TYPE rank, unsigned nbit_from, unsigned &nbit_pos) BMNOEXCEPT
 BIT block find position for the rank. More...
bm::set_representation bm::best_representation (unsigned bit_count, unsigned total_possible_bitcount, unsigned gap_count, unsigned block_size) BMNOEXCEPT
 Choose best representation for a bit-block. More...
template<typename T >
unsigned bm::bit_block_convert_to_arr (T *BMRESTRICT dest, const unsigned *BMRESTRICT src, bool inverted) BMNOEXCEPT
 Convert bit block into an array of ints corresponding to 1 bits. More...
unsigned short bm::bitscan_wave (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT w_ptr, unsigned char *BMRESTRICT bits) BMNOEXCEPT
 Unpacks word wave (Nx 32-bit words) More...
void bm::bit_block_gather_scatter (unsigned *BMRESTRICT arr, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT blk, const unsigned *BMRESTRICT idx, unsigned size, unsigned start, unsigned bit_idx) BMNOEXCEPT
 bit index to word gather-scatter algorithm (SIMD) More...
template<typename TRGW , typename IDX , typename SZ >
void bm::bit_block_gather_scatter (TRGW *BMRESTRICT arr, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT blk, const IDX *BMRESTRICT idx, SZ size, SZ start, unsigned bit_idx) BMNOEXCEPT
 bit index to word gather-scatter algorithm More...
void bm::bit_block_xor_change32 (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT block, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT xor_block, unsigned size, unsigned *BMRESTRICT gc, unsigned *BMRESTRICT bc) BMNOEXCEPT
void bm::bit_block_xor_change64 (const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT s_block, const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT ref_block, unsigned size, unsigned *BMRESTRICT gc, unsigned *BMRESTRICT bc) BMNOEXCEPT
template<typename Func , typename SIZE_TYPE >
int bm::for_each_bit_blk (const bm::word_t *block, SIZE_TYPE offset, Func &bit_functor)
 for-each visitor, calls a visitor functor for each 1 bit group More...
template<typename Func , typename SIZE_TYPE >
int bm::for_each_bit_blk (const bm::word_t *block, SIZE_TYPE offset, unsigned left, unsigned right, Func &bit_functor)
 for-each range visitor, calls a visitor functor for each 1 bit group More...
template<typename T , unsigned BPC, unsigned BPS>
void bm::tmatrix_distance (const T tmatrix[BPC][BPS], unsigned distance[BPC][BPC])
 Compute pairwise Row x Row Humming distances on planes(rows) of the transposed bit block. More...
template<typename T , unsigned BPC, unsigned BPS>
void bm::bit_iblock_make_pcv (const unsigned distance[BPC][BPC], unsigned char *pc_vector)
 !< ibpc limiter More...
BMFORCEINLINE unsigned bm::count_leading_zeros (unsigned x) BMNOEXCEPT
 Portable LZCNT with (uses minimal LUT) More...
BMFORCEINLINE unsigned bm::count_trailing_zeros (unsigned v) BMNOEXCEPT
 Portable TZCNT with (uses 37-LUT) More...
template<class T >
unsigned bm::bit_scan_reverse (T value) BMNOEXCEPT
BMFORCEINLINE bm::id_t bm::word_bitcount (bm::id_t w) BMNOEXCEPT
BMFORCEINLINE unsigned bm::word_bitcount64 (bm::id64_t x) BMNOEXCEPT

Detailed Description

Bit functions implement different opereations on bit blocks (internals) and serve as a minimal building blocks.

Function Documentation

◆ best_representation()

bm::set_representation bm::best_representation ( unsigned  bit_count,
unsigned  total_possible_bitcount,
unsigned  gap_count,
unsigned  block_size 

Choose best representation for a bit-block.

Definition at line 8706 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::set_array0, bm::set_array1, bm::set_bitset, and bm::set_gap.

Referenced by bm::serializer< BV >::find_bit_best_encoding().

◆ bit_andnot_arr_ffmask()

void bm::bit_andnot_arr_ffmask ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src 

bitblock AND NOT with constant ~0 mask operation.

dst- destination block.
src- source block.

Definition at line 8202 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::all_bits_mask, BMRESTRICT, bm::set_block_size, and VECT_ANDNOT_ARR_2_MASK.

Referenced by bm::bvector< Alloc >::combine_operation_block_sub(), and bm::bvector< Alloc >::combine_operation_with_block().

◆ bit_block_and() [1/2]

bm::id64_t bm::bit_block_and ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src 

Plain bitblock AND operation. Function does not analyse availability of source and destination blocks.

dst- destination block.
src- source block.
0 if AND operation did not produce anything (no 1s in the output)

Definition at line 6824 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, BMRESTRICT, bm::set_block_size, and VECT_AND_BLOCK.

Referenced by bm::bit_operation_and(), bm::bvector< Alloc >::combine_operation_block_and(), bm::serial_stream_iterator< DEC, BLOCK_IDX >::get_bit_block_AND(), and bm::aggregator< BV >::process_bit_blocks_and().

◆ bit_block_and() [2/2]

bm::id64_t bm::bit_block_and ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src,
bm::id64_t  digest 

digest based bit-block AND

dst- destination block.
src- source block.
digest- known digest of dst block
new digest

Definition at line 6861 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, bm::bmi_blsi_u64(), bm::bmi_bslr_u64(), BMRESTRICT, bm::set_block_digest_wave_size, VECT_AND_DIGEST, and bm::word_bitcount64().

◆ bit_block_and_2way()

bm::id64_t bm::bit_block_and_2way ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2,
bm::id64_t  digest 

digest based bit-block AND

dst = src1 AND src2

dst- destination block.
src1- source block.
src2- source block.
digest- known initial digest
new digest

Definition at line 6983 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, bm::bmi_blsi_u64(), bm::bmi_bslr_u64(), BMRESTRICT, bm::set_block_digest_wave_size, VECT_AND_DIGEST_2WAY, and bm::word_bitcount64().

Referenced by bm::bvector< Alloc >::combine_operation_block_and(), and bm::aggregator< BV >::process_bit_blocks_and().

◆ bit_block_and_5way()

bm::id64_t bm::bit_block_and_5way ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src0,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src3,
bm::id64_t  digest 

digest based bit-block AND 5-way

new digest

Definition at line 6916 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, bm::bmi_blsi_u64(), bm::bmi_bslr_u64(), BMRESTRICT, bm::set_block_digest_wave_size, VECT_AND_DIGEST_5WAY, and bm::word_bitcount64().

Referenced by bm::aggregator< BV >::process_bit_blocks_and().

◆ bit_block_and_any()

unsigned bm::bit_block_and_any ( const bm::word_t src1,
const bm::word_t src2 

Function ANDs two bitblocks and tests for any bit. Function does not analyse availability of source blocks.

src1- first bit block
src2- second bit block

Definition at line 7161 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::set_block_size.

Referenced by bm::bit_operation_and_any().

◆ bit_block_and_count()

unsigned bm::bit_block_and_count ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2 

Function ANDs two bitblocks and computes the bitcount. Function does not analyse availability of source blocks.

src1- first bit block
src2- second bit block

Definition at line 7114 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bitcount64_4way(), bm::set_block_size, VECT_BITCOUNT_AND, and bm::word_bitcount().

Referenced by bm::bit_operation_and_count().

◆ bit_block_and_or_2way()

bm::id64_t bm::bit_block_and_or_2way ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2,
bm::id64_t  digest 

digest based bit-block AND - OR

dst =dst OR (src1 AND src2)

dst- destination block.
src1- source block.
src2- source block.
digest- known initial digest
new digest (for the AND operation)

Definition at line 7050 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, bm::bmi_blsi_u64(), bm::bmi_bslr_u64(), BMRESTRICT, bm::set_block_digest_wave_size, VECT_AND_OR_DIGEST_2WAY, and bm::word_bitcount64().

Referenced by bm::bvector< Alloc >::combine_operation_block_and_or().

◆ bit_block_any_range()

bm::id_t bm::bit_block_any_range ( const bm::word_t *const BMRESTRICT  block,
bm::word_t  left,
bm::word_t  right 

Function calculates if there is any number of 1 bits in the given array of words in the range between left anf right bits (borders included). Make sure the addresses are aligned.

Definition at line 5953 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, bm::mask_l_u32(), bm::mask_r_u32(), bm::set_word_mask, and bm::set_word_shift.

◆ bit_block_calc_change()

unsigned bm::bit_block_calc_change ( const bm::word_t block)

Function calculates number of times when bit value changed (1-0 or 0-1) in the bit block.

block- bit-block start pointer
number of 1-0, 0-1 transitions

Definition at line 5249 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_block_change32(), bm::bit_block_change64(), bm::set_block_size, and VECT_BLOCK_CHANGE.

◆ bit_block_calc_count_range()

template<bool LWA = false, bool RWA = false>
bm::id_t bm::bit_block_calc_count_range ( const bm::word_t block,
bm::word_t  left,
bm::word_t  right 

Function calculates number of 1 bits in the given array of words in the range between left anf right bits (borders included) Make sure the addr is aligned.

LWA - left word aligned RWA - right word aligned

Definition at line 5356 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, bm::gap_max_bits, bm::mask_l_u32(), bm::mask_r_u32(), bm::set_word_mask, bm::set_word_shift, and bm::word_bitcount().

Referenced by bm::bvector< Alloc >::build_rs_index(), bm::bvector< Alloc >::count_range_no_check(), bm::gap_bitset_and_count(), bm::gap_bitset_or_count(), bm::gap_bitset_sub_count(), and bm::gap_bitset_xor_count().

◆ bit_block_calc_count_to()

bm::id_t bm::bit_block_calc_count_to ( const bm::word_t block,
bm::word_t  right 

Function calculates number of 1 bits in the given array of words in the range between 0 anf right bits (borders included) Make sure the addr is aligned.

Definition at line 5442 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, BM_AVX2_BIT_COUNT, BM_AVX2_POPCNT_PROLOG, bm::mask_l_u32(), bm::word_bitcount(), and bm::word_bitcount64().

Referenced by bm::bvector< Alloc >::build_rs_index(), and bm::bvector< Alloc >::count_to_test().

◆ bit_block_convert_to_arr()

template<typename T >
unsigned bm::bit_block_convert_to_arr ( T *BMRESTRICT  dest,
const unsigned *BMRESTRICT  src,
bool  inverted 

Convert bit block into an array of ints corresponding to 1 bits.

destination size as a result of block decoding

Convert bit block into an array of ints corresponding to 1 bits

destination size as a result of block decoding

Definition at line 8749 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bmi_blsi_u64(), bm::bmi_bslr_u64(), BMRESTRICT, bm::gap_max_bits, and bm::word_bitcount64().

Referenced by bm::serializer< BV >::bienc_arr_bit_block(), bm::serializer< BV >::encode_bit_array(), bm::serializer< BV >::gamma_arr_bit_block(), and bm::serializer< BV >::interpolated_arr_bit_block().

◆ bit_block_copy()

void bm::bit_block_copy ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src 

◆ bit_block_copy_unalign()

void bm::bit_block_copy_unalign ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src 

Bitblock copy operation (unaligned src)

dst[out] - destination block.
src[in] - source block.

Definition at line 6761 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::set_block_size, and VECT_COPY_BLOCK_UNALIGN.

Referenced by bm::bit_import_u32().

◆ bit_block_count() [1/2]

bm::id_t bm::bit_block_count ( const bm::word_t block)

◆ bit_block_count() [2/2]

bm::id_t bm::bit_block_count ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT const  block,
bm::id64_t  digest 

Bitcount for bit block.

Function calculates number of 1 bits in the given array of words. uses digest to understand zero areas

Definition at line 5036 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bitcount64_4way(), BM_ASSERT, bm::bmi_blsi_u64(), bm::bmi_bslr_u64(), BMRESTRICT, bm::set_block_digest_wave_size, VECT_BIT_COUNT_DIGEST, bm::word_bitcount(), and bm::word_bitcount64().

◆ bit_block_erase()

void bm::bit_block_erase ( bm::word_t block,
unsigned  bitpos,
bool  carry_over 

erase bit from position and shift the rest right with carryover

block- bit-block pointer
bitpos- bit position to insert
carry_over- bit value to add to the end (0|1)

Definition at line 5800 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_block_shift_l1_unr(), BM_ASSERT, bm::mask_r_u32(), bm::set_block_mask, bm::set_block_size, bm::set_word_mask, and bm::set_word_shift.

Referenced by bm::bvector< Alloc >::erase().

◆ bit_block_find()

unsigned bm::bit_block_find ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  block,
unsigned  nbit,
unsigned *BMRESTRICT  pos 

Searches for the next 1 bit in the BIT block.

block- BIT buffer
nbit- bit index to start checking from
pos- [out] found value
0 if not found

Definition at line 8389 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_scan_forward32(), BM_ASSERT, bm::set_block_size, bm::set_word_mask, and bm::set_word_shift.

Referenced by bm::bvector< Alloc >::check_or_next(), and bm::serializer< BV >::serialize().

◆ bit_block_find_interval_end()

bool bm::bit_block_find_interval_end ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  block,
unsigned  nbit,
unsigned *BMRESTRICT  pos 

Searches for the last 1 bit in the 111 interval of a BIT block.

block- BIT buffer
nbit- bit index to start checking from
pos- [out] found value
false if not found

Definition at line 6143 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_scan_forward32(), BM_ASSERT, bm::gap_max_bits, bm::set_block_size, bm::set_word_mask, and bm::set_word_shift.

Referenced by bm::block_find_interval_end().

◆ bit_block_find_interval_start()

bool bm::bit_block_find_interval_start ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  block,
unsigned  nbit,
unsigned *BMRESTRICT  pos 

Searches for the first 1 bit in the 111 interval of a BIT block.

block- BIT buffer
nbit- bit index to start checking from
pos- [out] found value
false if not found

Definition at line 6239 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_scan_reverse32(), BM_ASSERT, bm::mask_l_u32(), bm::set_word_mask, and bm::set_word_shift.

Referenced by bm::block_find_interval_start().

◆ bit_block_find_prev()

bool bm::bit_block_find_prev ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  block,
unsigned  nbit,
unsigned *BMRESTRICT  pos 

Reverse search for the previous 1 bit.

block- BIT buffer
nbit- bit index to start checking from
pos- [out] found value
false if not found

Definition at line 6303 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_scan_reverse32(), BM_ASSERT, bm::mask_l_u32(), bm::set_word_mask, and bm::set_word_shift.

Referenced by bm::block_find_reverse().

◆ bit_block_gather_scatter() [1/2]

template<typename TRGW , typename IDX , typename SZ >
void bm::bit_block_gather_scatter ( TRGW *BMRESTRICT  arr,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  blk,
const IDX *BMRESTRICT  idx,
SZ  size,
SZ  start,
unsigned  bit_idx 

bit index to word gather-scatter algorithm

Definition at line 9398 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::set_block_mask, bm::set_word_mask, and bm::set_word_shift.

◆ bit_block_gather_scatter() [2/2]

void bm::bit_block_gather_scatter ( unsigned *BMRESTRICT  arr,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  blk,
const unsigned *BMRESTRICT  idx,
unsigned  size,
unsigned  start,
unsigned  bit_idx 

bit index to word gather-scatter algorithm (SIMD)

Definition at line 9364 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::avx2_bit_block_gather_scatter(), BM_ASSERT, and bm::sse4_bit_block_gather_scatter().

Referenced by bm::sparse_vector< Val, BV >::gather().

◆ bit_block_insert()

bm::word_t bm::bit_block_insert ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  block,
unsigned  bitpos,
bool  value 

insert bit into position and shift the rest right with carryover

block- bit-block pointer
bitpos- bit position to insert
value- bit value (0|1) to insert
carry over value

Definition at line 5551 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, bm::mask_r_u32(), bm::set_block_mask, bm::set_block_size, bm::set_word_mask, and bm::set_word_shift.

Referenced by bm::bvector< Alloc >::insert().

◆ bit_block_is_all_one_range()

bool bm::bit_block_is_all_one_range ( const bm::word_t *const BMRESTRICT  block,
bm::word_t  left,
bm::word_t  right 

Check if all bits are 1 in [left, right] range

Definition at line 5267 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, bm::gap_max_bits, bm::mask_l_u32(), bm::mask_r_u32(), bm::set_word_mask, and bm::set_word_shift.

Referenced by bm::block_is_all_one_range(), and bm::block_is_interval().

◆ bit_block_or()

bool bm::bit_block_or ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src 

◆ bit_block_or_2way()

bool bm::bit_block_or_2way ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2 

2 way (target := source1 | source2) bitblock OR operation.

dst- dest block [out]
src1- source 1
src2- source 2
1 if produced block of ALL ones

Definition at line 7712 of file bmfunc.h.

References BMRESTRICT, bm::set_block_size, and VECT_OR_BLOCK_2WAY.

Referenced by bm::bvector< Alloc >::combine_operation_block_or().

◆ bit_block_or_3way()

bool bm::bit_block_or_3way ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2 

3 way (target | source1 | source2) bitblock OR operation. Function does not analyse availability of source and destination blocks.

dst- sst-dest block [in,out]
src1- source 1
src2- source 2
1 if produced block of ALL ones

Definition at line 7792 of file bmfunc.h.

References BMRESTRICT, bm::set_block_size, and VECT_OR_BLOCK_3WAY.

Referenced by bm::aggregator< BV >::process_bit_blocks_or().

◆ bit_block_or_5way()

bool bm::bit_block_or_5way ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src3,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src4 

5 way (target, source1, source2) bitblock OR operation. Function does not analyse availability of source and destination blocks.

dst- destination block.
src1- source1, etc
src2- source1, etc
src3- source1, etc
src4- source1, etc
1 if produced block of ALL ones

Definition at line 7836 of file bmfunc.h.

References BMRESTRICT, bm::set_block_size, and VECT_OR_BLOCK_5WAY.

Referenced by bm::aggregator< BV >::process_bit_blocks_or().

◆ bit_block_or_any()

unsigned bm::bit_block_or_any ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2 

Function ORs two bitblocks and and tests for any bit. Function does not analyse availability of source blocks.

src1- first bit block.
src2- second bit block.

Definition at line 7385 of file bmfunc.h.

References BMRESTRICT, and bm::set_block_size.

Referenced by bm::bit_operation_or_any().

◆ bit_block_or_count()

unsigned bm::bit_block_or_count ( const bm::word_t src1,
const bm::word_t src2 

Function ORs two bitblocks and computes the bitcount. Function does not analyse availability of source blocks.

src1- first bit block
src2- second bit block.

Definition at line 7338 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bitcount64_4way(), bm::set_block_size, VECT_BITCOUNT_OR, and bm::word_bitcount().

Referenced by bm::bit_operation_or_count().

◆ bit_block_rotate_left_1()

void bm::bit_block_rotate_left_1 ( bm::word_t block)

Cyclic rotation of bit-block left by 1 bit

Definition at line 5499 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::set_block_size.

◆ bit_block_rotate_left_1_unr()

void bm::bit_block_rotate_left_1_unr ( bm::word_t block)

Unrolled cyclic rotation of bit-block left by 1 bit.

block- bit-block pointer

Definition at line 5515 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::set_block_size.

◆ bit_block_set()

void bm::bit_block_set ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
bm::word_t  value 

Bitblock memset operation.

dst- destination block.
value- value to set.

Definition at line 4422 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::set_block_size, and VECT_SET_BLOCK.

Referenced by bm::bvector< Alloc >::combine_operation_block_xor(), bm::aggregator< BV >::combine_shift_right_and(), bm::deserializer< BV, DEC >::decode_arrbit(), bm::deserializer< BV, DEC >::decode_bit_block(), bm::deserializer< BV, DEC >::decode_block_bit_interval(), bm::gap_convert_to_bitset(), bm::serial_stream_iterator< DEC, BLOCK_IDX >::get_arr_bit(), bm::serial_stream_iterator< DEC, BLOCK_IDX >::get_bit_block_AND(), bm::serial_stream_iterator< DEC, BLOCK_IDX >::get_bit_block_ASSIGN(), bm::serial_stream_iterator< DEC, BLOCK_IDX >::get_bit_block_COUNT(), bm::serial_stream_iterator< DEC, BLOCK_IDX >::get_bit_block_COUNT_AND(), bm::serial_stream_iterator< DEC, BLOCK_IDX >::get_bit_block_COUNT_OR(), bm::serial_stream_iterator< DEC, BLOCK_IDX >::get_bit_block_COUNT_SUB_AB(), bm::serial_stream_iterator< DEC, BLOCK_IDX >::get_bit_block_COUNT_SUB_BA(), bm::serial_stream_iterator< DEC, BLOCK_IDX >::get_bit_block_COUNT_XOR(), bm::serial_stream_iterator< DEC, BLOCK_IDX >::get_bit_block_SUB(), bm::serial_stream_iterator< DEC, BLOCK_IDX >::get_bit_block_XOR(), bm::serial_stream_iterator< DEC, BLOCK_IDX >::get_inv_arr(), bm::aggregator< BV >::process_bit_blocks_or(), bm::aggregator< BV >::process_shift_right_and(), bm::deseriaizer_base< DEC, BLOCK_IDX >::read_0runs_block(), bm::deseriaizer_base< DEC, BLOCK_IDX >::read_bic_arr_inv(), and bm::gap_transpose_engine< GT, BT, BLOCK_SIZE >::transpose().

◆ bit_block_shift_l1()

bool bm::bit_block_shift_l1 ( bm::word_t block,
bm::word_t empty_acc,
bm::word_t  co_flag 

Left bit-shift bitblock by 1 bit (reference)

block- bit-block pointer
empty_acc- [out] contains 0 if block is empty
co_flag- carry over from the prev/next block
carry over bit (1 or 0)

Definition at line 5702 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, and bm::set_block_size.

◆ bit_block_shift_l1_unr()

bool bm::bit_block_shift_l1_unr ( bm::word_t block,
bm::word_t empty_acc,
bm::word_t  co_flag 

Left bit-shift of bit-block by 1 bit (loop unrolled)

block- bit-block pointer
empty_acc- [out] contains 0 if block is empty
co_flag- carry over from the prev/next block
carry over bit (1 or 0)

Definition at line 5777 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_block_shift_l1_unr_min(), BM_ASSERT, and VECT_SHIFT_L1.

Referenced by bm::bit_block_erase(), and bm::bvector< Alloc >::erase().

◆ bit_block_shift_l1_unr_min()

bool bm::bit_block_shift_l1_unr_min ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  block,
bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  empty_acc,
unsigned  co_flag 

Left bit-shift bitblock by 1 bit (minimum unroll)

block- bit-block pointer
empty_acc- [out] contains 0 if block is empty
co_flag- carry over from the prev/next block
carry over bit (1 or 0)

Definition at line 5733 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::set_block_size.

Referenced by bm::bit_block_shift_l1_unr().

◆ bit_block_shift_r1()

bool bm::bit_block_shift_r1 ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  block,
bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  empty_acc,
bm::word_t  co_flag 

Right bit-shift bitblock by 1 bit (reference)

block- bit-block pointer
empty_acc- [out] contains 0 if block is empty
co_flag- carry over from the previous block
carry over bit (1 or 0)

Definition at line 5600 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, and bm::set_block_size.

Referenced by bm::bit_block_shift_r1_unr_min().

◆ bit_block_shift_r1_and()

bool bm::bit_block_shift_r1_and ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  block,
bm::word_t  co_flag,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  mask_block,
bm::id64_t *BMRESTRICT  digest 

Right bit-shift of bit-block by 1 bit (reference) + AND.

block- bit-block pointer
co_flag- carry over from the previous block
mask_block- mask bit-block pointer
digest- block digest
carry over bit (1 or 0)

Definition at line 5856 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, bm::set_block_digest_wave_size, bm::set_block_size, and bm::word_bitcount64().

Referenced by bm::bit_block_shift_r1_and_unr().

◆ bit_block_shift_r1_and_unr()

bool bm::bit_block_shift_r1_and_unr ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  block,
bm::word_t  co_flag,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  mask_block,
bm::id64_t *BMRESTRICT  digest 

Right bit-shift bitblock by 1 bit (reference) + AND.

block- bit-block pointer
co_flag- carry over from the previous block
mask_block- mask bit-block pointer
digest- block digest
carry over bit (1 or 0)

Definition at line 5928 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_block_shift_r1_and(), BM_ASSERT, and VECT_SHIFT_R1_AND.

Referenced by bm::aggregator< BV >::process_shift_right_and().

◆ bit_block_shift_r1_unr()

bool bm::bit_block_shift_r1_unr ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  block,
bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  empty_acc,
bm::word_t  co_flag 

Right bit-shift of bit-block by 1 bit (loop unrolled)

block- bit-block pointer
empty_acc- [out] contains 0 if block is empty
co_flag- carry over from the previous block
carry over bit (1 or 0)

Definition at line 5677 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_block_shift_r1_unr_min(), BM_ASSERT, and VECT_SHIFT_R1.

Referenced by bm::bvector< Alloc >::insert().

◆ bit_block_shift_r1_unr_min()

bool bm::bit_block_shift_r1_unr_min ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  block,
bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  empty_acc,
bm::id64_t  co_flag 

Right bit-shift bitblock by 1 bit (minimum unroll)

block- bit-block pointer
empty_acc- [out] contains 0 if block is empty
co_flag- carry over from the previous block
carry over bit (1 or 0)

Definition at line 5631 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_block_shift_r1(), BMRESTRICT, and bm::set_block_size.

Referenced by bm::bit_block_shift_r1_unr().

◆ bit_block_stream()

void bm::bit_block_stream ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src 

Bitblock copy/stream operation.

dst- destination block.
src- source block.

Definition at line 6782 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::set_block_size, and VECT_STREAM_BLOCK.

◆ bit_block_stream_unalign()

void bm::bit_block_stream_unalign ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src 

Bitblock copy/stream operation (unaligned src)

dst[out] - destination block.
src[in] - source block (unaligned address)

Definition at line 6800 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::set_block_size, and VECT_STREAM_BLOCK_UNALIGN.

◆ bit_block_sub() [1/2]

bm::id64_t bm::bit_block_sub ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src 

Plain bitblock SUB (AND NOT) operation. Function does not analyse availability of source and destination blocks.

dst- destination block.
src- source block.
0 if SUB operation did not produce anything (no 1s in the output)

Definition at line 7945 of file bmfunc.h.

References BMRESTRICT, bm::set_block_size, and VECT_SUB_BLOCK.

Referenced by bm::bit_operation_sub(), bm::bvector< Alloc >::combine_operation_block_sub(), bm::serial_stream_iterator< DEC, BLOCK_IDX >::get_bit_block_SUB(), and bm::aggregator< BV >::process_bit_blocks_sub().

◆ bit_block_sub() [2/2]

bm::id64_t bm::bit_block_sub ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src,
bm::id64_t  digest 

digest based bitblock SUB (AND NOT) operation

dst- destination block.
src- source block.
digest- known digest of dst block
new digest

Definition at line 7981 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, bm::bmi_blsi_u64(), bm::bmi_bslr_u64(), BMRESTRICT, bm::set_block_digest_wave_size, VECT_SUB_DIGEST, and bm::word_bitcount64().

◆ bit_block_sub_2way()

bm::id64_t bm::bit_block_sub_2way ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2,
bm::id64_t  digest 

digest based bitblock SUB (AND NOT) operation (3 operand)

dst- destination block.
src1- source block 1
src2- source block 2
digest- known digest of dst block
new digest

Definition at line 8041 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, bm::bmi_blsi_u64(), bm::bmi_bslr_u64(), BMRESTRICT, bm::set_block_digest_wave_size, VECT_SUB_DIGEST_2WAY, and bm::word_bitcount64().

Referenced by bm::bvector< Alloc >::combine_operation_block_sub().

◆ bit_block_sub_any()

unsigned bm::bit_block_sub_any ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2 

Function SUBs two bitblocks and and tests for any bit. Function does not analyse availability of source blocks.

src1- first bit block.
src2- second bit block.

Definition at line 7310 of file bmfunc.h.

References BMRESTRICT, and bm::set_block_size.

Referenced by bm::bit_operation_sub_any().

◆ bit_block_sub_count()

unsigned bm::bit_block_sub_count ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2 

Function SUBs two bitblocks and computes the bitcount. Function does not analyse availability of source blocks.

src1- first bit block.
src2- second bit block.

Definition at line 7264 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bitcount64_4way(), BMRESTRICT, bm::set_block_size, VECT_BITCOUNT_SUB, and bm::word_bitcount().

Referenced by bm::bit_operation_sub_count().

◆ bit_block_xor()

bm::id64_t bm::bit_block_xor ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src 

◆ bit_block_xor_2way()

bm::id64_t bm::bit_block_xor_2way ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2 

2 way (target := source1 ^ source2) bitblock XOR operation.

dst- dest block [out]
src1- source 1
src2- source 2
OR accumulator

Definition at line 7751 of file bmfunc.h.

References BMRESTRICT, bm::set_block_size, and VECT_XOR_BLOCK_2WAY.

Referenced by bm::bvector< Alloc >::combine_operation_block_xor().

◆ bit_block_xor_any()

unsigned bm::bit_block_xor_any ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2 

Function XORs two bitblocks and and tests for any bit. Function does not analyse availability of source blocks.

src1- first bit block.
src2- second bit block.

Definition at line 7238 of file bmfunc.h.

References BMRESTRICT, and bm::set_block_size.

Referenced by bm::bit_operation_xor_any().

◆ bit_block_xor_change32()

void bm::bit_block_xor_change32 ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  block,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  xor_block,
unsigned  size,
unsigned *BMRESTRICT  gc,
unsigned *BMRESTRICT  bc 

Function (32-bit) calculates basic complexity statistics on XOR product of two blocks (b1 XOR b2)

Definition at line 96 of file bmxor.h.

References BM_ASSERT, and bm::word_bitcount().

Referenced by bm::bit_block_xor_change().

◆ bit_block_xor_change64()

void bm::bit_block_xor_change64 ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  s_block,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  ref_block,
unsigned  size,
unsigned *BMRESTRICT  gc,
unsigned *BMRESTRICT  bc 

Function (64-bit) calculates basic complexity statistics on XOR product of two blocks (b1 XOR b2)

Definition at line 151 of file bmxor.h.

References BM_ASSERT, BMRESTRICT, and bm::word_bitcount64().

Referenced by bm::bit_block_xor_change().

◆ bit_block_xor_count()

unsigned bm::bit_block_xor_count ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2 

Function XORs two bitblocks and computes the bitcount. Function does not analyse availability of source blocks.

src1- first bit block
src2- second bit block

Definition at line 7190 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bitcount64_4way(), BMRESTRICT, bm::set_block_size, VECT_BITCOUNT_XOR, and bm::word_bitcount().

Referenced by bm::bit_operation_xor_count().

◆ bit_count_change()

bm::id_t bm::bit_count_change ( bm::word_t  w)

Function calculates number of times when bit value changed (1-0 or 0-1).

For 001 result is 2 010 - 3 011 - 2 111 - 1

Definition at line 5111 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::word_bitcount().

◆ bit_count_min_unroll()

BMFORCEINLINE unsigned bm::bit_count_min_unroll ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  block,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  block_end 

Bitcount for bit block without agressive unrolling.

Definition at line 4962 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bitcount64_4way(), BM_ASSERT, BMRESTRICT, and bm::word_bitcount().

Referenced by bm::bit_block_count(), and bm::compute_s_block_descr().

◆ bit_count_nonzero_size()

template<class T >
unsigned bm::bit_count_nonzero_size ( const T *  blk,
unsigned  data_size 

Inspects block for full zero words.

blk- bit block pointer
data_size- data size
size of all non-zero words

Definition at line 8333 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT.

Referenced by bm::serializer< BV >::find_bit_best_encoding(), and bm::serializer< BV >::find_bit_best_encoding_l5().

◆ bit_find_first() [1/2]

unsigned bm::bit_find_first ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  block,
unsigned *BMRESTRICT  first,
bm::id64_t  digest 

BIT block find the first set bit.

block- bit block buffer pointer
first- index of the first 1 bit (out)
digest- known digest of dst block
0 if not found

Definition at line 8509 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_scan_forward32(), BM_ASSERT, bm::bmi_blsi_u64(), bm::set_block_digest_wave_size, bm::set_block_size, and bm::word_bitcount64().

◆ bit_find_first() [2/2]

bool bm::bit_find_first ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  block,
unsigned *BMRESTRICT  pos 

BIT block find the first set bit.

block- bit block buffer pointer
pos- index of the first 1 bit (out)
0 if not found

Definition at line 8474 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_scan_forward32(), BM_ASSERT, bm::set_block_size, and VECT_BIT_FIND_FIRST.

Referenced by bm::block_find_first_diff(), bm::bvector< Alloc >::check_or_next(), bm::bvector< Alloc >::find(), and bm::aggregator< BV >::find_first_and_sub().

◆ bit_find_first_diff()

bool bm::bit_find_first_diff ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  blk1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  blk2,
unsigned *BMRESTRICT  pos 

Find first bit which is different between two bit-blocks.

blk1- block 1
blk2- block 2
pos- out - position of difference (undefined if blocks are equal)
true if difference was found

Definition at line 4691 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_scan_forward32(), BM_ASSERT, BMRESTRICT, bm::count_trailing_zeros_u64(), bm::set_block_size, and VECT_BIT_FIND_DIFF.

Referenced by bm::block_find_first_diff().

◆ bit_find_first_if_1()

bool bm::bit_find_first_if_1 ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  block,
unsigned *BMRESTRICT  first,
bm::id64_t  digest 

BIT block find the first set bit if only 1 bit is set.

block- bit block buffer pointer
first- index of the first 1 bit (out)
digest- known digest of dst block
0 if not found

Definition at line 8547 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_scan_forward32(), BM_ASSERT, bm::bmi_blsi_u64(), bm::set_block_digest_wave_size, bm::word_bitcount(), and bm::word_bitcount64().

Referenced by bm::aggregator< BV >::process_bit_blocks_and(), bm::aggregator< BV >::process_bit_blocks_sub(), bm::aggregator< BV >::process_gap_blocks_and(), and bm::aggregator< BV >::process_gap_blocks_sub().

◆ bit_find_last()

unsigned bm::bit_find_last ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  block,
unsigned *BMRESTRICT  last 

BIT block find the last set bit (backward search)

block- bit block buffer pointer
last- index of the last 1 bit (out)
true if found

Definition at line 8440 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_scan_reverse(), BM_ASSERT, and bm::set_block_size.

Referenced by bm::bvector< Alloc >::find_reverse().

◆ bit_find_rank()

template<typename SIZE_TYPE >
SIZE_TYPE bm::bit_find_rank ( const bm::word_t *const  block,
SIZE_TYPE  rank,
unsigned  nbit_from,
unsigned &  nbit_pos 

BIT block find position for the rank.

block- bit block buffer pointer
rank- rank to find (must be > 0)
nbit_from- start bit position in block
nbit_pos- (out)found position
0 if position with rank was found, or the remaining rank (rank - population count)

Definition at line 8601 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, bm::set_block_size, bm::set_word_mask, bm::set_word_shift, bm::word_bitcount(), bm::word_bitcount64(), bm::word_select32(), and bm::word_select64().

Referenced by bm::block_find_rank().

◆ bit_for_each()

template<typename T , typename F >
void bm::bit_for_each ( w,
F &  func 

Templated algorithm to unpacks word into list of ON bit indexes.

w- value
func- bit functor

Definition at line 351 of file bmfunc.h.

Referenced by bm::bit_list().

◆ bit_for_each_4()

template<typename T , typename F >
void bm::bit_for_each_4 ( w,
F &  func 

Templated algorithm to unpacks octet based word into list of ON bit indexes.

w- value
func- bit functor

Definition at line 281 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT.

Referenced by bm::bit_list_4().

◆ bit_iblock_make_pcv()

template<typename T , unsigned BPC, unsigned BPS>
void bm::bit_iblock_make_pcv ( const unsigned  distance[BPC][BPC],
unsigned char *  pc_vector 

!< ibpc limiter

Make a compression descriptor vector for bit-planes

distance- pairwise distance matrix
pc_vector- OUT compression descriptor vector
    pc_vector[] format:
        each element (pc_vector[i]) describes the plane compression:
            first 3 bits - compression code:
                0 - plane uncompressed
                1 - plane is ALL ZERO (000000...)
                2 - plane is ALL ONE  (111111...)
                3 - plane is equal to another plane J (5 high bits (max 31))
                4 - plane is close (but not equal) to plane J
            next 5 bits - number of plane used as a XOR expression
             ( compression codes: 3,4 )

Definition at line 379 of file bmtrans.h.

References BM_ASSERT, bm::ibpc_all_one, bm::ibpc_all_zero, bm::ibpc_close, bm::ibpc_equiv, and bm::ibpc_uncompr.

Referenced by bm::gap_transpose_engine< GT, BT, BLOCK_SIZE >::compute_distance_matrix().

◆ bit_invert()

template<typename T >
void bm::bit_invert ( T *  start)

◆ bit_is_all_zero()

bool bm::bit_is_all_zero ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  start)

◆ bit_list()

template<typename T , typename B >
unsigned bm::bit_list ( w,
B *  bits 

Unpacks word into list of ON bit indexes.

w- value
bits- pointer on the result array
number of bits in the list

Definition at line 587 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_for_each(), and bm::copy_to_array_functor< B >::ptr().

Referenced by bm::str_sparse_vector< CharType, BV, STR_SIZE >::import_char_slice().

◆ bit_list_4()

template<typename T , typename B >
unsigned bm::bit_list_4 ( w,
B *  bits 

Unpacks word into list of ON bit indexes (quad-bit based)

w- value
bits- pointer on the result array
number of bits in the list

Definition at line 605 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_for_each_4(), and bm::copy_to_array_functor< B >::ptr().

◆ bit_operation_and()

bm::word_t* bm::bit_operation_and ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src 

bitblock AND operation.

dst- destination block.
src- source block.
pointer on destination block. If returned value equal to src means that block mutation requested. NULL is valid return value.

Definition at line 7418 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_block_and(), BM_ASSERT, IS_EMPTY_BLOCK, IS_FULL_BLOCK, and IS_VALID_ADDR.

Referenced by bm::bvector< Alloc >::combine_operation_with_block().

◆ bit_operation_and_any()

bm::id_t bm::bit_operation_and_any ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2 

Performs bitblock AND operation test.

src1- first bit block.
src2- second bit block.
non zero if there is any value

Definition at line 7490 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_block_and_any(), FULL_BLOCK_FAKE_ADDR, FULL_BLOCK_REAL_ADDR, and IS_EMPTY_BLOCK.

Referenced by bm::combine_any_operation_with_block().

◆ bit_operation_and_count()

bm::id_t bm::bit_operation_and_count ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2 

Performs bitblock AND operation and calculates bitcount of the result.

src1- first bit block.
src2- second bit block.
bitcount value

Definition at line 7466 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_block_and_count(), FULL_BLOCK_FAKE_ADDR, FULL_BLOCK_REAL_ADDR, and IS_EMPTY_BLOCK.

Referenced by bm::combine_count_and_operation_with_block(), and bm::serial_stream_iterator< DEC, BLOCK_IDX >::get_bit_block_COUNT_AND().

◆ bit_operation_or()

bm::word_t* bm::bit_operation_or ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src 

Block OR operation. Makes analysis if block is 0 or FULL.

dst- destination block.
src- source block.
pointer on destination block. If returned value equal to src means that block mutation requested. NULL is valid return value.

Definition at line 7885 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_block_or(), BM_ASSERT, FULL_BLOCK_FAKE_ADDR, IS_FULL_BLOCK, IS_VALID_ADDR, and bm::set_block_size.

Referenced by bm::bvector< Alloc >::combine_operation_with_block().

◆ bit_operation_or_any()

bm::id_t bm::bit_operation_or_any ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2 

Performs bitblock OR operation test.

src1- first bit block.
src2- second bit block.
non zero value if there are any bits

Definition at line 7642 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_block_or_any(), bm::bit_is_all_zero(), FULL_BLOCK_FAKE_ADDR, FULL_BLOCK_REAL_ADDR, and IS_EMPTY_BLOCK.

Referenced by bm::combine_any_operation_with_block().

◆ bit_operation_or_count()

bm::id_t bm::bit_operation_or_count ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2 

Performs bitblock OR operation and calculates bitcount of the result.

src1- first bit block.
src2- second bit block.
bitcount value

Definition at line 7605 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_block_count(), bm::bit_block_or_count(), FULL_BLOCK_FAKE_ADDR, FULL_BLOCK_REAL_ADDR, bm::gap_max_bits, IS_EMPTY_BLOCK, and IS_FULL_BLOCK.

Referenced by bm::serial_stream_iterator< DEC, BLOCK_IDX >::get_bit_block_COUNT_OR().

◆ bit_operation_sub()

bm::word_t* bm::bit_operation_sub ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src 

bitblock SUB operation.

dst- destination block.
src- source block.
pointer on destination block. If returned value equal to src means that block mutation requested. NULL is valid return value.

Definition at line 8108 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_block_sub(), BM_ASSERT, IS_FULL_BLOCK, and IS_VALID_ADDR.

Referenced by bm::bvector< Alloc >::combine_operation_block_sub(), and bm::bvector< Alloc >::combine_operation_with_block().

◆ bit_operation_sub_any()

bm::id_t bm::bit_operation_sub_any ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2 

Performs bitblock test of SUB operation.

src1- first bit block.
src2- second bit block
non zero value if there are any bits

Definition at line 7570 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_block_sub_any(), bm::bit_is_all_zero(), FULL_BLOCK_FAKE_ADDR, FULL_BLOCK_REAL_ADDR, IS_EMPTY_BLOCK, and IS_FULL_BLOCK.

Referenced by bm::combine_any_operation_with_block().

◆ bit_operation_sub_count()

bm::id_t bm::bit_operation_sub_count ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2 

◆ bit_operation_sub_count_inv()

bm::id_t bm::bit_operation_sub_count_inv ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2 

Performs inverted bitblock SUB operation and calculates bitcount of the result.

src1- first bit block.
src2- second bit block
bitcount value

Definition at line 7552 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_operation_sub_count().

◆ bit_operation_xor()

bm::word_t* bm::bit_operation_xor ( bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  dst,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src 

bitblock XOR operation.

dst- destination block.
src- source block.
pointer on destination block. If returned value equal to src means that block mutation requested. NULL is valid return value.

Definition at line 8237 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_block_xor(), BM_ASSERT, and IS_VALID_ADDR.

Referenced by bm::bvector< Alloc >::combine_operation_with_block().

◆ bit_operation_xor_any()

bm::id_t bm::bit_operation_xor_any ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2 

Performs bitblock XOR operation test.

src1- bit block start ptr
src2- second bit block ptr
non zero value if there are bits

Definition at line 8307 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_block_xor_any(), bm::bit_is_all_zero(), and IS_EMPTY_BLOCK.

Referenced by bm::combine_any_operation_with_block().

◆ bit_operation_xor_count()

bm::id_t bm::bit_operation_xor_count ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src1,
const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  src2 

Performs bitblock XOR operation and calculates bitcount of the result.

src1- bit block start ptr
src2- second bit block
bitcount value

Definition at line 8275 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bit_block_count(), bm::bit_block_xor_count(), FULL_BLOCK_FAKE_ADDR, FULL_BLOCK_REAL_ADDR, bm::gap_max_bits, IS_EMPTY_BLOCK, and IS_FULL_BLOCK.

Referenced by bm::serial_stream_iterator< DEC, BLOCK_IDX >::get_bit_block_COUNT_XOR().

◆ bit_scan_reverse()

template<class T >
unsigned bm::bit_scan_reverse ( value)

◆ bitcmp()

template<typename T >
int bm::bitcmp ( const T *  buf1,
const T *  buf2,
unsigned  len 

Lexicographical comparison of BIT buffers.

buf1- First buffer pointer.
buf2- Second buffer pointer.
len- Buffer length in elements (T).
<0 - less, =0 - equal, >0 - greater.

Definition at line 4666 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT.

Referenced by bm::bvector< Alloc >::compare().

◆ bitcount64_4way()

unsigned bm::bitcount64_4way ( bm::id64_t  x,
bm::id64_t  y,
bm::id64_t  u,
bm::id64_t  v 

◆ bitscan()

template<typename V , typename B >
unsigned short bm::bitscan ( w,
B *  bits 

◆ bitscan_bsf()

template<typename B >
unsigned short bm::bitscan_bsf ( unsigned  w,
B *  bits 

Unpacks word into list of ON bits (BSF/__builtin_ctz)

w- value
bits- pointer on the result array
number of bits in the list

Definition at line 689 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::count_trailing_zeros_u32().

Referenced by bm::bitscan(), and bm::bitscan_wave().

◆ bitscan_bsf64()

template<typename B >
unsigned short bm::bitscan_bsf64 ( bm::id64_t  w,
B *  bits 

Unpacks word into list of ON bits (BSF/__builtin_ctz)

w- value
bits- pointer on the result array
number of bits in the list

Definition at line 722 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::count_trailing_zeros_u64().

Referenced by bm::bitscan().

◆ bitscan_popcnt() [1/2]

template<typename B >
unsigned short bm::bitscan_popcnt ( bm::id_t  w,
B *  bits 

Unpacks word into list of ON bit indexes using popcnt method.

w- value
bits- pointer on the result array
number of bits in the list

Definition at line 646 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::word_bitcount().

◆ bitscan_popcnt() [2/2]

template<typename B >
unsigned short bm::bitscan_popcnt ( bm::id_t  w,
B *  bits,
unsigned short  offs 

Unpacks word into list of ON bit indexes using popcnt method.

w- value
bits- pointer on the result array
offs- value to add to bit position (programmed shift)
number of bits in the list

Definition at line 624 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::word_bitcount().

Referenced by bm::bitscan(), and bm::bitscan_wave().

◆ bitscan_popcnt64() [1/2]

template<typename B >
unsigned short bm::bitscan_popcnt64 ( bm::id64_t  w,
B *  bits 

Unpacks 64-bit word into list of ON bit indexes using popcnt method.

w- value
bits- pointer on the result array
number of bits in the list

Definition at line 667 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bmi_blsi_u64(), bm::bmi_bslr_u64(), and bm::word_bitcount64().

Referenced by bm::bitscan(), and bm::bitscan_wave().

◆ bitscan_popcnt64() [2/2]

template<typename B >
unsigned short bm::bitscan_popcnt64 ( bm::id64_t  w,
B *  bits,
unsigned short  offs 

Unpacks 64-bit word into list of ON bit indexes using popcnt method.

w- value
bits- pointer on the result array
offs- value to add to bit position (programmed shift)
number of bits in the list

Definition at line 744 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bmi_blsi_u64(), bm::bmi_bslr_u64(), and bm::word_bitcount64().

◆ bitscan_wave()

unsigned short bm::bitscan_wave ( const bm::word_t *BMRESTRICT  w_ptr,
unsigned char *BMRESTRICT  bits 

Unpacks word wave (Nx 32-bit words)

w_ptr- pointer on wave start
bits- pointer on the result array
number of bits in the list

Definition at line 9320 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::bitscan_bsf(), bm::bitscan_popcnt(), and bm::bitscan_popcnt64().

Referenced by bm::for_each_bit_blk(), and bm::bvector< Alloc >::enumerator::go_to().

◆ block_compact_by_digest()

void bm::block_compact_by_digest ( bm::word_t t_block,
const bm::word_t block,
bm::id64_t  digest,
bool  zero_tail 

Compact sub-blocks by digest (rank compaction)

t_block- target block
block- src bit block
digest- digest to use for copy
zero_tail- flag to zero the tail memory

Definition at line 1183 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::block_waves, bm::bmi_blsi_u64(), bm::bmi_bslr_u64(), bm::set_block_digest_wave_size, and bm::word_bitcount64().

◆ block_expand_by_digest()

void bm::block_expand_by_digest ( bm::word_t t_block,
const bm::word_t block,
bm::id64_t  digest,
bool  zero_subs 

expand sub-blocks by digest (rank expansion)

t_block- target block
block- src bit block
digest- digest to use for copy
zero_subs- flag to zero the non-digest sub waves

Definition at line 1250 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::block_waves, and bm::set_block_digest_wave_size.

◆ block_init_digest0()

void bm::block_init_digest0 ( bm::word_t *const  block,
bm::id64_t  digest 

Init block with 000111000 pattren based on digest.

block- Bit block [out]
digest- digest (used for block initialization)

Definition at line 1062 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::set_block_digest_wave_size, and VECT_BLOCK_SET_DIGEST.

Referenced by bm::aggregator< BV >::process_bit_blocks_and().

◆ calc_block_digest0()

bm::id64_t bm::calc_block_digest0 ( const bm::word_t *const  block)

◆ check_zero_digest()

bool bm::check_zero_digest ( bm::id64_t  digest,
unsigned  bitpos_from,
unsigned  bitpos_to 

check if all digest bits for the range [] are 0

digest- current digest
bitpos_from- range from (in bit-block coordinates)
bitpos_to- range to (in bit-block coordinates)
true if all range is zero

Definition at line 1046 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::digest_mask().

Referenced by bm::gap_and_to_bitset(), and bm::gap_sub_to_bitset().

◆ clear_bit()

BMFORCEINLINE void bm::clear_bit ( unsigned *  dest,
unsigned  bitpos 

◆ count_leading_zeros()

BMFORCEINLINE unsigned bm::count_leading_zeros ( unsigned  x)

Portable LZCNT with (uses minimal LUT)

Definition at line 173 of file bmutil.h.

Referenced by bm::count_leading_zeros_u32().

◆ count_trailing_zeros()

BMFORCEINLINE unsigned bm::count_trailing_zeros ( unsigned  v)

Portable TZCNT with (uses 37-LUT)

Definition at line 189 of file bmutil.h.

◆ digest_mask()

BMFORCEINLINE bm::id64_t bm::digest_mask ( unsigned  from,
unsigned  to 

Compute digest mask for [] positions.

from- range from (in bit-block coordinates)
to- range to (in bit-block coordinates)

Definition at line 1017 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, bm::gap_max_bits, and bm::set_block_digest_pos_shift.

Referenced by bm::check_zero_digest(), and bm::aggregator< BV >::process_bit_blocks_and().

◆ for_each_bit_blk() [1/2]

template<typename Func , typename SIZE_TYPE >
int bm::for_each_bit_blk ( const bm::word_t block,
SIZE_TYPE  offset,
Func &  bit_functor 

for-each visitor, calls a visitor functor for each 1 bit group

block- bit block buffer pointer
offset- global block offset (number of bits)
bit_functor- functor must support .add_bits(offset, bits_ptr, size)
- functor return code (< 0 - interrupt the processing)

Definition at line 1597 of file bmalgo_impl.h.

References bm::bitscan_wave(), BM_ASSERT, bm::gap_max_bits, IS_FULL_BLOCK, bm::set_bitscan_wave_size, and bm::set_block_size.

Referenced by bm::aggregator< BV >::combine_and_sub(), bm::for_each_bit_block_range(), and bm::for_each_bit_range_no_check().

◆ for_each_bit_blk() [2/2]

template<typename Func , typename SIZE_TYPE >
int bm::for_each_bit_blk ( const bm::word_t block,
SIZE_TYPE  offset,
unsigned  left,
unsigned  right,
Func &  bit_functor 

for-each range visitor, calls a visitor functor for each 1 bit group

block- bit block buffer pointer
offset- global block offset (number of bits)
left- bit addredd in block from []
right- bit addredd in block to []
bit_functor- functor must support .add_bits(offset, bits_ptr, size)
- functor return code (< 0 - interrupt the processing)

Definition at line 1637 of file bmalgo_impl.h.

References bm::bits_in_block, bm::bitscan(), bm::bitscan_wave(), BM_ASSERT, IS_FULL_BLOCK, bm::mask_l_u32(), bm::mask_r_u32(), bm::set_bitscan_wave_size, bm::set_word_mask, and bm::set_word_shift.

◆ is_bits_one()

bool bm::is_bits_one ( const bm::wordop_t start)

◆ or_bit_block()

void bm::or_bit_block ( unsigned *  dest,
unsigned  bitpos,
unsigned  bitcount 

Sets bits to 1 in the bitblock.

dest- Bitset buffer.
bitpos- Offset of the start bit.
bitcount- number of bits to set.

Definition at line 3748 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::set_word_mask, and bm::set_word_shift.

Referenced by bm::gap_add_to_bitset().

◆ set_bit()

BMFORCEINLINE void bm::set_bit ( unsigned *  dest,
unsigned  bitpos 

◆ sub_bit_block()

void bm::sub_bit_block ( unsigned *  dest,
unsigned  bitpos,
unsigned  bitcount 

SUB (AND NOT) bit interval to 1 in the bitblock.

dest- Bitset buffer.
bitpos- Offset of the start bit.
bitcount- number of bits to set.

Definition at line 3795 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::set_word_mask, and bm::set_word_shift.

Referenced by bm::gap_and_to_bitset(), and bm::gap_sub_to_bitset().

◆ test_bit()

BMFORCEINLINE unsigned bm::test_bit ( const unsigned *  block,
unsigned  bitpos 

Test 1 bit in a block.

Definition at line 3730 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::set_block_mask, bm::set_word_mask, and bm::set_word_shift.

◆ tmatrix_distance()

template<typename T , unsigned BPC, unsigned BPS>
void bm::tmatrix_distance ( const T  tmatrix[BPC][BPS],
unsigned  distance[BPC][BPC] 

Compute pairwise Row x Row Humming distances on planes(rows) of the transposed bit block.

tmatrix- bit-block transposition matrix (bit-planes)
distance- pairwise NxN Humming distance matrix (diagonal is popcnt)

Definition at line 315 of file bmtrans.h.

References bm::bit_block_count(), and bm::word_bitcount().

Referenced by bm::gap_transpose_engine< GT, BT, BLOCK_SIZE >::compute_distance_matrix().

◆ update_block_digest0()

bm::id64_t bm::update_block_digest0 ( const bm::word_t *const  block,
bm::id64_t  digest 

Compute digest for 64 non-zero areas based on existing digest (function revalidates zero areas)

block- bit block
digest- start digest
digest bit-mask (0 means all block is empty)

Definition at line 1134 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, bm::bmi_blsi_u64(), bm::bmi_bslr_u64(), BMRESTRICT, bm::calc_block_digest0(), bm::set_block_digest_wave_size, VECT_IS_DIGEST_ZERO, and bm::word_bitcount64().

Referenced by bm::bvector< Alloc >::combine_operation_block_and(), bm::aggregator< BV >::process_gap_blocks_and(), bm::aggregator< BV >::process_gap_blocks_sub(), and bm::aggregator< BV >::process_shift_right_and().

◆ widx_to_digest_mask()

BMFORCEINLINE bm::id64_t bm::widx_to_digest_mask ( unsigned  w_idx)

Compute digest mask for word address in block.

digest bit-mask

Definition at line 989 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::set_block_digest_wave_size.

◆ word_bitcount()

BMFORCEINLINE bm::id_t bm::word_bitcount ( bm::id_t  w)

◆ word_bitcount64()

BMFORCEINLINE unsigned bm::word_bitcount64 ( bm::id64_t  x)

◆ word_select32()

unsigned bm::word_select32 ( unsigned  w,
unsigned  rank 

word find index of the rank-th bit set by bit-testing

w- 32-bit work to search
rank- rank to select (should be > 0)
selected value (inxed of bit set)

Definition at line 957 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::word_select32_bitscan_popcnt(), and bm::word_select32_bitscan_tz().

Referenced by bm::bit_find_rank().

◆ word_select32_bitscan_popcnt()

unsigned bm::word_select32_bitscan_popcnt ( unsigned  w,
unsigned  rank 

word find index of the rank-th bit set by bit-testing

w- 32-bit work to search
rank- rank to select (should be > 0)
selected value (inxed of bit set)

Definition at line 875 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, and bm::word_bitcount().

Referenced by bm::word_select32().

◆ word_select32_bitscan_tz()

unsigned bm::word_select32_bitscan_tz ( unsigned  w,
unsigned  rank 

word find index of the rank-th bit set by bit-testing

w- 32-bit work to search
rank- rank to select (should be > 0)
selected value (inxed of bit set)

Definition at line 904 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, bm::count_trailing_zeros_u32(), and bm::word_bitcount().

Referenced by bm::word_select32().

◆ word_select64()

unsigned bm::word_select64 ( bm::id64_t  w,
unsigned  rank 

word find index of the rank-th bit set by bit-testing

w- 64-bit work to search
rank- rank to select (should be > 0)
selected value (inxed of bit set)

Definition at line 930 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::word_select64_bitscan_popcnt(), and bm::word_select64_bitscan_tz().

Referenced by bm::bit_find_rank().

◆ word_select64_bitscan_popcnt()

unsigned bm::word_select64_bitscan_popcnt ( bm::id64_t  w,
unsigned  rank 

word find index of the rank-th bit set by bit-testing

w- 64-bit work to search
rank- rank to select (should be > 0)
selected value (inxed of bit set)

Definition at line 817 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, and bm::word_bitcount64().

Referenced by bm::word_select64().

◆ word_select64_bitscan_tz()

unsigned bm::word_select64_bitscan_tz ( bm::id64_t  w,
unsigned  rank 

word find index of the rank-th bit set by bit-testing

w- 64-bit work to search
rank- rank to select (should be > 0)
selected value (inxed of bit set)

Definition at line 846 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT, bm::count_trailing_zeros_u64(), and bm::word_bitcount64().

Referenced by bm::word_select64().

◆ word_select64_linear()

unsigned bm::word_select64_linear ( bm::id64_t  w,
unsigned  rank 

word find index of the rank-th bit set by bit-testing

w- 64-bit work to search
rank- rank to select (should be > 0)
selected value (inxed of bit set)

Definition at line 791 of file bmfunc.h.

References BM_ASSERT.

◆ wordcmp()

template<typename T >
int bm::wordcmp ( a,

Lexicographical comparison of two words as bit strings. Auxiliary implementation for testing and reference purposes.

a- First word.
b- Second word.
<0 - less, =0 - equal, >0 - greater.

Definition at line 1504 of file bmfunc.h.

◆ wordcmp0()

template<typename T >
int bm::wordcmp0 ( w1,

Lexicographical comparison of two words as bit strings (reference) Auxiliary implementation for testing and reference purposes.

w1- First word.
w2- Second word.
<0 - less, =0 - equal, >0 - greater.

Definition at line 1475 of file bmfunc.h.

◆ xor_bit_block()

void bm::xor_bit_block ( unsigned *  dest,
unsigned  bitpos,
unsigned  bitcount 

XOR bit interval to 1 in the bitblock.

dest- Bitset buffer.
bitpos- Offset of the start bit.
bitcount- number of bits to set.

Definition at line 3842 of file bmfunc.h.

References bm::mask_l_u32(), bm::mask_r_u32(), bm::set_block_mask, bm::set_word_mask, and bm::set_word_shift.

Referenced by bm::gap_xor_to_bitset().