
Use of bvector<> for k-mer fingerprint K should be short, no minimizers are used here (the approach can be used to create a scheme with minimizers).This example:

See also
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/** \example xsample07.cpp
Use of bvector<> for k-mer fingerprint K should be short,
no minimizers are used here (the approach can be used to create a
scheme with minimizers).
This example:
- loads a FASTA file (single DNA molecule is expected)
- generates K-mers for the specified K
builds a fingerprint bit-vector (presence-absence vector)
- runs k-mer counting (fastest method uses sort based algorithm)
builds a k-mer frequency compressed sparse vector (TF-vector)
- shows how to use TF vector to pick top N% of most frequent k-mers
and exclude them (as over-represented)
\sa bm::sparse_vector
\sa bm::rsc_sparse_vector
\sa bm::rank_range_split
\sa bm::rsc_sparse_vector<>::merge_not_null
/*! \file xsample07.cpp
\brief Example: Use of bvector<> for k-mer fingerprint
K should be short, no minimizers here
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include <future>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <atomic>
#include "bm64.h" // use 48-bit vectors
#include "bmalgo.h"
#include "bmserial.h"
#include "bmaggregator.h"
#include "bmundef.h" /* clear the pre-proc defines from BM */
// BitMagic utilities for debug and timings
#include "bmdbg.h"
#include "bmtimer.h"
#include "dna_finger.h"
using namespace std;
// Arguments
std::string ifa_name;
std::string ikd_name;
std::string ikd_counts_name;
std::string kh_name;
std::string ikd_rep_name;
std::string ikd_freq_name;
bool is_diag = false;
bool is_timing = false;
bool is_bench = false;
unsigned ik_size = 8;
unsigned parallel_jobs = 4;
unsigned f_percent = 5; // percent of k-mers we try to clear as over-represented
#include "cmd_args.h"
// Global types
typedef std::vector<char> vector_char_type;
typedef std::map<unsigned, unsigned> histogram_map_u32;
// Global vars
std::atomic_ullong k_mer_progress_count(0);
/// really simple FASTA parser (one entry per file)
int load_FASTA(const std::string& fname, vector_char_type& seq_vect)
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "1. Parse FASTA", 1, &timing_map);
std::ifstream fin(fname.c_str(), std::ios::in);
if (!fin.good())
return -1;
std::string line;
for (unsigned i = 0; std::getline(fin, line); ++i)
if (line.empty() ||
line.front() == '>')
for (std::string::iterator it = line.begin(); it != line.end(); ++it)
} // for
return 0;
bool get_DNA_code(char bp, bm::id64_t& dna_code)
switch (bp)
case 'A':
dna_code = 0; // 00
case 'T':
dna_code = 1; // 01
case 'G':
dna_code = 2; // 10
case 'C':
dna_code = 3; // 11
default: // ambiguity codes are ignored (for simplicity)
return false;
return true;
/// Calculate k-mer as an unsigned long integer
/// @return true - if k-mer is "true" (not 'NNNNNN')
bool get_kmer_code(const char* dna,
size_t pos, unsigned k_size,
bm::id64_t& k_mer)
// generate k-mer
bm::id64_t k_acc = 0;
unsigned shift = 0;
dna += pos;
for (size_t i = 0; i < k_size; ++i)
char bp = dna[i];
bm::id64_t dna_code;
bool valid = get_DNA_code(bp, dna_code);
if (!valid)
return false;
k_acc |= (dna_code << shift); // accumulate new code within 64-bit accum
shift += 2; // each DNA base pair needs 2-bits to store
} // for i
k_mer = k_acc;
return true;
/// Translate integer code to DNA letter
char int2DNA(unsigned code)
static char lut[] = { 'A', 'T', 'G', 'C', 'N', '$' };
if (code < 5)
return lut[code];
return 'N';
/// Translate k-mer code into ATGC DNA string
/// @param dna - target string
/// @param k_mer - k-mer code
/// @param k_size -
void translate_kmer(std::string& dna, bm::id64_t kmer_code, unsigned k_size)
for (size_t i = 0; i < k_size; ++i)
unsigned dna_code = unsigned(kmer_code & 3);
char bp = int2DNA(dna_code);
dna[i] = bp;
kmer_code >>= 2;
} // for i
/// QA function to validate if reverse k-mer decode gives the same string
void validate_k_mer(const char* dna,
size_t pos, unsigned k_size,
bm::id64_t k_mer)
for (size_t i = 0; i < k_size; ++i)
char bp = dna[pos+i];
unsigned dna_code = unsigned(k_mer & 3ull);
char bp_c = int2DNA(dna_code);
if (bp != bp_c)
if (bp == 'N' && bp_c != 'A')
cerr << bp << " " << bp_c << endl;
cerr << "Error! N code mismatch at pos = " << pos+i
<< endl;
k_mer >>= 2;
} // for i
if (k_mer)
cerr << "Error! non-zero k-mer remainder at " << pos << endl;
/// Auxiliary function to do sort+unique on a vactor of ints
/// removes duplicate elements
template<typename VECT>
void sort_unique(VECT& vect)
std::sort(vect.begin(), vect.end());
auto last = std::unique(vect.begin(), vect.end());
vect.erase(last, vect.end());
/// Auxiliary function to do sort+unique on a vactor of ints and save results
/// in a counts vector
template<typename VECT, typename COUNT_VECT>
void sort_count(VECT& vect, COUNT_VECT& cvect)
if (!vect.size())
std::sort(vect.begin(), vect.end());
typename VECT::value_type prev = vect[0];
typename COUNT_VECT::value_type cnt = 1;
auto vsize = vect.size();
size_t i = 1;
for (; i < vsize; ++i)
auto v = vect[i];
if (v == prev)
cvect.inc_not_null(prev, cnt);
prev = v; cnt = 1;
} // for i
cvect.inc_not_null(prev, cnt);
This function turns each k-mer into an integer number and encodes it
in a bit-vector (presense vector)
The natural limitation here is that integer has to be less tha 48-bits
(limitations of bm::bvector<>)
This method build a presense k-mer fingerprint vector which can be
used for Jaccard distance comparison.
@param bv - [out] - target bit-vector
@param seq_vect - [out] DNA sequence vector
@param k-size - dimention for k-mer generation
template<typename BV>
const vector_char_type& seq_vect,
unsigned k_size,
bool check)
const bm::id64_t chunk_size = 400000000;
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "2. Generate k-mers", 1, &timing_map);
bv.init(); // need to explicitly init to use bvector<>::set_bit_no_check()
if (seq_vect.empty())
const char* dna_str = &seq_vect[0];
std::vector<bm::id64_t> k_buf;
bm::id64_t k_mer_code;
vector_char_type::size_type dna_sz = seq_vect.size()-(k_size-1);
vector_char_type::size_type pos = 0;
bool valid = false;
for (; pos < dna_sz; ++pos)
valid = get_kmer_code(dna_str, pos, k_size, k_mer_code);
if (valid)
} // for pos
const unsigned k_shift = (k_size-1) * 2;
if (valid)
for (++pos; pos < dna_sz; ++pos)
bm::id64_t bp_code;
valid = get_DNA_code(dna_str[pos + (k_size - 1)], bp_code);
if (!valid)
pos += k_size; // wind fwrd to the next BP char
for (; pos < dna_sz; ++pos) // search for the next valid k-mer
valid = get_kmer_code(dna_str, pos, k_size, k_mer_code);
if (valid)
// shift out the previous base pair code, OR the new arrival
k_mer_code = ((k_mer_code >> 2) | (bp_code << k_shift));
// generated k-mer codes are accumulated in buffer for sorting
if (check)
validate_k_mer(dna_str, pos, k_size, k_mer_code);
bm::id64_t k_check;
valid = get_kmer_code(dna_str, pos, k_size, k_check);
assert(k_check == k_mer_code);
if (k_buf.size() >= chunk_size) // sorting check.point
if (k_buf.size())
bv.set(&k_buf[0], k_buf.size(), bm::BM_SORTED); // fast bulk set
bv.optimize(); // periodically re-optimize to save memory
float pcnt = float(pos) / float(dna_sz);
pcnt *= 100;
cout << "\r" << unsigned(pcnt) << "% of " << dna_sz
<< " (" << (pos+1) <<") "
<< flush;
} // for pos
if (k_buf.size()) // add last incomplete chunk here
bv.set(&k_buf[0], k_buf.size(), bm::BM_SORTED); // fast bulk set
cout << "Unique k-mers: " << k_buf.size() << endl;
/// k-mer counting algorithm using reference sequence,
/// regenerates k-mer codes, sorts them and counts
void count_kmers(const vector_char_type& seq_vect,
unsigned k_size,
rsc_sparse_vector_u32& kmer_counts)
const bm::id64_t chunk_size = 400000000;
if (seq_vect.empty())
const char* dna_str = &seq_vect[0];
std::vector<bm::id64_t> k_buf;
bm::id64_t k_mer_code;
vector_char_type::size_type dna_sz = seq_vect.size()-(k_size-1);
vector_char_type::size_type pos = 0;
bool valid = false;
for (; pos < dna_sz; ++pos)
valid = get_kmer_code(dna_str, pos, k_size, k_mer_code);
if (valid)
} // for pos
const unsigned k_shift = (k_size-1) * 2;
if (valid)
for (++pos; pos < dna_sz; ++pos)
bm::id64_t bp_code;
valid = get_DNA_code(dna_str[pos + (k_size - 1)], bp_code);
if (!valid)
pos += k_size; // wind fwrd to the next BP char
for (; pos < dna_sz; ++pos) // search for the next valid k-mer
valid = get_kmer_code(dna_str, pos, k_size, k_mer_code);
if (valid)
// shift out the previous base pair code, OR the new arrival
k_mer_code = ((k_mer_code >> 2) | (bp_code << k_shift));
// generated k-mer codes are accumulated in buffer for sorting
if (k_buf.size() == chunk_size) // sorting point
sort_count(k_buf, kmer_counts);
float pcnt = float(pos) / float(dna_sz);
pcnt *= 100;
cout << "\r" << unsigned(pcnt) << "% of " << dna_sz
<< " (" << (pos+1) <<") "
<< flush;
} // for pos
sort_count(k_buf, kmer_counts);
/// Functor to process job batch (task)
template<typename BV>
typedef BV bvector_type;
/// constructor
unsigned k_size,
size_type from,
rsc_sparse_vector_u32& kmer_counts)
: m_seq_vect(seq_vect), m_k_size(k_size), m_from(from), m_to(to),
: m_seq_vect(func.m_seq_vect), m_k_size(func.m_k_size),
m_from(func.m_from), m_to(func.m_to),
/// Main logic (functor)
void operator() ()
const bvector_type* bv_null = m_kmer_counts.get_null_bvector();
rsc_sparse_vector_u32 kmer_counts_part(*bv_null);
const bm::id64_t chunk_size = 2000000;
if (m_seq_vect.empty())
const char* dna_str = &m_seq_vect[0];
std::vector<bm::id64_t> k_buf;
const auto k_size = m_k_size;
bm::id64_t k_mer_code(0);
vector_char_type::size_type dna_sz = m_seq_vect.size()-(m_k_size-1);
vector_char_type::size_type pos = 0;
bool valid = false;
for (; pos < dna_sz; ++pos)
valid = get_kmer_code(dna_str, pos, k_size, k_mer_code);
if (valid)
if (k_mer_code >= m_from && k_mer_code <= m_to)
} // for pos
const unsigned k_shift = (k_size-1) * 2;
if (valid)
for (++pos; pos < dna_sz; ++pos)
bm::id64_t bp_code;
valid = get_DNA_code(dna_str[pos + (k_size - 1)], bp_code);
if (!valid)
pos += k_size; // wind fwrd to the next BP char
for (; pos < dna_sz; ++pos) // search for the next valid k-mer
valid = get_kmer_code(dna_str, pos, k_size, k_mer_code);
if (valid)
if (k_mer_code >= m_from && k_mer_code <= m_to)
// shift out the previous base pair code, OR the new arrival
k_mer_code = ((k_mer_code >> 2) | (bp_code << k_shift));
// generated k-mer codes are accumulated in buffer for sorting
if (k_mer_code >= m_from && k_mer_code <= m_to)
if (k_buf.size() == chunk_size) // sorting point
sort_count(k_buf, kmer_counts_part);
} // for pos
sort_count(k_buf, kmer_counts_part);
// merge results
static std::mutex mtx_counts_lock;
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(mtx_counts_lock);
// merge_not_null fast merge for non-overlapping ranges of
// rsc_sparse_vector
const vector_char_type& m_seq_vect;
unsigned m_k_size;
size_type m_from;
size_type m_to;
rsc_sparse_vector_u32& m_kmer_counts;
/// MT k-mer counting
template<typename BV>
void count_kmers_parallel(const BV& bv_kmers,
const vector_char_type& seq_vect,
rsc_sparse_vector_u32& kmer_counts,
unsigned k_size,
unsigned concurrency)
typedef typename BV::size_type bv_size_type;
typedef std::vector<std::pair<bv_size_type, bv_size_type> > bv_ranges_vector;
bv_ranges_vector pair_vect;
bv_size_type cnt = bv_kmers.count();
bv_size_type split_rank = cnt / concurrency; // target population count per job
if (split_rank < concurrency || concurrency < 2)
count_kmers(seq_vect, k_size, kmer_counts); // run single threaded
// run split algorithm to determine equal weight ranges for parallel
// processing
bm::rank_range_split(bv_kmers, split_rank, pair_vect);
// Create parallel async tasks running on a range of source sequence
std::vector<std::future<void> > futures;
for (size_t k = 0; k < pair_vect.size(); ++k)
} // for k
// wait for all jobs to finish, print progress report
for (auto& e : futures)
unsigned m = 0;
std::future_status status = e.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(60));
if (status == std::future_status::ready)
cout << "\r" << ++m << " min" << flush;
} // while
} // for
cout << endl;
/// k-mer counting method using Bitap algorithm for occurence search
/// this method is significantly slower than direct regeneration of k-mer
/// codes and sorting count
template<typename BV>
void count_kmers(const BV& bv_kmers, rsc_sparse_vector_u32& kmer_counts)
std::string kmer_str;
typename BV::size_type cnt = 0; // progress report counter
typename BV::enumerator en = bv_kmers.first();
for ( ;en.valid(); ++en, ++cnt)
auto k_mer_code = *en;
translate_kmer(kmer_str, k_mer_code, ik_size); // translate k-mer code to string
// find list of sequence positions where k-mer is found
// (uncomment if you need a full search)
typename BV::size_type bv_count;
std::vector<typename BV::size_type> km_search;
dna_scanner.Find(kmer_str, km_search);
bv_count = km_search.size();
typename BV::size_type count = dna_scanner.FindCount(kmer_str);
kmer_counts.set(k_mer_code, (unsigned)count);
if ((cnt % 1000) == 0)
cout << "\r" << cnt << flush;
} // for en
k-mer counting job functor class using bm::aggregator<>
Functor received its range of k-mers in the presence-absense
bit-vector then follows it to run the search-counting algorithm
using DNA fingerprints common for all job functors.
bm::aggregator<> cannot be shared across threads,
so functor creates its own
template<typename DNA_Scan>
/// constructor
Counting_JobFunctor(const DNA_Scan& parent_scanner,
const bvector_type& bv_kmers,
size_type from,
rsc_sparse_vector_u32& kmer_counts)
: m_parent_scanner(parent_scanner), m_bv_kmers(bv_kmers),
m_from(from), m_to(to), m_kmer_counts(kmer_counts)
/// copy-ctor
: m_parent_scanner(func.m_parent_scanner), m_bv_kmers(func.m_bv_kmers),
m_from(func.m_from), m_to(func.m_to), m_kmer_counts(func.m_kmer_counts)
/// Main logic (functor)
void operator() ()
std::string kmer_str;
size_type cnt = 0; // progress report counter
static std::mutex mtx_counts_lock;
bvector_type bv_search_res;
typename bvector_type::enumerator en = m_bv_kmers.get_enumerator(m_from);
for ( ;en.valid(); ++en, ++cnt)
auto k_mer_code = *en;
if (k_mer_code > m_to)
translate_kmer(kmer_str, k_mer_code, ik_size); // translate k-mer code to string
// setup the aggregator to perform search
m_Agg.set_compute_count(true); // disable full search, only count
for (size_t i = 0; i < kmer_str.size(); ++i)
const bvector_type& bv_mask = m_parent_scanner.GetVector(kmer_str[i]);
// Note we get search count from the Aggregator, not from search
// result vector, which will be empty,
// because we set_compute_count(true)
size_type search_count = m_Agg.count();
// counts are shared across threads, use locked access
// to save the results
// TODO: implement results buffering to avoid mutex overhead
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> guard(mtx_counts_lock);
m_kmer_counts.set(k_mer_code, unsigned(search_count));
} // for en
const DNA_Scan& m_parent_scanner;
const bvector_type& m_bv_kmers;
size_type m_from;
size_type m_to;
typename DNA_Scan::aggregator_type m_Agg;
rsc_sparse_vector_u32& m_kmer_counts;
Runs k-mer counting in parallel
template<typename BV>
void count_kmers_parallel(const BV& bv_kmers,
rsc_sparse_vector_u32& kmer_counts,
unsigned concurrency)
typedef typename BV::size_type bv_size_type;
typedef std::vector<std::pair<bv_size_type, bv_size_type> > bv_ranges_vector;
bv_ranges_vector pair_vect;
bv_size_type cnt = bv_kmers.count();
bv_size_type split_rank = cnt / concurrency; // target population count per job
if (split_rank < concurrency || concurrency < 2)
count_kmers(bv_kmers, kmer_counts); // run single threaded
// run split algorithm to determine equal weight ranges for parallel
// processing
bm::rank_range_split(bv_kmers, split_rank, pair_vect);
// Create parallel async tasks running on a range of source sequence
std::vector<std::future<void> > futures;
for (size_t k = 0; k < pair_vect.size(); ++k)
} // for k
// wait for all jobs to finish, print progress report
for (auto& e : futures)
unsigned long long c_prev = 0;
std::future_status status = e.wait_for(std::chrono::seconds(60));
if (status == std::future_status::ready)
// progress report (entertainment)
unsigned long long c = k_mer_progress_count;
auto delta = c - c_prev;
c_prev = c;
auto remain_cnt = cnt - c;
auto remain_min = remain_cnt / delta;
cout << "\r" << c << ": progress per minute=" << delta;
if (remain_min < 120)
cout << " wait for " << remain_min << "m " << flush;
auto remain_h = remain_min / 60;
cout << " wait for " << remain_h << "h " << flush;
} // while
} // for
cout << endl;
/// Compute a map of how often each k-mer frequency is observed in the
/// k-mer counts vector
/// @param hmap - [out] histogram map
/// @param kmer_counts - [in] kmer counts vector
const rsc_sparse_vector_u32& kmer_counts)
auto en = bv_null->first();
for (; en.valid(); ++en)
auto kmer_code = *en;
auto kmer_count = kmer_counts.get(kmer_code);
auto mit = hmap.find(kmer_count);
if (mit == hmap.end())
hmap[kmer_count] = 1;
} // for
/// Save TSV report of k-mer frequences
/// (reverse sorted, most frequent k-mers first)
void report_hmap(const string& fname, const histogram_map_u32& hmap)
ofstream outf;, ios::out | ios::trunc );
outf << "kmer count \t number of kmers\n";
auto it = hmap.rbegin(); auto it_end = hmap.rend();
for (; it != it_end; ++it)
outf << it->first << "\t" << it->second << endl;
/// Create vector, representing subset of k-mers of high frequency
/// @param frequent_bv[out] - bit-vector of frequent k-mers (subset of all k-mers)
/// @param hmap - histogram map of all k-mers
/// @param kmer_counts - kmer frequency(counts) vector
/// @param percent - percent of frequent k-mers to build a subset (5%)
/// percent here is of total number of k-mers (not percent of all occurences)
/// @param k_size - K mer size
template<typename BV>
void compute_frequent_kmers(BV& frequent_bv,
const histogram_map_u32& hmap,
const rsc_sparse_vector_u32& kmer_counts,
unsigned percent,
unsigned k_size)
if (!percent)
// scanner class for fast search for values in sparse vector
BV bv_found; // search results vector
auto total_kmers = bv_null->count();
bm::id64_t target_f_count = (total_kmers * percent) / 100; // how many frequent k-mers we need to pick
auto it = hmap.rbegin();
auto it_end = hmap.rend();
for (; it != it_end; ++it)
auto kmer_count = it->first;
scanner.find_eq(kmer_counts, kmer_count, bv_found); // seach for all values == 25
auto found_cnt = bv_found.count();
bm::bvector<>::enumerator en = bv_found.first();
for (; en.valid(); ++en)
auto kmer_code = *en;
unsigned k_count = kmer_counts.get(kmer_code);
if (k_count == 1) // unique k-mer, ignore
if (it->second == 1)
assert(k_count == kmer_count);
if (kmer_count >= target_f_count)
target_f_count -= 1;
} // for en
} // for it
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
vector_char_type seq_vect; // read FASTA sequence
bm::bvector<> bv_kmers; // k-mer presense(-absence) vector
auto ret = parse_args(argc, argv);
if (ret != 0)
cerr << "cmd-line parse error. " << endl;
return ret;
cout << "concurrency=" << parallel_jobs << endl;
if (!ifa_name.empty()) // FASTA file load
// limitation: loads a single molecule only
auto res = load_FASTA(ifa_name, seq_vect);
if (res != 0)
return res;
std::cout << "FASTA sequence size=" << seq_vect.size() << std::endl;
if (seq_vect.size())
cout << "k-mer generation for k=" << ik_size << endl;
generate_k_mer_bvector(bv_kmers, seq_vect, ik_size, is_diag);
cout << "Found " << bv_kmers.count() << " k-mers." << endl;
if (is_diag)
size_t blob_size = bm::compute_serialization_size(bv_kmers);
cout << "DNA 2-bit coded FASTA size=" << seq_vect.size()/4 << endl;
cout << " Compressed size=" << blob_size << endl;
if (!ikd_name.empty())
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "3. k-mer serialization and save", 1, &timing_map);
bm::SaveBVector(ikd_name.c_str(), bv_kmers);
if (seq_vect.size())
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "4. Build DNA fingerprints (bulk, parallel)", 1, &timing_map);
if (seq_vect.size() &&
(!ikd_counts_name.empty() || !ikd_rep_name.empty()))
rsc_sparse_vector_u32 rsc_kmer_counts(bv_kmers); // rank-select sparse vector for counts
rsc_sparse_vector_u32 rsc_kmer_counts2(bv_kmers);
cout << " Searching for k-mer counts..." << endl;
if (is_diag) // compute reference counts using slower algorithm for verification
cout << " ... using bm::aggregator<>" << endl;
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "5a. k-mer counting (bm::aggregator<>)", 1, &timing_map);
count_kmers_parallel(bv_kmers, rsc_kmer_counts, parallel_jobs);
//count_kmers(bv_kmers, rsc_kmer_counts);
cout << " ... using std::sort() and count" << endl;
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "5. k-mer counting std::sort()", 1, &timing_map);
count_kmers_parallel(bv_kmers, seq_vect,
rsc_kmer_counts2, ik_size, parallel_jobs);
if (!ikd_counts_name.empty())
int res = bm::file_save_svector(rsc_kmer_counts2, ikd_counts_name);
if (res)
cerr << "Error: Count vector save failed!" << endl;
if (is_diag) // verification
bool eq = rsc_kmer_counts.equal(rsc_kmer_counts2);
bool found = bm::sparse_vector_find_first_mismatch(rsc_kmer_counts,
auto v1 = rsc_kmer_counts.get(idx);
auto v2 = rsc_kmer_counts2.get(idx);
cerr << "Mismatch at idx=" << idx << " v1=" << v1 << " v2=" << v2 << endl;
assert(found); (void)found;
cerr << "Integrity check failed!" << endl;
// build histogram of k-mer counts
// as a map of kmer_count -> number of occurences of k-mer
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "6. build histogram of k-mer frequencies", 1, &timing_map);
compute_kmer_histogram(hmap, rsc_kmer_counts2);
if (!kh_name.empty())
// here we build a build-vector of frequent (say top 5%) k-mers
// (if needed we can exclude it because they likely represent repeats
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "7. Build vector of frequent k-mers", 1, &timing_map);
compute_frequent_kmers(bv_freq, hmap,
rsc_kmer_counts2, f_percent, ik_size);
if (!ikd_freq_name.empty())
bm::SaveBVector(ikd_freq_name.c_str(), bv_freq);
cout << "Found frequent k-mers: " << bv_freq.count() << endl;
if (!ikd_rep_name.empty())
// exclude frequent k-mers (logical SUBtraction)
bm::SaveBVector(ikd_rep_name.c_str(), bv_kmers);
if (is_timing)
std::cout << std::endl << "Performance:" << std::endl;
catch(std::exception& ex)
std::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
Algorithms for fast aggregation of N bvectors.
Algorithms for bvector<> (main include)
Serialization / compression of bvector<>. Set theoretical operations on compressed BLOBs.
Algorithms for bm::sparse_vector.
Compressed sparse container rsc_sparse_vector<> for integer types.
Timing utilities for benchmarking (internal)
pre-processor un-defines to avoid global space pollution (internal)
k-mer counting job functor class using bm::aggregator<>
Definition: xsample07.cpp:696
DNA_Scan::bvector_type bvector_type
Definition: xsample07.cpp:698
Counting_JobFunctor(const DNA_Scan &parent_scanner, const bvector_type &bv_kmers, size_type from, size_type to, rsc_sparse_vector_u32 &kmer_counts)
Definition: xsample07.cpp:703
bvector_type::size_type size_type
Definition: xsample07.cpp:699
void operator()()
Main logic (functor)
Definition: xsample07.cpp:719
Utility for keeping all DNA finger print vectors and search using various techniques.
Definition: xsample04.cpp:181
void BuildParallel(const vector< char > &sequence, unsigned threads)
Build fingerprint bit-vectors using bulk insert iterator and parallel processing.
Definition: xsample04a.cpp:234
Functor to process job batch (task)
Definition: xsample07.cpp:479
void operator()()
Main logic (functor)
Definition: xsample07.cpp:502
SortCounting_JobFunctor(const vector_char_type &seq_vect, unsigned k_size, size_type from, size_type to, rsc_sparse_vector_u32 &kmer_counts)
Definition: xsample07.cpp:486
bvector_type::size_type size_type
Definition: xsample07.cpp:482
Constant iterator designed to enumerate "ON" bits.
Definition: bm.h:603
bool valid() const BMNOEXCEPT
Checks if iterator is still valid.
Definition: bm.h:283
Bitvector Bit-vector container with runtime compression of bits.
Definition: bm.h:115
size_type count() const BMNOEXCEPT
population count (count of ON bits)
Definition: bm.h:2366
bm::bvector< Alloc > & bit_sub(const bm::bvector< Alloc > &bv1, const bm::bvector< Alloc > &bv2, typename bm::bvector< Alloc >::optmode opt_mode=opt_none)
3-operand SUB : this := bv1 MINUS bv2 SUBtraction is also known as AND NOT
Definition: bm.h:6092
void optimize(bm::word_t *temp_block=0, optmode opt_mode=opt_compress, statistics *stat=0)
Optimize memory bitvector's memory allocation.
Definition: bm.h:3600
bvector_size_type size_type
Definition: bm.h:121
Utility class to collect performance measurements and statistics.
Definition: bmtimer.h:41
std::map< std::string, statistics > duration_map_type
test name to duration map
Definition: bmtimer.h:66
static void print_duration_map(TOut &tout, const duration_map_type &dmap, format fmt=ct_time)
Definition: bmtimer.h:150
void merge_not_null(rsc_sparse_vector< Val, SV > &csv)
merge two vectors (argument gets destroyed) It is important that both vectors have the same NULL vect...
void set(size_type idx, value_type v)
set specified element with bounds checking and automatic resize
value_type get(size_type idx) const BMNOEXCEPT
get specified element without bounds checking
const bvector_type * get_null_bvector() const BMNOEXCEPT
Get bit-vector of assigned values (or NULL)
bool in_sync() const BMNOEXCEPT
returns true if prefix sum table is in sync with the vector
algorithms for sparse_vector scan/search
void find_eq(const SV &sv, value_type value, bvector_type &bv_out)
find all sparse vector elements EQ to search value
succinct sparse vector with runtime compression using bit-slicing / transposition method
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:87
input set is sorted (ascending order)
Definition: bmconst.h:205
GAP compression is ON.
Definition: bmconst.h:147
void rank_range_split(const BV &bv, typename BV::size_type rank, PairVect &target_v)
Algorithm to identify bit-vector ranges (splits) for the rank.
Definition: bmalgo.h:394
bool sparse_vector_find_first_mismatch(const SV &sv1, const SV &sv2, typename SV::size_type &midx, bm::null_support null_proc=bm::use_null)
Find first mismatch (element which is different) between two sparse vectors (uses linear scan in bit-...
unsigned long long int id64_t
Definition: bmconst.h:35
bm::bvector ::size_type bv_size_type
Definition: sample24.cpp:54
std::vector< std::pair< bv_size_type, bv_size_type > > bv_ranges_vector
Definition: sample24.cpp:55
static int parse_args(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: xsample03.cpp:110
bm::aggregator< bm::bvector<> > aggregator_type
Definition: xsample04.cpp:144
std::vector< char > vector_char_type
Definition: xsample06.cpp:133
DNA_FingerprintScanner< bm::bvector<> > dna_scanner_type
Definition: xsample07.cpp:100
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: xsample07.cpp:966
void validate_k_mer(const char *dna, size_t pos, unsigned k_size, bm::id64_t k_mer)
QA function to validate if reverse k-mer decode gives the same string.
Definition: xsample07.cpp:224
void compute_frequent_kmers(BV &frequent_bv, const histogram_map_u32 &hmap, const rsc_sparse_vector_u32 &kmer_counts, unsigned percent, unsigned k_size)
Create vector, representing subset of k-mers of high frequency.
Definition: xsample07.cpp:905
void generate_k_mer_bvector(BV &bv, const vector_char_type &seq_vect, unsigned k_size, bool check)
This function turns each k-mer into an integer number and encodes it in a bit-vector (presense vector...
Definition: xsample07.cpp:306
std::string ikd_rep_name
Definition: xsample07.cpp:84
unsigned ik_size
Definition: xsample07.cpp:89
void translate_kmer(std::string &dna, bm::id64_t kmer_code, unsigned k_size)
Translate k-mer code into ATGC DNA string.
Definition: xsample07.cpp:207
static void report_hmap(const string &fname, const histogram_map_u32 &hmap)
Save TSV report of k-mer frequences (reverse sorted, most frequent k-mers first)
Definition: xsample07.cpp:881
bool is_bench
Definition: xsample07.cpp:88
std::string kh_name
Definition: xsample07.cpp:83
std::map< unsigned, unsigned > histogram_map_u32
Definition: xsample07.cpp:103
static void compute_kmer_histogram(histogram_map_u32 &hmap, const rsc_sparse_vector_u32 &kmer_counts)
Compute a map of how often each k-mer frequency is observed in the k-mer counts vector.
Definition: xsample07.cpp:859
bm::sparse_vector< unsigned, bm::bvector<> > sparse_vector_u32
Definition: xsample07.cpp:101
void count_kmers(const vector_char_type &seq_vect, unsigned k_size, rsc_sparse_vector_u32 &kmer_counts)
k-mer counting algorithm using reference sequence, regenerates k-mer codes, sorts them and counts
Definition: xsample07.cpp:408
dna_scanner_type dna_scanner
Definition: xsample07.cpp:109
std::string ikd_freq_name
Definition: xsample07.cpp:85
std::string ikd_counts_name
Definition: xsample07.cpp:82
std::string ifa_name
Definition: xsample07.cpp:80
std::string ikd_name
Definition: xsample07.cpp:81
bm::chrono_taker ::duration_map_type timing_map
Definition: xsample07.cpp:108
bool get_kmer_code(const char *dna, size_t pos, unsigned k_size, bm::id64_t &k_mer)
Calculate k-mer as an unsigned long integer.
Definition: xsample07.cpp:165
std::vector< char > vector_char_type
Definition: xsample07.cpp:99
bool is_diag
Definition: xsample07.cpp:86
bm::rsc_sparse_vector< unsigned, sparse_vector_u32 > rsc_sparse_vector_u32
Definition: xsample07.cpp:102
void sort_unique(VECT &vect)
Auxiliary function to do sort+unique on a vactor of ints removes duplicate elements.
Definition: xsample07.cpp:256
char int2DNA(unsigned code)
Translate integer code to DNA letter.
Definition: xsample07.cpp:192
void count_kmers_parallel(const BV &bv_kmers, const vector_char_type &seq_vect, rsc_sparse_vector_u32 &kmer_counts, unsigned k_size, unsigned concurrency)
MT k-mer counting.
Definition: xsample07.cpp:594
static int load_FASTA(const std::string &fname, vector_char_type &seq_vect)
really simple FASTA parser (one entry per file)
Definition: xsample07.cpp:116
unsigned f_percent
Definition: xsample07.cpp:91
void sort_count(VECT &vect, COUNT_VECT &cvect)
Auxiliary function to do sort+unique on a vactor of ints and save results in a counts vector.
Definition: xsample07.cpp:268
unsigned parallel_jobs
Definition: xsample07.cpp:90
bool get_DNA_code(char bp, bm::id64_t &dna_code)
Definition: xsample07.cpp:138
bool is_timing
Definition: xsample07.cpp:87
std::atomic_ullong k_mer_progress_count(0)
bm::bvector bvector_type
Definition: xsample07a.cpp:94