
Then it computes variants of density histograms of using presense/absense (NOT NULL bit-vector) and bm::bvector<>::count_range() function.

See also
Copyright(c) 2020 Anatoliy Kuznetsov(anatoliy_kuznetsov at
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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/** \example xsample09.cpp
Then it computes variants of density histograms of using
presense/absense (NOT NULL bit-vector) and bm::bvector<>::count_range()
@sa bm::bvector
@sa bm::bvector::find_reverse
@sa bm::bvector::find
@sa bm::rank_range_split
@sa bm::sparse_vector
@sa bm::rsc_sparse_vector
@sa bm::rsc_sparse_vector::get_back_inserter
/*! \file xsample09.cpp
\brief Example: Use succinct vectors for histogram construction
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
#include "bm.h"
#include "bmtimer.h"
#include "bmsparsevec.h"
#include "bmdbg.h"
#include "bmundef.h" /* clear the pre-proc defines from BM */
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Global parameters and types
// ----------------------------------------------------
const unsigned test_size = 250000000; // number of events (ints) to generate
const unsigned sampling_interval = 2500; // size of the histogram sampling
typedef std::vector<std::pair<bv_size_type, bv_size_type> > bv_ranges_vector;
// timing storage for benchmarking
/// Generate a test RSC vector with a randomly distributed values
/// imitating distribution density of genome variations
/// it adds a huge area of empty in the middle to simulate chr centromere
void generate_test_data(rsc_sparse_vector_u32& csv, unsigned size)
unsigned cnt = 0;
// part one: dense
auto bit = csv.get_back_inserter(); // fastest way to add the data
for (unsigned i = 0; i < size/3; )
bit = cnt++;
unsigned nc = (unsigned)(rand() % 16);
} // for
// part two: empty + dense again
auto bit = csv.get_back_inserter(); // fastest way to add the data
bit.add_null(size/3); // add huge emty space in the middle
for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; )
bit = cnt++;
unsigned nc = (unsigned)(rand() % 16);
} // for
csv.optimize(tb); // memory compression
csv.sync(); // construct the Rank-Select access index
/// generate list of random indexes (locations) to read histogram values
void generate_access_samples(std::vector<bvector_type::size_type> &sample_vec,
unsigned size)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < size; )
unsigned sample = (unsigned)(rand() % 256); // random
i += sample;
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 g(rd());
// even more random (unordered)
std::shuffle(sample_vec.begin(), sample_vec.end(), g);
/// Compute histogram as a SV vector using fixed sampling interval
assert(sampling_size < csv.size());
sparse_vector_u32::size_type to = sampling_size-1;
// get NOT NULL vector
auto bit = hist_sv.get_back_inserter();
auto sz = csv.size();
auto cnt = bv_null->count_range(from, to); // closed interval []
bit = cnt;
from += sampling_size;
to = from + sampling_size - 1;
} while (from < sz);
hist_sv.optimize(tb); // memory compaction
/// Compute histogram as a RSC vector using fixed sampling interval.
/// Histogram values are stored as "true" interval start coordinates and
/// it is a more flexible scheme if we eventually decide to use adaptive
/// sampling (variable step).
assert(sampling_size < csv.size());
// important! bm::use_null if vector is later converted to RSC
rsc_sparse_vector_u32::size_type to = sampling_size-1;
auto sz = csv.size();
auto cnt = bv_null->count_range(from, to); // closed interval []
hist_sv.set(from, cnt); // assign historgam value at the interval start
from += sampling_size;
to = from + sampling_size - 1;
} while (from < sz);
/// Adaptive histogram identifies number of not NULL elements (events)
/// and varies the size of the histogram bin trying to make sure all
/// bins (but last) are the same weight
const bvector_type* bv_null = csv.get_null_bvector();
bv_size_type split_rank = sampling_size;
bv_ranges_vector pair_vect;
bm::rank_range_split(*bv_null, split_rank, pair_vect);
size_t sz = pair_vect.size();
for (size_t k = 0; k < sz; ++k)
const auto& p = pair_vect[k]; // [] sampling rank interval
hist_rsc.push_back(p.first, 0); // split_rank);
} // for
/// Some test to confirm correctness
const sparse_vector_u32& hist_sv,
auto en = bv_null->get_enumerator(0);
for (;en.valid(); ++en)
auto idx = *en;
rsc_sparse_vector_u32::size_type sv_idx = (idx / sampling_size);
auto v1 = hist_rsc[idx];
auto v2 = hist_sv[sv_idx];
if (v1 != v2)
cerr << "Discrepancy at:" << idx << endl;
} // for
/// Access benchmark 1
/// uses regular bit-transposed sparse vector to read
/// histogram values in random order. It relies on fixed inetrval sampling.
unsigned long long access_bench1(const sparse_vector_u32& hist_sv,
const std::vector<bvector_type::size_type>& sample_vec,
unsigned sampling_size)
unsigned long long sum = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sample_vec.size(); ++i)
auto idx = sample_vec[i];
idx = idx / sampling_size; // interval is calculated by division
auto v = hist_sv[idx];
sum += v;
return sum;
/// Access benchmark 2
/// Uses Rank-Select bit-transposed vector to read histogram values
/// Sampling interval can be non-fixed (variadic, adaptive sampling).
/// Method finds the interval start and value using RSC container not NULL vector
unsigned long long access_bench2(const rsc_sparse_vector_u32& hist_rsc,
const std::vector<bvector_type::size_type>& sample_vec)
const bvector_type* bv_null = hist_rsc.get_null_bvector();
unsigned long long sum = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sample_vec.size(); ++i)
auto idx = sample_vec[i];
// search back into container not NULL bit-vector to find sampling
// interval start position
bool found = bv_null->find_reverse(idx, pos);
assert(found); (void)found;
auto v = hist_rsc[pos];
sum += v;
return sum;
void access_bench3(const rsc_sparse_vector_u32& hist_rsc,
const std::vector<bvector_type::size_type>& sample_vec,
const rsc_sparse_vector_u32& rsc_data)
// find the last element in the data-set
const bvector_type* bv_null = rsc_data.get_null_bvector();
bool found = bv_null->find_reverse(last);
assert(found); (void)found;
const bvector_type* bv_null = hist_rsc.get_null_bvector();
for (size_t i = 0; i < sample_vec.size(); ++i)
auto idx = sample_vec[i];
// search back into container not NULL bit-vector to find sampling
// interval start position
bvector_type::size_type pos_start, pos_end;
bool found = bv_null->find_reverse(idx, pos_start);
found = bv_null->find(idx+1, pos_end);
if (!found)
pos_end = last;
// please note that we don't need number of events here
// (as it is always the same) we need the interval [start......end]
// (end - start) / sampling_rank defines the average density
int main(void)
bv_size_type data_set_size = 0;
unsigned hist1_avg = 0;
std::vector<bvector_type::size_type> svec;
const bvector_type* bv_null = rsc_test.get_null_bvector();
data_set_size = bv_null->count(); // number of elements in the data set
cout << "Data set size: " << rsc_test.size() << endl;
cout << "Number of elements/events in the data set: " << data_set_size << endl;
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "01. Histogram 1 construction (SV)) ", 1, &timing_map);
// explore some statistics on SV histogram 1
sparse_vector_u32::statistics st;
cout << "Histogram 1 (SV)" << endl;
cout << " size: " << hist1.size() << endl;
cout << " RAM size: " << st.memory_used << endl;
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "05. Serialize and save the histogram 1 (SV)", 1, &timing_map);
size_t serialized_size = 0;
int res = bm::file_save_svector(hist1, "", &serialized_size, true);
if (res!=0)
cerr << "Failed to save!" << endl;
cout << " file size: " << serialized_size << endl;
// calculate sum and average value in historgam 1
unsigned h1_sum = 0;
auto it = hist1.begin();
auto it_end = hist1.end();
for (; it != it_end; ++it)
h1_sum += *it;
assert (h1_sum == data_set_size);
hist1_avg = h1_sum / hist1.size();
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "02. Histogram 2 construction (RSC) ", 1, &timing_map);
rsc_sparse_vector_u32::statistics st;
cout << "Histogram 2 (RSC)" << endl;
cout << " size: " << hist2.size() << endl;
cout << " NOT NULL count: " << hist2.get_null_bvector()->count() << endl;
cout << " RAM size: " << st.memory_used << endl;
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "06. Serialize and save histogram 2(RSC)", 1, &timing_map);
size_t serialized_size = 0;
int res = bm::file_save_svector(hist2, "", &serialized_size, true);
if (res!=0)
cerr << "Failed to save!" << endl;
cout << " file size: " << serialized_size << endl;
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "03. Histogram 3 (adaptive) construction (RSC) ", 1, &timing_map);
compute_adaptive_rsc_histogram(hist3, rsc_test, hist1_avg);
rsc_sparse_vector_u32::statistics st;
cout << "Histogram 3 adaptive (RSC)" << endl;
cout << " size: " << hist3.size() << endl;
cout << " NOT NULL count: " << hist3.get_null_bvector()->count() << endl;
cout << " RAM size: " << st.memory_used << endl;
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "07. Serialize and save the adaptive histogram 3 (RSC)", 1, &timing_map);
size_t serialized_size = 0;
int res = bm::file_save_svector(hist3, "", &serialized_size, true);
if (res!=0)
cerr << "Failed to save!" << endl;
cout << " file size: " << serialized_size << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Access sample size = " << svec.size() << endl;
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "04. Verification", 1, &timing_map);
unsigned long long sum1(0), sum2(0);
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "08. Random access test H1 (SV)", 1, &timing_map);
sum1 = access_bench1(hist1, svec, sampling_interval);
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "09. Random access test H2 (RSC)", 1, &timing_map);
sum2 = access_bench2(hist2, svec);
if (sum1 != sum2) // paranoiya check
cerr << "Control sum discrepancy!" << endl;
return 1;
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "10. Random access test H3 adaptive (RSC)", 1, &timing_map);
access_bench3(hist3, svec, rsc_test);
cout << endl;
catch(std::exception& ex)
std::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
Compressed bit-vector bvector<> container, set algebraic methods, traversal iterators.
Definition: bm.h:47
Sparse constainer sparse_vector<> for integer types using bit-transposition transform.
Compressed sparse container rsc_sparse_vector<> for integer types.
Timing utilities for benchmarking (internal)
pre-processor un-defines to avoid global space pollution (internal)
Bitvector Bit-vector container with runtime compression of bits.
Definition: bm.h:115
bool find(size_type &pos) const BMNOEXCEPT
Finds index of first 1 bit.
Definition: bm.h:4855
size_type count() const BMNOEXCEPT
population count (count of ON bits)
Definition: bm.h:2366
bvector_size_type size_type
Definition: bm.h:121
bool find_reverse(size_type &pos) const BMNOEXCEPT
Finds last index of 1 bit.
Definition: bm.h:4673
Utility class to collect performance measurements and statistics.
Definition: bmtimer.h:41
std::map< std::string, statistics > duration_map_type
test name to duration map
Definition: bmtimer.h:66
static void print_duration_map(TOut &tout, const duration_map_type &dmap, format fmt=ct_time)
Definition: bmtimer.h:150
void load_from(const sparse_vector_type &sv_src)
Load compressed vector from a sparse vector (with NULLs)
void push_back(size_type idx, value_type v)
set specified element with bounds checking and automatic resize
back_insert_iterator get_back_inserter()
void optimize(bm::word_t *temp_block=0, typename bvector_type::optmode opt_mode=bvector_type::opt_compress, statistics *stat=0)
run memory optimization for all vector slices
void sync(bool force)
Re-calculate rank-select index for faster access to vector.
void calc_stat(struct rsc_sparse_vector< Val, SV >::statistics *st) const BMNOEXCEPT
Calculates memory statistics.
const bvector_type * get_null_bvector() const BMNOEXCEPT
Get bit-vector of assigned values (or NULL)
size_type size() const BMNOEXCEPT
return size of the vector
succinct sparse vector with runtime compression using bit-slicing / transposition method
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:87
size_type size() const BMNOEXCEPT
return size of the vector
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:711
void set(size_type idx, value_type v)
set specified element with bounds checking and automatic resize
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:1804
const_iterator end() const BMNOEXCEPT
Provide const iterator access to the end
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:559
back_insert_iterator get_back_inserter()
Provide back insert iterator Back insert iterator implements buffered insertion, which is faster,...
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:572
void calc_stat(struct sparse_vector< Val, BV >::statistics *st) const BMNOEXCEPT
Calculates memory statistics.
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:2078
const_iterator begin() const BMNOEXCEPT
Provide const iterator access to container content
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:2256
void optimize(bm::word_t *temp_block=0, typename bvector_type::optmode opt_mode=bvector_type::opt_compress, typename sparse_vector< Val, BV >::statistics *stat=0)
run memory optimization for all vector planes
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:2094
@ use_null
support "non-assigned" or "NULL" logic
Definition: bmconst.h:229
void rank_range_split(const BV &bv, typename BV::size_type rank, PairVect &target_v)
Algorithm to identify bit-vector ranges (splits) for the rank.
Definition: bmalgo.h:394
bm::bvector ::size_type bv_size_type
Definition: sample24.cpp:54
std::vector< std::pair< bv_size_type, bv_size_type > > bv_ranges_vector
Definition: sample24.cpp:55
const unsigned test_size
Definition: xsample09.cpp:63
bvector_type::size_type bv_size_type
Definition: xsample09.cpp:67
static void verify_histograms(const rsc_sparse_vector_u32 &hist_rsc, const sparse_vector_u32 &hist_sv, sparse_vector_u32::size_type sampling_size)
Some test to confirm correctness.
Definition: xsample09.cpp:246
static void compute_adaptive_rsc_histogram(rsc_sparse_vector_u32 &hist_rsc, const rsc_sparse_vector_u32 &csv, sparse_vector_u32::size_type sampling_size)
Adaptive histogram identifies number of not NULL elements (events) and varies the size of the histogr...
Definition: xsample09.cpp:220
bm::bvector bvector_type
Definition: xsample09.cpp:66
const unsigned sampling_interval
Definition: xsample09.cpp:64
static void compute_rsc_historgam(rsc_sparse_vector_u32 &hist_rsc, const rsc_sparse_vector_u32 &csv, sparse_vector_u32::size_type sampling_size)
Compute histogram as a RSC vector using fixed sampling interval.
Definition: xsample09.cpp:180
std::vector< std::pair< bv_size_type, bv_size_type > > bv_ranges_vector
Definition: xsample09.cpp:71
bm::sparse_vector< unsigned, bvector_type > sparse_vector_u32
Definition: xsample09.cpp:68
int main(void)
Definition: xsample09.cpp:357
bm::chrono_taker ::duration_map_type timing_map
Definition: xsample09.cpp:76
static void compute_historgam(sparse_vector_u32 &hist_sv, const rsc_sparse_vector_u32 &csv, sparse_vector_u32::size_type sampling_size)
Compute histogram as a SV vector using fixed sampling interval.
Definition: xsample09.cpp:143
static void access_bench3(const rsc_sparse_vector_u32 &hist_rsc, const std::vector< bvector_type::size_type > &sample_vec, const rsc_sparse_vector_u32 &rsc_data)
Definition: xsample09.cpp:319
static unsigned long long access_bench1(const sparse_vector_u32 &hist_sv, const std::vector< bvector_type::size_type > &sample_vec, unsigned sampling_size)
Access benchmark 1.
Definition: xsample09.cpp:273
static void generate_test_data(rsc_sparse_vector_u32 &csv, unsigned size)
Generate a test RSC vector with a randomly distributed values imitating distribution density of genom...
Definition: xsample09.cpp:83
static void generate_access_samples(std::vector< bvector_type::size_type > &sample_vec, unsigned size)
generate list of random indexes (locations) to read histogram values
Definition: xsample09.cpp:124
static unsigned long long access_bench2(const rsc_sparse_vector_u32 &hist_rsc, const std::vector< bvector_type::size_type > &sample_vec)
Access benchmark 2.
Definition: xsample09.cpp:294
bm::rsc_sparse_vector< unsigned, sparse_vector_u32 > rsc_sparse_vector_u32
Definition: xsample09.cpp:69