
Use of sparse vector for compressed DNA strings (2 bits per bp) Construction of comparison functions on bit-transposed compressed containers, benchmarking.

See also
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/** \example xsample06.cpp
Use of sparse vector for compressed DNA strings (2 bits per bp)
Construction of comparison functions on bit-transposed compressed
containers, benchmarking.
\sa bm::sparse_vector
\sa bm::sparse_vector_find_first_mismatch
/*! \file xsample06.cpp
\brief Example: Use of sparse vector for compressed DNA strings
#include <assert.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <utility>
#include "bm.h"
#include "bmsparsevec.h"
// BitMagic utilities for debug and timings
#include "bmdbg.h"
#include "bmtimer.h"
#include "bmundef.h" /* clear the pre-proc defines from BM */
using namespace std;
/// Translate DNA letter to integer code
/// Please note this function uses extended alphabet ATGC plus 'N' and '$'
/// Ns are used to indicate ambiguity and $ is part of Burrows-Wheeler transform
inline unsigned DNA2int(char DNA_bp)
switch (DNA_bp)
case 'A':
return 0; // 000
case 'T':
return 1; // 001
case 'G':
return 2; // 010
case 'C':
return 3; // 011
case 'N':
return 4; // 100
case '$':
return 5; // 101
return 0;
/// Translate integer code to DNA letter
inline char int2DNA(unsigned code)
static char lut[] = { 'A', 'T', 'G', 'C', 'N', '$' };
if (code < 5)
return lut[code];
return 'N';
/// Print sparse vector
template<typename SV> void PrintSV(const SV& sv)
cout << "size() = " << sv.size() << " : ";
auto it = sv.begin(); auto it_end = sv.end();
for (; it != it_end; ++it)
auto v = *it;
char bp = int2DNA(v);
cout << bp;
cout << endl;
/// Test sparse vector against reference vector
/// (for QA purposes)
template<typename SV, typename VECT>
void TestSV(const SV& sv, const VECT& vect)
auto it = sv.begin(); auto it_end = sv.end();
auto itv = vect.begin(); auto itv_end = vect.end();
for (; it != it_end && itv != itv_end; ++it, ++itv)
auto v = *it;
char bp = int2DNA(v);
char bpv = *itv;
assert(bp == bpv);
if (bp != bpv)
cerr << "Error: reference vector mismatch!" << endl;
if (it != it_end || itv != itv_end)
cerr << "Error: reference size mismatch!" << endl;
typedef std::vector<char> vector_char_type;
typedef std::vector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> > vector_pairs_type;
Lexicographical compare of two sparse vectors using bit-plane
mismatch search
int compare_sv(const svector_u32& sv1, const svector_u32& sv2)
bool found = bm::sparse_vector_find_first_mismatch(sv1, sv2, pos);
if (found)
auto v1 = sv1[pos];
auto v2 = sv2[pos];
if (v1 < v2)
return -1;
return 1;
return 0; // EQ
Lexicographical compare of two sparse vectors using
iterators. This variant is quite slow, because sparse vector iterators
are heavy classes doing reverse transformation on the fly
int compare_sv_it(const svector_u32& sv1, const svector_u32& sv2)
for (svector_u32::size_type i = 0; i < sz; ++i, ++it1, ++it2)
auto v1 = *it1; auto v2 = *it2;
if (v1 == v2)
if (v1 < v2)
return -1;
return 1;
return 0;
Utility function to generate random vector of DNA chars (4 letters)
void generate_DNA_vector(svector_u32& sv, vector_char_type& vect, unsigned sz)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < sz; ++i)
unsigned code = rand() % 4; // generate code between 0 and 3
char bp = int2DNA(code);
assert(bp == 'A' || bp == 'T' || bp == 'G' || bp == 'C');
bi = code;
Utility function to add symulated centromer (block of Ns in the middle)
void add_centromer_Ns(svector_u32& sv, vector_char_type& vect, unsigned csz)
assert(sz == svector_u32::size_type(vect.size()));
assert(csz < sz);
svector_u32::size_type half = sz / 2; // center position
svector_u32::size_type c_half = csz / 2;
svector_u32::size_type c_start = half - c_half; // simulated centromere start
svector_u32::size_type c_end = half + c_half; // simulated centromere end
// fill-in simulated centromere 'NNNNNN...NNNN'
for (svector_u32::size_type i = c_start; i < c_end; ++i)
vect[i] = 'N';
sv[i] = DNA2int('N'); // 4
Generate large vectors to simulate human chr1
const unsigned case_size = 200000000; // 200M bps
const unsigned centr_size = 7000000; // 7M centromere Ns
generate_DNA_vector(sv, vect, case_size);
add_centromer_Ns(sv, vect, centr_size);
sv.optimize(); // this will compress the sparse (N) plane
TestSV(sv, vect); // paranoiya check
Generate benchmark set of mismatches
const vector_char_type& vect,
unsigned m_count)
if (!vect.size())
vector_char_type::size_type sz = vect.size();
vector_char_type::size_type delta = sz / m_count;
for (vector_char_type::size_type i = 0; i < sz; i += delta)
vector_char_type::value_type v1 = vect[i];
unsigned code = rand() % 4;
vector_char_type::value_type v2 = int2DNA(code);
if (v2 == v1)
vect_m.push_back(vector_pairs_type::value_type(unsigned(i), code));
} // for i
// add some extra with a distrubution skewed to the beginning
for (vector_char_type::size_type i = 1; i < sz / 4; i += (rand()%(1024 * 10)))
vector_char_type::value_type v1 = vect[i];
unsigned code = rand() % 4;
vector_char_type::value_type v2 = int2DNA(code);
if (v2 == v1)
vect_m.push_back(vector_pairs_type::value_type(unsigned(i), code));
} // for i
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
const unsigned rep = 20000;
Mismatch search benchmark for bm::sparse_vector_find_first_mismatch
void test_mismatch_search(const svector_u32& sv, const vector_pairs_type& vect_m)
svector_u32 sv1(sv); // copy sv
unsigned cnt = 0;
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "1. SV mismatch", sz, &timing_map);
for (unsigned k = 0; k < sz; ++k)
unsigned i = vect_m[k].first;
svector_u32::value_type v2 = vect_m[k].second;
assert(v1 != v2);
sv1.set(i, v2); // change the copy vector
bool found = bm::sparse_vector_find_first_mismatch(sv, sv1, pos);
cnt += found;
assert(pos == i);
sv1.set(pos, v1); // restore old value
} // for
assert(cnt == vect_m.size());
Mismatch search benchmark for std::vector::const_iterator
const vector_pairs_type& vect_m)
vector_char_type vect1(vect);
unsigned sz = (unsigned)vect_m.size();
unsigned cnt = 0;
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "2. STL iterator", sz, &timing_map);
for (unsigned k = 0; k < sz; ++k)
unsigned i = vect_m[k].first;
vector_char_type::value_type v1 = vect[i];
vector_char_type::value_type v2 = int2DNA(vect_m[k].second);
assert(v1 != v2);
vect1[i] = v2; // change the copy vector
// possible to use std::mismatch() here
bool found = false;
vector_char_type::size_type pos;
auto it = vect.begin(); auto it_end = vect.end();
auto it1 = vect1.begin();
for (; it != it_end; ++it, ++it1)
if (*it != *it1)
found = true;
pos = vector_char_type::size_type(it - vect.begin());
} // for it
cnt += found;
assert(pos == i);
vect1[i] = v1; // restore old value
} // for
assert(cnt == vect_m.size());
Mismatch search benchmark for std::vector using strncmp()
void test_strcmp(const vector_char_type& vect, const vector_pairs_type& vect_m)
vector_char_type vect1(vect);
unsigned sz = (unsigned)vect_m.size();
unsigned cnt = 0;
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "3. strcmp() test ", sz, &timing_map);
unsigned vs = unsigned(vect.size());
for (unsigned k = 0; k < sz; ++k)
unsigned i = vect_m[k].first;
vector_char_type::value_type v1 = vect[i];
assert(vect_m[k].second < 4);
vector_char_type::value_type v2 = int2DNA(vect_m[k].second);
assert(v1 != v2);
vect1[i] = v2; // change the copy vector
const char* s1 =;
const char* s2 =;
int res = ::strncmp(s1, s2, vs);
cnt += bool(res);
vect1[i] = v1; // restore
} // for
assert(cnt == vect_m.size());
Sparse vector compare benchmark
void test_sv_cmp(const svector_u32& sv, const vector_pairs_type& vect_m)
svector_u32 sv1(sv);
unsigned sz = (unsigned)vect_m.size();
unsigned cnt = 0;
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "4. sv compare", sz, &timing_map);
for (unsigned k = 0; k < sz; ++k)
unsigned i = vect_m[k].first;
svector_u32::value_type v2 = vect_m[k].second;
assert(v1 != v2);
sv1.set(i, v2); // change the copy vector
int res = compare_sv(sv, sv1);
assert(res != 0);
cnt += bool(res);
sv1.set(i, v1); // restore
} // for
assert(cnt == vect_m.size());
Sparse vector compare benchmark using iterators (very slow)
void test_sv_cmp_it(const svector_u32& sv, const vector_pairs_type& vect_m)
svector_u32 sv1(sv);
unsigned sz = (unsigned)vect_m.size();
unsigned cnt = 0;
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "4. sv-cmp-it()", sz, &timing_map);
for (unsigned k = 0; k < sz; ++k)
unsigned i = vect_m[k].first;
svector_u32::value_type v2 = vect_m[k].second;
assert(v1 != v2);
sv1.set(i, v2); // change the copy vector
int res = compare_sv_it(sv, sv1);
cnt += bool(res);
assert(res != 0);
sv1.set(i, v1); // restore
} // for
assert(cnt == vect_m.size());
// -------------------------------------------------------------------
int main(void)
// generate short DNA vector as STL vector and BitMagic
// bit-transposed container, print the results (as a demo)
// we don't have to re-load it every time,
// bit transposed container is serializable
const char* s = "ATGTCNNNNNTATA";
for (unsigned i = 0; s[i]; ++i)
bi = DNA2int(s[i]);
sv.optimize(); // this will compress the sparse (N) plane
// run a battery of benchmarks for variants of mismatch searches
// and compare functions
vector_char_type dna_vect;
cout << "Generate benchmark test data." << endl;
generate_big_case(sv1, dna_vect);
generate_mismatches(vect_m, dna_vect, rep);
cout << "generated mismatches=" << vect_m.size() << endl;
cout << "SV mismatch search test" << endl;
test_mismatch_search(sv1, vect_m);
cout << "STL interator mismatch test" << endl;
test_vect_mismatch_search(dna_vect, vect_m);
// test compare functions
cout << "strncmp() test" << endl;
test_strcmp(dna_vect, vect_m);
cout << "SV compare test" << endl;
test_sv_cmp(sv1, vect_m);
// really sow, not worth testing
#if 0
cout << "SV compare iterators test" << endl;
test_sv_cmp_it(sv1, vect_m);
std::cout << std::endl << "Performance:" << std::endl;
catch(std::exception& ex)
std::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
Compressed bit-vector bvector<> container, set algebraic methods, traversal iterators.
Sparse constainer sparse_vector<> for integer types using bit-transposition transform.
Algorithms for bm::sparse_vector.
Serialization for sparse_vector<>
Timing utilities for benchmarking (internal)
pre-processor un-defines to avoid global space pollution (internal)
Utility class to collect performance measurements and statistics.
Definition: bmtimer.h:41
std::map< std::string, statistics > duration_map_type
test name to duration map
Definition: bmtimer.h:66
static void print_duration_map(TOut &tout, const duration_map_type &dmap, format fmt=ct_time)
Definition: bmtimer.h:150
succinct sparse vector with runtime compression using bit-slicing / transposition method
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:87
size_type size() const BMNOEXCEPT
return size of the vector
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:711
void set(size_type idx, value_type v)
set specified element with bounds checking and automatic resize
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:1804
back_insert_iterator get_back_inserter()
Provide back insert iterator Back insert iterator implements buffered insertion, which is faster,...
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:572
const_iterator begin() const BMNOEXCEPT
Provide const iterator access to container content
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:2256
void optimize(bm::word_t *temp_block=0, typename bvector_type::optmode opt_mode=bvector_type::opt_compress, typename sparse_vector< Val, BV >::statistics *stat=0)
run memory optimization for all vector planes
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:2094
bool sparse_vector_find_first_mismatch(const SV &sv1, const SV &sv2, typename SV::size_type &midx, bm::null_support null_proc=bm::use_null)
Find first mismatch (element which is different) between two sparse vectors (uses linear scan in bit-...
static void test_sv_cmp(const svector_u32 &sv, const vector_pairs_type &vect_m)
Definition: xsample06.cpp:402
void TestSV(const SV &sv, const VECT &vect)
Test sparse vector against reference vector (for QA purposes)
Definition: xsample06.cpp:108
bm::sparse_vector< unsigned, bm::bvector<> > svector_u32
Definition: xsample06.cpp:132
static int compare_sv_it(const svector_u32 &sv1, const svector_u32 &sv2)
Definition: xsample06.cpp:162
static int compare_sv(const svector_u32 &sv1, const svector_u32 &sv2)
Definition: xsample06.cpp:141
static void test_strcmp(const vector_char_type &vect, const vector_pairs_type &vect_m)
Definition: xsample06.cpp:367
void test_sv_cmp_it(const svector_u32 &sv, const vector_pairs_type &vect_m)
Definition: xsample06.cpp:432
static void add_centromer_Ns(svector_u32 &sv, vector_char_type &vect, unsigned csz)
Definition: xsample06.cpp:201
int main(void)
Definition: xsample06.cpp:461
static void test_mismatch_search(const svector_u32 &sv, const vector_pairs_type &vect_m)
Definition: xsample06.cpp:288
bm::chrono_taker ::duration_map_type timing_map
Definition: xsample06.cpp:281
std::vector< char > vector_char_type
Definition: xsample06.cpp:133
static void test_vect_mismatch_search(const vector_char_type &vect, const vector_pairs_type &vect_m)
Definition: xsample06.cpp:321
char int2DNA(unsigned code)
Translate integer code to DNA letter.
Definition: xsample06.cpp:81
void PrintSV(const SV &sv)
Print sparse vector.
Definition: xsample06.cpp:91
static void generate_DNA_vector(svector_u32 &sv, vector_char_type &vect, unsigned sz)
Definition: xsample06.cpp:183
std::vector< std::pair< unsigned, unsigned > > vector_pairs_type
Definition: xsample06.cpp:134
static void generate_mismatches(vector_pairs_type &vect_m, const vector_char_type &vect, unsigned m_count)
Definition: xsample06.cpp:243
static void generate_big_case(svector_u32 &sv, vector_char_type &vect)
Definition: xsample06.cpp:226
unsigned DNA2int(char DNA_bp)
Translate DNA letter to integer code Please note this function uses extended alphabet ATGC plus 'N' a...
Definition: xsample06.cpp:58
const unsigned rep
Definition: xsample06.cpp:280