
Example on intervals and how to use it for layout calculation.As a use case this example uses genomics visualization for features mapped into genomic coordinates.

It is also illustartes vector model using coordinate ranges or feature vectors. Various properties of the initial model acn be dropped (sliced) to improve memory efficiency, better storage or network transfer.

This example does NOT do serialization of models (which is possible) for the clarity of the sample code.

See also
Algorithms for bit intervals
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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/** \example xsample08.cpp
Example on intervals and how to use it for layout calculation.
As a use case this example uses genomics visualization for
features mapped into genomic coordinates.
It is also illustartes vector model using coordinate ranges
or feature vectors. Various properties of the initial model acn be
dropped (sliced) to improve memory efficiency, better storage
or network transfer.
This example does NOT do serialization of models (which is possible)
for the clarity of the sample code.
\sa bm::bvector::set_range
\sa bm::bvector::any_range
\sa bm::bvector::copy_range
\sa bm::interval_enumerator
\sa bm::rsc_sparse_vector
\sa bm::rsc_sparse_vector::copy_range
\sa bm::find_interval_start
\sa bm::find_interval_end
\sa sample22.cpp
\sa sample23.cpp
\sa bvintervals
/*! \file sample23.cpp
\brief Example: interval_enumerator<> - interator class for intervals
#include <iostream>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <cassert>
#include "bm.h"
#include "bmintervals.h"
#include "bmundef.h" /* clear the pre-proc defines from BM */
using namespace std;
typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<bm::bvector<> > > layout_vector_type;
typedef std::vector<std::unique_ptr<rsc_vector_u8> > starnds_vector_type;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
/// Data frame object, sued to buid succinct data model
struct data_model
/// Optimize memory layoput, build index for faster read access
void optimize();
void add_layout(size_t plane, bm::bvector<>* bv);
void add_strand(size_t plane, rsc_vector_u8* strand);
layout_vector_type layout_v; ///< layout vector
starnds_vector_type strand_v; ///< strand planes vector
BM_DECLARE_TEMP_BLOCK(tb); // explicit temp for faster optimization
for (size_t i = 0; i < layout_v.size(); ++i)
auto bv = layout_v[i].get();
if (bv)
bv->optimize(tb); // memory optimization
} // for i
for (size_t i = 0; i < strand_v.size(); ++i)
auto strand_plane = strand_v[i].get();
if (strand_plane)
strand_plane->sync(); // build rank-select idx (faster read access)
} // for i
void data_model::add_layout(size_t plane, bm::bvector<>* bv)
unique_ptr<bm::bvector<> > ap(bv);
if (layout_v.size() == plane) // push back requested
while (layout_v.size() < plane) // this is crude resize() but it would do
layout_v.emplace_back(new bm::bvector<>(bm::BM_GAP));
layout_v[plane] = std::move(ap);
void data_model::add_strand(size_t plane, rsc_vector_u8* strand)
unique_ptr<rsc_vector_u8 > ap(strand);
if (strand_v.size() == plane) // push back requested
while (strand_v.size() < plane) // this is crude resize() but it would do
strand_v.emplace_back(new rsc_vector_u8());
strand_v[plane] = std::move(ap);
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
void set_feature_strand(data_model& dm, size_t plane,
unsigned char strand)
if (!strand)
while (dm.strand_v.size() <= plane) // add planes
std::unique_ptr<rsc_vector_u8> p2(new rsc_vector_u8());
rsc_vector_u8* strand_plane = dm.strand_v[plane].get();
if (!strand_plane)
strand_plane = new rsc_vector_u8();
dm.strand_v[plane] = unique_ptr<rsc_vector_u8 >(strand_plane);
strand_plane->set(pos, strand);
/// Register new object in the data model: [start..end] + strand
unsigned start, unsigned end,
unsigned char strand)
assert(start <= end);
bm::bvector<>* bv; // layout plane vector
for (size_t i = 0; i < dm.layout_v.size(); ++i)
bv = dm.layout_v[i].get();
if (!bv)
dm.layout_v[i] = unique_ptr<bm::bvector<> >(bv);
// bv just created (empty) no need to do range check
bv->set_range(start, end);
set_feature_strand(dm, i, start, strand);
if (!bv->any_range(start, end)) // check if layout space is not used
bv->set_range(start, end); // add [start..end] coordinates
// set strand at the start of feature
set_feature_strand(dm, i, start, strand);
} // for i
// not found, make new plane
dm.layout_v.emplace_back(std::unique_ptr<bm::bvector<> >(bv));
bv->set_range(start, end);
set_feature_strand(dm, dm.layout_v.size()-1, start, strand);
/// Data model splicer
void splice_model(data_model& dm_target, const data_model& dm,
bool copy_strands)
const bm::bvector<>* bv; // layout
const rsc_vector_u8* strand_plane;
size_t t_plane = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dm.layout_v.size(); ++i)
bv = dm.layout_v[i].get();
if (bv)
bool found = bm::find_interval_start(*bv, start, start_pos);
if (!found)
start_pos = start;
found = bm::find_interval_end(*bv, end, end_pos);
if (!found)
end_pos = end;
unique_ptr<bm::bvector<>> bv_ptr(new bm::bvector<>(bm::BM_GAP));
bv_ptr->copy_range(*bv, start_pos, end_pos);
if (bv_ptr->any()) // copy range may have ended as empty
dm_target.add_layout(t_plane, bv_ptr.release());
// slice the strands plane (if requested)
if (copy_strands)
if (i < dm.strand_v.size())
strand_plane = dm.strand_v[i].get();
if (strand_plane)
unique_ptr<rsc_vector_u8> strand_ptr(new rsc_vector_u8());
strand_ptr->copy_range(*strand_plane, start_pos, end_pos);
dm_target.add_strand(t_plane, strand_ptr.release());
} // if any()
} // if bv
} // for i
/// This is ASCII art "renderer" for the data model.
/// illustrates how to manipulate succinct data model to create graphics
void print_model(const data_model& dm)
const bm::bvector<>* bv; // layout
const rsc_vector_u8* strand_plane;
// Sequence on top is for purely decorative purposes
cout <<
<< endl <<
<< endl <<
<< endl;
for (size_t i = 0; i < dm.layout_v.size(); ++i)
bv = dm.layout_v[i].get();
if (bv)
strand_plane = i < dm.strand_v.size() ? dm.strand_v[i].get() : nullptr;
if (ien.valid())
auto st = ien.start(); auto end = ien.end();
char ch_strand = '?';
if (strand_plane)
auto strand = strand_plane->get(st);
switch (strand)
case 0: ch_strand = '>'; break; // positive
case 1: ch_strand = '<'; break; // negative
default: break; // unknown strand
for (; spaces < st; ++spaces)
cout << " ";
for (bool first = true; st <= end; ++st, first = false)
if (st == end)
cout << ch_strand;
cout << (first ? ch_strand : '.');
} // for
spaces = end+1;
} while (ien.advance());
cout << endl;
} // for
enum Strand { positive=0, negative=1, unknown=2 };
int main(void)
// build the data model using succinct vectors
add_object(dm, 0, 0, negative);
add_object(dm, 5, 10, positive);
add_object(dm, 4, 70, negative);
add_object(dm, 15, 20, negative);
add_object(dm, 20, 30, positive);
add_object(dm, 16, 21, unknown);
dm.optimize(); // run compression and build access index
// View the model using toy ASCII art renderer
// create a model splice for [5..10] range
// plus drop strand property (renderer will assume unknown)
data_model dm_splice;
splice_model(dm_splice, dm, 5, 10, false);
cout << endl;
// create a model splice for [5..10] range
// now WITH strand property
data_model dm_splice;
splice_model(dm_splice, dm, 5, 10, true);
cout << endl;
catch(std::exception& ex)
std::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
Compressed bit-vector bvector<> container, set algebraic methods, traversal iterators.
Definition: bm.h:47
Algorithms for bit ranges and intervals.
Compressed sparse container rsc_sparse_vector<> for integer types.
pre-processor un-defines to avoid global space pollution (internal)
Bitvector Bit-vector container with runtime compression of bits.
Definition: bm.h:115
bool any_range(size_type left, size_type right) const BMNOEXCEPT
Returns true if any bits in the range are 1s (non-empty interval) Function uses closed interval [left...
Definition: bm.h:3387
bvector_size_type size_type
Definition: bm.h:121
enumerator end() const
Returns enumerator pointing on the next bit after the last.
Definition: bm.h:1855
bvector< Alloc > & set_range(size_type left, size_type right, bool value=true)
Sets all bits in the specified closed interval [left,right] Interval must be inside the bvector's siz...
Definition: bm.h:2333
forward iterator class to traverse bit-vector as ranges
Definition: bmintervals.h:53
Rank-Select compressed sparse vector.
void set(size_type idx, value_type v)
set specified element with bounds checking and automatic resize
value_type get(size_type idx) const BMNOEXCEPT
get specified element without bounds checking
bool is_null(size_type idx) const BMNOEXCEPT
test if specified element is NULL
succinct sparse vector with runtime compression using bit-slicing / transposition method
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:87
GAP compression is ON.
Definition: bmconst.h:147
bool find_interval_end(const BV &bv, typename BV::size_type from, typename BV::size_type &pos) BMNOEXCEPT
Reverse find index of first 1 bit gap (01110) starting from position Reverse scan for the first 1 in ...
Definition: bmintervals.h:438
bool find_interval_start(const BV &bv, typename BV::size_type from, typename BV::size_type &pos) BMNOEXCEPT
Reverse find index of first 1 bit gap (01110) starting from position Reverse scan for the first 1 in ...
Definition: bmintervals.h:315
Data frame object, sued to buid succinct data model.
Definition: xsample08.cpp:78
void optimize()
Optimize memory layoput, build index for faster read access.
Definition: xsample08.cpp:90
void add_strand(size_t plane, rsc_vector_u8 *strand)
Definition: xsample08.cpp:125
void add_layout(size_t plane, bm::bvector<> *bv)
Definition: xsample08.cpp:110
layout_vector_type layout_v
layout vector
Definition: xsample08.cpp:86
starnds_vector_type strand_v
strand planes vector
Definition: xsample08.cpp:87
bm::sparse_vector< unsigned char, bm::bvector<> > sparse_vector_u8
Definition: xsample08.cpp:67
bm::interval_enumerator< bm::bvector<> > interval_enumerator_type
Definition: xsample08.cpp:64
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< rsc_vector_u8 > > starnds_vector_type
Definition: xsample08.cpp:69
bm::rsc_sparse_vector< unsigned char, sparse_vector_u8 > rsc_vector_u8
Definition: xsample08.cpp:68
Definition: xsample08.cpp:324
@ unknown
Definition: xsample08.cpp:324
@ negative
Definition: xsample08.cpp:324
@ positive
Definition: xsample08.cpp:324
static void add_object(data_model &dm, unsigned start, unsigned end, unsigned char strand)
Register new object in the data model: [start..end] + strand.
Definition: xsample08.cpp:169
static void set_feature_strand(data_model &dm, size_t plane, bm::bvector<>::size_type pos, unsigned char strand)
Definition: xsample08.cpp:144
int main(void)
Definition: xsample08.cpp:328
static void splice_model(data_model &dm_target, const data_model &dm, bm::bvector<>::size_type start, bm::bvector<>::size_type end, bool copy_strands)
Data model splicer.
Definition: xsample08.cpp:211
static void print_model(const data_model &dm)
This is ASCII art "renderer" for the data model.
Definition: xsample08.cpp:269
std::vector< std::unique_ptr< bm::bvector<> > > layout_vector_type
Definition: xsample08.cpp:65