
Seach for human mutation (SNP) in within chr1. Benchmark comaprison of different methods

See also
Copyright(c) 2018 Anatoliy Kuznetsov(anatoliy_kuznetsov at
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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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/** \example xsample03.cpp
Seach for human mutation (SNP) in within chr1.
Benchmark comaprison of different methods
\sa bm::sparse_vector
\sa bm::rsc_sparse_vector
\sa bm::sparse_vector_scanner
/*! \file xsample03.cpp
\brief Example: SNP search in human genome
Brief description of used method:
1. Parse SNP chromosome report and extract information about SNP number and
location in the chromosome
2. Use this information to build bit-transposed sparse_vector<>
where vector position matches chromosome position and SNP ids (aka rsid)
is kept as a bit-transposed matrix
3. Build rank-select compressed sparse vector, dropping all NULL columns
(this data format is pretty sparse, since number of SNPs is significantly
less than number of chromosome bases (1:5 or less)
Use memory report to understand memory footprint for each form of storage
4. Run benchmarks searching for 500 randomly selected SNPs using
- bm::sparse_vector<>
- bm::rsc_sparse_vector<>
- std::vector<pair<unsigned, unsigned> >
This example should be useful for construction of compressed columnar
tables with parallel search capabilities.
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <chrono>
#include <regex>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include <map>
#include <utility>
using namespace std;
#include "bm.h"
#include "bmalgo.h"
#include "bmserial.h"
#include "bmrandom.h"
#include "bmsparsevec.h"
#include "bmdbg.h"
#include "bmtimer.h"
#include "bmundef.h" /* clear the pre-proc defines from BM */
void show_help()
<< "BitMagic SNP Search Sample Utility (c) 2018" << std::endl
<< "-isnp file-name -- input set file (SNP FASTA) to parse" << std::endl
<< "-svout spase vector output -- sparse vector name to save" << std::endl
<< "-rscout rs-compressed spase vector output -- name to save" << std::endl
<< "-svin sparse vector input -- sparse vector file name to load " << std::endl
<< "-rscin rs-compressed sparse vector input -- file name to load " << std::endl
<< "-diag -- run diagnostics" << std::endl
<< "-timing -- collect timings" << std::endl
// Arguments
std::string sv_out_name;
std::string rsc_out_name;
std::string sv_in_name;
std::string rsc_in_name;
std::string isnp_name;
bool is_diag = false;
bool is_timing = false;
bool is_bench = false;
int parse_args(int argc, char *argv[])
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
std::string arg = argv[i];
if ((arg == "-h") || (arg == "--help"))
return 0;
if (arg == "-svout" || arg == "--svout")
if (i + 1 < argc)
sv_out_name = argv[++i];
std::cerr << "Error: -svout requires file name" << std::endl;
return 1;
if (arg == "-rscout" || arg == "--rscout")
if (i + 1 < argc)
rsc_out_name = argv[++i];
std::cerr << "Error: -rscout requires file name" << std::endl;
return 1;
if (arg == "-svin" || arg == "--svin")
if (i + 1 < argc)
sv_in_name = argv[++i];
std::cerr << "Error: -svin requires file name" << std::endl;
return 1;
if (arg == "-rscin" || arg == "--rscin")
if (i + 1 < argc)
rsc_in_name = argv[++i];
std::cerr << "Error: -rscin requires file name" << std::endl;
return 1;
if (arg == "-isnp" || arg == "--isnp" || arg == "-snp" || arg == "--snp")
if (i + 1 < argc)
isnp_name = argv[++i];
std::cerr << "Error: -isnp requires file name" << std::endl;
return 1;
if (arg == "-diag" || arg == "--diag" || arg == "-d" || arg == "--d")
is_diag = true;
if (arg == "-timing" || arg == "--timing" || arg == "-t" || arg == "--t")
is_timing = true;
if (arg == "-bench" || arg == "--bench" || arg == "-b" || arg == "--b")
is_bench = true;
} // for i
return 0;
// Global types
typedef std::vector<std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> > vector_pairs;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// SNP report format parser (extraction and transformation)
// Parser extracts SNP id (rsid) and positio on genome to build
// sparse vector where index (position in vector) metches position on the
// chromosome 1.
int load_snp_report(const std::string& fname, sparse_vector_u32& sv)
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "1. parse input SNP chr report", 1, &timing_map);
std::ifstream fin(fname.c_str(), std::ios::in);
if (!fin.good())
return -1;
unsigned rs_id, rs_pos;
size_t idx;
std::string line;
std::string delim = " \t";
std::regex reg("\\s+");
std::sregex_token_iterator it_end;
bm::bvector<> bv_rs;
unsigned rs_cnt = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; std::getline(fin, line); ++i)
if (line.empty() ||
// regex based tokenizer
std::sregex_token_iterator it(line.begin(), line.end(), reg, -1);
std::vector<std::string> line_vec(it, it_end);
if (line_vec.empty())
// parse columns of interest
rs_id = unsigned(std::stoul(, &idx));
if (bv_rs.test(rs_id))
rs_pos = unsigned(std::stoul(, &idx));
sv.set(rs_pos, rs_id);
catch (std::exception& /*ex*/)
continue; // detailed disgnostics commented out
// error detected, because some columns are sometimes missing
// just ignore it
std::cerr << ex.what() << "; ";
std::cerr << "rs=" << << " pos=" << << std::endl;
if (rs_cnt % (4 * 1024) == 0)
std::cout << "\r" << rs_cnt << " / " << i; // PROGRESS report
} // for i
std::cout << std::endl;
std::cout << "SNP count=" << rs_cnt << std::endl;
return 0;
// Generate random subset of random values from a sparse vector
void generate_random_subset(const sparse_vector_u32& sv, std::vector<unsigned>& vect, unsigned count)
bm::bvector<> bv_sample;
rand_sampler.sample(bv_sample, *bv_null, count);
bm::bvector<>::enumerator en = bv_sample.first();
for (; en.valid(); ++en)
unsigned idx = *en;
unsigned v = sv[idx];
// build std::vector of pairs (position to rs)
for (; it != it_end; ++it)
if (!it.is_null())
std::pair<unsigned, unsigned> pos2rs = std::make_pair(it.pos(), it.value());
// O(N) -- O(N/2) linear search in vector of pairs (position - rsid)
bool search_vector_pairs(const vector_pairs& vp, unsigned rs_id, unsigned& pos)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < vp.size(); ++i)
if (vp[i].second == rs_id)
pos = vp[i].first;
return true;
return false;
// SNP search benchmark
// Search for SNPs using different data structures (Bitmagic and STL)
// An extra step is verification, to make sure all methods are consistent
const unsigned rs_sample_count = 2000;
std::vector<unsigned> rs_vect;
generate_random_subset(sv, rs_vect, rs_sample_count);
if (rs_vect.empty())
std::cerr << "Benchmark subset empty!" << std::endl;
// build traditional sparse vector
// search result bit-vectors
bm::bvector<> bv_found1;
bm::bvector<> bv_found2;
bm::bvector<> bv_found3;
bv_found1.init(); bv_found2.init(); bv_found3.init();// pre-initialize vectors
if (!sv.empty())
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "09. rs search (sv)", unsigned(rs_vect.size()), &timing_map);
// scanner class
// it's important to keep scanner class outside the loop to avoid
// unnecessary re-allocs and construction costs
for (unsigned i = 0; i < rs_vect.size(); ++i)
unsigned rs_id = rs_vect[i];
unsigned rs_pos;
bool found = scanner.find_eq(sv, rs_id, rs_pos);
if (found)
std::cout << "Error: rs_id = " << rs_id << " not found!" << std::endl;
} // for
if (!csv.empty())
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "10. rs search (rsc_sv)", unsigned(rs_vect.size()), &timing_map);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < rs_vect.size(); ++i)
unsigned rs_id = rs_vect[i];
unsigned rs_pos;
bool found = scanner.find_eq(csv, rs_id, rs_pos);
if (found)
std::cout << "rs_id = " << rs_id << " not found!" << std::endl;
} // for
if (vp.size())
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "11. rs search (std::vector<>)", unsigned(rs_vect.size()), &timing_map);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < rs_vect.size(); ++i)
unsigned rs_id = rs_vect[i];
unsigned rs_pos;
bool found = search_vector_pairs(vp, rs_id, rs_pos);
if (found)
std::cout << "rs_id = " << rs_id << " not found!" << std::endl;
} // for
// compare results from various methods (check integrity)
int res =;
if (res != 0)
std::cerr << "Error: search discrepancy (sparse search) detected!" << std::endl;
res =;
if (res != 0)
std::cerr << "Error: search discrepancy (std::vector<>) detected!" << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc < 3)
return 1;
auto ret = parse_args(argc, argv);
if (ret != 0)
return ret;
if (!isnp_name.empty())
auto res = load_snp_report(isnp_name, sv);
if (res != 0)
return res;
if (!sv_in_name.empty())
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "02. Load sparse vector", 1, &timing_map);
file_load_svector(sv, sv_in_name);
// load rs-compressed sparse vector
if (!rsc_in_name.empty())
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "03. Load rsc sparse vector", 1, &timing_map);
file_load_svector(csv, rsc_in_name);
// if rs-compressed vector is not available - build it on the fly
if (csv.empty() && !sv.empty())
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "04. rs compress sparse vector", 1, &timing_map);
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "05. rs de-compress sparse vector", 1, &timing_map);
if (!sv.equal(sv2)) // diagnostics check (just in case)
std::cerr << "Error: rs-compressed vector check failed!" << std::endl;
return 1;
// save SV vector
if (!sv_out_name.empty() && !sv.empty())
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "07. Save sparse vector", 1, &timing_map);
file_save_svector(sv, sv_out_name);
// save RS sparse vector
if (!rsc_out_name.empty() && !csv.empty())
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "08. Save RS sparse vector", 1, &timing_map);
file_save_svector(csv, rsc_out_name);
if (is_diag) // print memory diagnostics
if (!sv.empty())
std::cout << std::endl
<< "sparse vector statistics:"
<< std::endl;
bm::print_svector_stat(std::cout, sv, true);
if (!csv.empty())
std::cout << std::endl
<< "RS compressed sparse vector statistics:"
<< std::endl;
bm::print_svector_stat(std::cout, csv, true);
if (is_bench) // run set of benchmarks
run_benchmark(sv, csv);
if (is_timing) // print all collected timings
std::cout << std::endl << "Performance:" << std::endl;
catch (std::exception& ex)
std::cerr << "Error:" << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
Compressed bit-vector bvector<> container, set algebraic methods, traversal iterators.
Algorithms for bvector<> (main include)
Generation of random subset.
Serialization / compression of bvector<>. Set theoretical operations on compressed BLOBs.
Sparse constainer sparse_vector<> for integer types using bit-transposition transform.
Algorithms for bm::sparse_vector.
Compressed sparse container rsc_sparse_vector<> for integer types.
Serialization for sparse_vector<>
Timing utilities for benchmarking (internal)
pre-processor un-defines to avoid global space pollution (internal)
const bvector_type * get_null_bvector() const BMNOEXCEPT
Get bit-vector of assigned values or NULL (if not constructed that way)
Definition: bmbmatrix.h:430
Constant iterator designed to enumerate "ON" bits.
Definition: bm.h:603
bool valid() const BMNOEXCEPT
Checks if iterator is still valid.
Definition: bm.h:283
Bitvector Bit-vector container with runtime compression of bits.
Definition: bm.h:115
bool test(size_type n) const BMNOEXCEPT
returns true if bit n is set and false is bit n is 0.
Definition: bm.h:1480
enumerator first() const
Returns enumerator pointing on the first non-zero bit.
Definition: bm.h:1849
void init()
Explicit post-construction initialization. Must be caled to make sure safe use of *_no_check() method...
Definition: bm.h:2258
int compare(const bvector< Alloc > &bvect) const BMNOEXCEPT
Lexicographical comparison with a bitvector.
Definition: bm.h:3709
void set_bit_no_check(size_type n)
Set bit without checking preconditions (size, etc)
Definition: bm.h:4405
Utility class to collect performance measurements and statistics.
Definition: bmtimer.h:41
std::map< std::string, statistics > duration_map_type
test name to duration map
Definition: bmtimer.h:66
static void print_duration_map(TOut &tout, const duration_map_type &dmap, format fmt=ct_time)
Definition: bmtimer.h:150
void sample(BV &bv_out, const BV &bv_in, size_type sample_count)
Get random subset of input vector.
Definition: bmrandom.h:140
void load_from(const sparse_vector_type &sv_src)
Load compressed vector from a sparse vector (with NULLs)
void load_to(sparse_vector_type &sv) const
Exort compressed vector to a sparse vector (with NULLs)
void optimize(bm::word_t *temp_block=0, typename bvector_type::optmode opt_mode=bvector_type::opt_compress, statistics *stat=0)
run memory optimization for all vector slices
bool empty() const BMNOEXCEPT
return true if vector is empty
algorithms for sparse_vector scan/search
void find_eq(const SV &sv, value_type value, bvector_type &bv_out)
find all sparse vector elements EQ to search value
succinct sparse vector with runtime compression using bit-slicing / transposition method
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:87
bool equal(const sparse_vector< Val, BV > &sv, bm::null_support null_able=bm::use_null) const BMNOEXCEPT
check if another sparse vector has the same content and size
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:2246
void push_back(value_type v)
push value back into vector
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:1838
void set(size_type idx, value_type v)
set specified element with bounds checking and automatic resize
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:1804
const_iterator end() const BMNOEXCEPT
Provide const iterator access to the end
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:559
bool empty() const BMNOEXCEPT
return true if vector is empty
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:716
const_iterator begin() const BMNOEXCEPT
Provide const iterator access to container content
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:2256
void optimize(bm::word_t *temp_block=0, typename bvector_type::optmode opt_mode=bvector_type::opt_compress, typename sparse_vector< Val, BV >::statistics *stat=0)
run memory optimization for all vector planes
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:2094
@ use_null
support "non-assigned" or "NULL" logic
Definition: bmconst.h:229
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: xsample03.cpp:460
static int parse_args(int argc, char *argv[])
Definition: xsample03.cpp:110
std::vector< std::pair< unsigned, unsigned > > vector_pairs
Definition: xsample03.cpp:206
bool is_bench
Definition: xsample03.cpp:107
std::string sv_in_name
Definition: xsample03.cpp:102
std::string rsc_in_name
Definition: xsample03.cpp:103
static void build_vector_pairs(const sparse_vector_u32 &sv, vector_pairs &vp)
Definition: xsample03.cpp:312
bm::sparse_vector< unsigned, bm::bvector<> > sparse_vector_u32
Definition: xsample03.cpp:204
static bool search_vector_pairs(const vector_pairs &vp, unsigned rs_id, unsigned &pos)
Definition: xsample03.cpp:330
static void show_help()
Definition: xsample03.cpp:81
std::string isnp_name
Definition: xsample03.cpp:104
bm::chrono_taker ::duration_map_type timing_map
Definition: xsample03.cpp:210
bool is_diag
Definition: xsample03.cpp:105
bm::rsc_sparse_vector< unsigned, sparse_vector_u32 > rsc_sparse_vector_u32
Definition: xsample03.cpp:205
static void generate_random_subset(const sparse_vector_u32 &sv, std::vector< unsigned > &vect, unsigned count)
Definition: xsample03.cpp:292
std::string sv_out_name
Definition: xsample03.cpp:100
std::string rsc_out_name
Definition: xsample03.cpp:101
static int load_snp_report(const std::string &fname, sparse_vector_u32 &sv)
Definition: xsample03.cpp:218
static void run_benchmark(const sparse_vector_u32 &sv, const rsc_sparse_vector_u32 &csv)
Definition: xsample03.cpp:349
bool is_timing
Definition: xsample03.cpp:106