
Demo and a benchmark on memory consumption control and logical operation

Copyright(c) 2002-2017 Anatoliy Kuznetsov(anatoliy_kuznetsov at
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
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/** \example xsample01.cpp
Demo and a benchmark on memory consumption control and logical operation
/*! \file xsample01.cpp
\brief Example: Example: memory consumption techniques
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <chrono>
#include <algorithm>
#include <stdexcept>
using namespace std;
#include "bm.h"
#include "bmalgo.h"
#include "bmtimer.h"
#include "bmserial.h"
#include "bmsparsevec.h"
#include "bmdbg.h"
#include "bmundef.h" /* clear the pre-proc defines from BM */
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Global parameters and types
// ----------------------------------------------------
// Number of vectors generated for the test
const unsigned index_size = 1000000;
// Dynamic range for constructed sets
const unsigned max_size = 2000000;
// Number of bits per one vector
const unsigned bits_per_vect = 5;
// benchmark operation count
const unsigned benchmark_ops = 1000;
// subset of vectors used as a sample
const unsigned sample_cnt = 250;
// index values to extract
const unsigned result_set_cnt = 200;
// bit-vector type for this example
// timing storage for benchmarking
/* BitMagic provides two GAP length tables for situations when we have
standard or embarassingly sparse vectors.
bm::gap_len_table - default standard
bm::gap_len_table_min - option for smaller vectors
Here we define an alternative table for very sparse vectors
template<bool T> struct gap_len_table_sparse
template<bool T>
{ 8, 32, 128, 512 };
// simple bit-vector class factory for the project
// in this example we plan to keep lots of vectors in memory, thus
// use parameters to minimize memory consumption
TBVector* bv =
new TBVector(bm::BM_GAP, // use GAP compressed mode
gap_len_table_sparse<true>::_len, // custom lens for super sparse vectors
max_size // limit the maximum size
return bv;
// Generic utility to destroy map of pointers
template<typename TM>
void destroy_map(TM& id_map)
for (typename TM::iterator it = id_map.begin();
it != id_map.end();
typename TM::mapped_type mp = it->second;
delete mp;
} // for
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sample data structures
// ------------------------------------------------------------------
// Sample index structure to keep a map of in-memory bit-vectors
struct bv_index
typedef std::map<unsigned, TBVector*> map_type;
// Sample index structure to keep map of in-memory serialized/compressed bit-vectors
struct bvs_index
typedef std::vector<unsigned char> buffer_type;
typedef std::map<unsigned, buffer_type> map_type;
// Sample index structure to keep map of in-memory vector<unsigned int>
struct vect_index
typedef std::vector<unsigned int> buffer_type;
typedef std::map<unsigned, buffer_type> map_type;
// Sample index structure as in-memory sparse_vector
struct vect_addr
unsigned offset;
unsigned size;
typedef std::map<unsigned, vect_addr> map_type;
typedef std::vector< std::pair<uint64_t, unsigned> > delta_sum_map_type;
void get_vector(unsigned id, std::vector<unsigned>& vect) const;
void sparse_vect_index::get_vector(unsigned id, std::vector<unsigned>& vect) const
map_type::const_iterator it = idx_.find(id);
if (it != idx_.end())
const sparse_vect_index::vect_addr& vaddr = it->second;
vect[0] = sv_storage1_.get(id);
for (unsigned j = 1; j < vect.size(); ++j)
unsigned a = sv_storage_.get(j + vaddr.offset - 1);
a += (vect[j-1] + 1);
vect[j] = a;
} // for j
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// set bits in a vector using various methods picked at random
// one method will generate a plato of non-random integers,
// another random integers of near neighbors
// the other adds ints randomly without following any system
unsigned method = rand() % 5; // pick a generation method
if (method == 0) // generate a incremental linear sequence at random location
unsigned seed_id = unsigned(rand()) % max_size;
for (unsigned i = seed_id; i < seed_id+bits_per_vect; ++i)
if (i >= max_size)
} // for i
if (method == 1) // generate near neighbors
unsigned seed_id = unsigned(rand()) % max_size;
unsigned id = seed_id;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < bits_per_vect; ++i)
if (id >= max_size)
id += (rand() % 10);
if (id >= max_size)
id = unsigned(rand()) % max_size;
} // for i
else // generate completely random bits
for (unsigned i = 0; i < bits_per_vect; ++i)
unsigned id = unsigned(rand()) % max_size;
if (i >= max_size) // paranoiya check
} // for i
// generate map of bit-vectors, each filled with just a few bits
for (unsigned i = 0; i < index_size; ++i)
std::unique_ptr<TBVector> ap(construct_bvector());
if (!ap->any()) // integrity check
// this should never happen
std::cerr << "Warning. Empty vector generated!" << std::endl;
bvi.idx_[i] = ap.release();
// calculate memory footprint for in memory index
size_t calc_memory_footprint(const bv_index& bvi)
size_t mem_total = 0;
for (bv_index::map_type::const_iterator it = bvi.idx_.begin();
it != bvi.idx_.end();
const TBVector* mp = it->second;
mem_total += st.memory_used;
mem_total += sizeof(void*);
} // for
return mem_total;
// convert bit-vector index to bit-vector serialized index
size_t convert_bv2bvs(const bv_index& bvi, bvs_index& bvs)
size_t mem_total = 0;
std::vector<unsigned char> buf; // prepare a temporary buffer
// bit-vector serializer
// (keep it out of the serialization loop to minimize buffers re-allocations)
for (bv_index::map_type::const_iterator it = bvi.idx_.begin();
it != bvi.idx_.end();
unsigned id = it->first;
const TBVector* bvp = it->second;
bvp->calc_stat(&st); // calculate max. serialized size
buf.resize(st.max_serialize_mem); // prepare the temp buffer
// run serialization, actual serialization size is expacted to be smaller
unsigned bvs_size = bvsr.serialize(*bvp,, st.max_serialize_mem);
// move from temp serialization buffer to compressed in-memory index
bvs_index::buffer_type& vbuf = bvs.idx_[id];
::memcpy(,, bvs_size);
mem_total += bvs_size;
mem_total += sizeof(std::vector<unsigned char>::size_type);
// paranoia check compare source and desirialized vectors
#ifdef DEBUG
TBVector bv1;
if (*bvp) !=0 )
throw std::runtime_error("deserialization check failed");
} // for
return mem_total;
// convert bit-vector index to vector<usingned>
size_t convert_bv2vect(const bv_index& bvi, vect_index& vidx)
size_t mem_total = 0;
for (bv_index::map_type::const_iterator it = bvi.idx_.begin();
it != bvi.idx_.end();
unsigned id = it->first;
const TBVector* bvp = it->second;
unsigned count = bvp->count(); // population count
vect_index::buffer_type& vect = vidx.idx_[id];
for (TBVector::enumerator en = bvp->first(); en.valid(); ++en)
mem_total +=
sizeof(vect_index::buffer_type::value_type) * vect.size() +
} // for
return mem_total;
void bv2delta(const TBVector& bv, std::vector<unsigned>& vect)
// convert into a plain vector first
for (TBVector::enumerator en = bv.first(); en.valid(); ++en)
// convert into delta-vector
for (size_t k = vect.size()-1; k >= 1; --k)
vect[k] -= vect[k-1];
} // for
// convert bit-vector index to bm::sparse_vector
size_t convert_bv2sv(const bv_index& bvi, sparse_vect_index& sv_idx)
size_t mem_total = 0;
std::vector<unsigned> vect;
for (bv_index::map_type::const_iterator it = bvi.idx_.begin();
it != bvi.idx_.end();
unsigned id = it->first;
const TBVector* bvp = it->second;
bv2delta(*bvp, vect);
// compute sum of the delta-vector elements add to the sort map
uint64_t sum = 0;
for (unsigned k = 1; k < vect.size(); ++k)
sum += vect[k];
} // for
delta_map.push_back(std::make_pair(sum, id));
} // for
// sort by "enthropy" (sort of)
std::sort(delta_map.begin(), delta_map.end());
if (delta_map.size() != bvi.idx_.size()) // paranoia check
throw std::runtime_error("delta map size is incorrect");
unsigned sv_pos = 0; // current position in sparse vector
for (unsigned j = 0; j < delta_map.size(); ++j)
unsigned id = delta_map[j].second;
bv_index::map_type::const_iterator it = bvi.idx_.find(id);
if (it == bvi.idx_.end())
const TBVector& bv = *(it->second);
// convert into a plain delta vector again
bv2delta(bv, vect);
vaddr.offset = sv_pos;
vaddr.size = (unsigned)(vect.size() - 1);
sv_idx.sv_storage1_.set(id, vect[0]);
if (vaddr.size)
sv_idx.sv_storage_.import(&vect[1], vaddr.size, vaddr.offset);
sv_pos += vaddr.size;
sv_idx.idx_[id] = vaddr;
} // for
// optimize sparse vector storage, compute memory consumption
sparse_vect_index::sparse_vector_type::statistics st;
mem_total += st.memory_used;
mem_total += st.memory_used;
// check
for (bv_index::map_type::const_iterator it = bvi.idx_.begin();
it != bvi.idx_.end();
unsigned id = it->first;
const TBVector* bvp = it->second;
// convert into a plain vector first
for (TBVector::enumerator en = bvp->first(); en.valid(); ++en)
std::vector<unsigned> svect;
sv_idx.get_vector(id, svect);
if (svect.size() != vect.size())
std::cerr << "Size check failed! id = " << id
<< "size() = " << svect.size()
<< std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error("sparse vector content check failed");
for (unsigned k = 0; k < vect.size(); ++k)
if (vect[k] != svect[k])
std::cerr << "SV content check failed! id = " << id
<< " i=" << k << std::endl;
for (unsigned h = 0; h < vect.size(); ++h)
std::cout << "[" << vect[h] << "=" << svect[h] << "], ";
} // for h
std::cout << std::endl;
throw std::runtime_error("sparse vector content check failed");
} // for k
} // for
#ifdef DEBUG
bm::print_svector_stat(sv_idx.sv_storage_, true);
bm::print_svector_stat(sv_idx.sv_storage1_, true);
return mem_total;
// speed test for in-memory bit vectors
// benchmark performs a mix of logical operations
void speed_test_bv_index(const bv_index& bvi)
TBVector bv_join; // OR join vector
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "1. bm::bvector<> index", 1, &timing_map);
// join all vectors using OR operation
for (bv_index::map_type::const_iterator it = bvi.idx_.begin();
it != bvi.idx_.end();
const TBVector* bvp = it->second;
bv_join |= *bvp;
} // for
// a group of random vectors from the index map, compute OR
// then compute AND with the join vector
std::vector<unsigned> result_set;
result_set.reserve(result_set_cnt); // memory reservation to avoid reallocs
for (unsigned i = 0; i < benchmark_ops; ++i)
bv_res.clear(true); // free all blocks
for (unsigned j = 0; j < sample_cnt; ++j)
unsigned id = unsigned(rand()) % index_size;
bv_index::map_type::const_iterator it = bvi.idx_.find(id);
if (it == bvi.idx_.end())
const TBVector& bv = *(it->second);
bv_res |= bv;
bv_res &= bv_join;
// enumerate the final result set, extract first N elements
TBVector::enumerator en = bv_res.first();
for (unsigned k = 0; en.valid() && k < result_set_cnt; ++k, ++en)
} // for i
tt1.add_repeats(benchmark_ops + 1);
// speed test for in-memory serialized bit vectors
// this function uses bm::operation_deserializer
// to perform logical operation between a BLOB and bvector<> in memory
// and avoids extra decompression overhead
TBVector bv_join; // OR join vector
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "2. serialized bvector", 1, &timing_map);
// join all vectors using OR operation
for (bvs_index::map_type::const_iterator it = bvs.idx_.begin();
it != bvs.idx_.end();
const bvs_index::buffer_type& svect = it->second;
if (svect.size() == 0)
throw std::runtime_error("empty buffer error");
const unsigned char* buf = it->;
des.deserialize(bv_join, buf, tb, bm::set_OR);
} // for
// a group of random vectors from the index map, compute OR
// then compute AND with the join vector
std::vector<unsigned> result_set;
result_set.reserve(result_set_cnt); // memory reservation to avoid reallocs
for (unsigned i = 0; i < benchmark_ops; ++i)
bv_res.clear(true); // free all blocks
for (unsigned j = 0; j < sample_cnt; ++j)
unsigned id = unsigned(rand()) % index_size;
bvs_index::map_type::const_iterator it = bvs.idx_.find(id);
if (it == bvs.idx_.end())
const unsigned char* buf = it->;
des.deserialize(bv_res, buf, tb, bm::set_OR);
} // for j
bv_res &= bv_join;
// enumerate the final result set, extract first N elements
TBVector::enumerator en = bv_res.first();
for (unsigned k = 0; en.valid() && k < result_set_cnt; ++k, ++en)
} // for i
tt1.add_repeats(benchmark_ops + 1);
TBVector bv_join; // OR join vector
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "3. std::vector<unsigned> ", 1, &timing_map);
// join all vectors using OR operation
for (vect_index::map_type::const_iterator it = vecti.idx_.begin();
it != vecti.idx_.end();
const vect_index::buffer_type& vect = it->second;
if (vect.size() == 0)
throw std::runtime_error("empty buffer error");
bm::combine_or(bv_join, vect.begin(), vect.end());
} // for
// a group of random vectors from the index map, compute OR
// then compute AND with the join vector
std::vector<unsigned> result_set;
result_set.reserve(result_set_cnt); // memory reservation to avoid reallocs
for (unsigned i = 0; i < benchmark_ops; ++i)
bv_res.clear(true); // free all blocks
for (unsigned j = 0; j < sample_cnt; ++j)
unsigned id = unsigned(rand()) % index_size;
vect_index::map_type::const_iterator it = vecti.idx_.find(id);
if (it == vecti.idx_.end())
const vect_index::buffer_type& vect = it->second;
bm::combine_or(bv_join, vect.begin(), vect.end());
} // for j
bv_res &= bv_join;
// enumerate the final result set, extract first N elements
TBVector::enumerator en = bv_res.first();
for (unsigned k = 0; en.valid() && k < result_set_cnt; ++k, ++en)
} // for i
tt1.add_repeats(benchmark_ops + 1);
TBVector bv_join; // OR join vector
bm::chrono_taker tt1(cout, "4. bm::sparse_vector<unsigned> ", 1, &timing_map);
std::vector<unsigned> vect;
// join all vectors using OR operation
for (sparse_vect_index::map_type::const_iterator it = svi.idx_.begin();
it != svi.idx_.end();
unsigned id = it->first;
svi.get_vector(id, vect);
bm::combine_or(bv_join, vect.begin(), vect.end());
} // for
// a group of random vectors from the index map, compute OR
// then compute AND with the join vector
std::vector<unsigned> result_set;
result_set.reserve(result_set_cnt); // memory reservation to avoid reallocs
for (unsigned i = 0; i < benchmark_ops; ++i)
bv_res.clear(true); // free all blocks
for (unsigned j = 0; j < sample_cnt; ++j)
unsigned id = unsigned(rand()) % index_size;
svi.get_vector(id, vect);
if (vect.size() == 0)
bm::combine_or(bv_join, vect.begin(), vect.end());
} // for j
bv_res &= bv_join;
// enumerate the final result set, extract first N elements
TBVector::enumerator en = bv_res.first();
for (unsigned k = 0; en.valid() && k < result_set_cnt; ++k, ++en)
} // for i
tt1.add_repeats(benchmark_ops + 1);
int main(void)
bv_index bvi; // regular in-memory index id to bvector<>
bvs_index bvs; // compressed in-memory index id to bvector<> BLOB
vect_index vecti; // index based on plain uncompressed vector<unsigned>
sparse_vect_index svi; // all ids in a sparse vector
// experiments generation, measuring memory footprints
size_t bv_mem_total = calc_memory_footprint(bvi);
size_t bv_mem_total_MB = bv_mem_total / (1024*1024);
std::cout << "bm::bvector<> memory footprint = "
<< bv_mem_total << " (" << bv_mem_total_MB << "MB)"
<< std::endl;
size_t bvs_mem_total = convert_bv2bvs(bvi, bvs);
size_t bvs_mem_total_MB = bvs_mem_total / (1024*1024);
std::cout << "bm::bvector<> BLOB memory footprint = "
<< bvs_mem_total << " (" << bvs_mem_total_MB << "MB)"
<< std::endl;
size_t vecti_mem_total = convert_bv2vect(bvi, vecti);
size_t vecti_mem_total_MB = vecti_mem_total / (1024*1024);
std::cout << "std::vector<unsigned> memory footprint = "
<< vecti_mem_total << " (" << vecti_mem_total_MB << "MB)"
<< std::endl;
size_t svi_mem_total = convert_bv2sv(bvi, svi);
size_t svi_mem_total_MB = svi_mem_total / (1024*1024);
std::cout << "bm::sparse_vector<> memory footprint = "
<< svi_mem_total << " (" << svi_mem_total_MB << "MB)"
<< std::endl;
// run performance tests
std::cout << std::endl << "Performance (ops/sec):" << std::endl;
//getchar(); // uncomment to check memory consumption at the OS level
catch(std::exception& ex)
std::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
Compressed bit-vector bvector<> container, set algebraic methods, traversal iterators.
Definition: bm.h:47
Algorithms for bvector<> (main include)
Serialization / compression of bvector<>. Set theoretical operations on compressed BLOBs.
Sparse constainer sparse_vector<> for integer types using bit-transposition transform.
Algorithms for bm::sparse_vector.
Serialization for sparse_vector<>
Timing utilities for benchmarking (internal)
pre-processor un-defines to avoid global space pollution (internal)
Constant iterator designed to enumerate "ON" bits.
Definition: bm.h:603
bool valid() const BMNOEXCEPT
Checks if iterator is still valid.
Definition: bm.h:283
Bitvector Bit-vector container with runtime compression of bits.
Definition: bm.h:115
@ opt_compress
compress blocks when possible (GAP/prefix sum)
Definition: bm.h:137
size_type count() const BMNOEXCEPT
population count (count of ON bits)
Definition: bm.h:2366
void resize(size_type new_size)
Change size of the bvector.
Definition: bm.h:2428
void optimize(bm::word_t *temp_block=0, optmode opt_mode=opt_compress, statistics *stat=0)
Optimize memory bitvector's memory allocation.
Definition: bm.h:3600
bool set_bit(size_type n, bool val=true)
Sets bit n.
Definition: bm.h:4192
enumerator first() const
Returns enumerator pointing on the first non-zero bit.
Definition: bm.h:1849
int compare(const bvector< Alloc > &bvect) const BMNOEXCEPT
Lexicographical comparison with a bitvector.
Definition: bm.h:3709
void calc_stat(struct bm::bvector< Alloc >::statistics *st) const BMNOEXCEPT
Calculates bitvector statistics.
Definition: bm.h:3943
Utility class to collect performance measurements and statistics.
Definition: bmtimer.h:41
std::map< std::string, statistics > duration_map_type
test name to duration map
Definition: bmtimer.h:66
static void print_duration_map(TOut &tout, const duration_map_type &dmap, format fmt=ct_time)
Definition: bmtimer.h:150
Deserializer, performs logical operations between bit-vector and serialized bit-vector.
Definition: bmserial.h:930
size_type deserialize(bvector_type &bv, const unsigned char *buf, set_operation op, bool exit_on_one=false)
Deserialize bvector using buffer as set operation argument.
Definition: bmserial.h:6579
Bit-vector serialization class.
Definition: bmserial.h:76
void gap_length_serialization(bool value) BMNOEXCEPT
Set GAP length serialization (serializes GAP levels of the original vector)
Definition: bmserial.h:1275
void set_compression_level(unsigned clevel) BMNOEXCEPT
Set compression level.
Definition: bmserial.h:1254
void byte_order_serialization(bool value) BMNOEXCEPT
Set byte-order serialization (for cross platform compatibility)
Definition: bmserial.h:1281
size_type serialize(const BV &bv, unsigned char *buf, size_t buf_size)
Bitvector serialization into memory block.
Definition: bmserial.h:2706
succinct sparse vector with runtime compression using bit-slicing / transposition method
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:87
value_type get(size_type idx) const BMNOEXCEPT
get specified element without bounds checking
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:1741
void set(size_type idx, value_type v)
set specified element with bounds checking and automatic resize
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:1804
void import(const value_type *arr, size_type arr_size, size_type offset=0, bool set_not_null=true)
Import list of elements from a C-style array.
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:1154
void optimize(bm::word_t *temp_block=0, typename bvector_type::optmode opt_mode=bvector_type::opt_compress, typename sparse_vector< Val, BV >::statistics *stat=0)
run memory optimization for all vector planes
Definition: bmsparsevec.h:2094
@ set_OR
Definition: bmconst.h:169
GAP compression is ON.
Definition: bmconst.h:147
size_t deserialize(BV &bv, const unsigned char *buf, bm::word_t *temp_block=0, const bm::bv_ref_vector< BV > *ref_vect=0)
Bitvector deserialization from a memory BLOB.
Definition: bmserial.h:3140
void combine_or(BV &bv, It first, It last)
OR Combine bitvector and the iterable sequence.
Definition: bmalgo_impl.h:1080
const unsigned gap_levels
Definition: bmconst.h:85
unsigned short gap_word_t
Definition: bmconst.h:78
size_t max_serialize_mem
estimated maximum memory for serialization
Definition: bmfunc.h:61
size_t memory_used
memory usage for all blocks and service tables
Definition: bmfunc.h:62
Statistical information about bitset's memory allocation details.
Definition: bm.h:125
std::map< unsigned, TBVector * > map_type
Definition: xsample01.cpp:136
map_type idx_
Definition: xsample01.cpp:141
std::map< unsigned, buffer_type > map_type
Definition: xsample01.cpp:149
std::vector< unsigned char > buffer_type
Definition: xsample01.cpp:148
map_type idx_
Definition: xsample01.cpp:151
static const bm::gap_word_t _len[bm::gap_levels]
Definition: xsample01.cpp:91
sparse_vector_type sv_storage1_
Definition: xsample01.cpp:184
bm::sparse_vector< unsigned, bm::bvector<> > sparse_vector_type
Definition: xsample01.cpp:175
std::map< unsigned, vect_addr > map_type
Definition: xsample01.cpp:176
std::vector< std::pair< uint64_t, unsigned > > delta_sum_map_type
Definition: xsample01.cpp:177
void get_vector(unsigned id, std::vector< unsigned > &vect) const
Definition: xsample01.cpp:188
sparse_vector_type sv_storage_
Definition: xsample01.cpp:183
std::map< unsigned, buffer_type > map_type
Definition: xsample01.cpp:159
map_type idx_
Definition: xsample01.cpp:161
std::vector< unsigned int > buffer_type
Definition: xsample01.cpp:158
static void generate_random_vector(TBVector *bv)
Definition: xsample01.cpp:219
bm::bvector TBVector
Definition: xsample01.cpp:74
static void generate_bv_index(bv_index &bvi)
Definition: xsample01.cpp:262
const unsigned index_size
Definition: xsample01.cpp:55
static void speed_test_vect_index(const vect_index &vecti)
Definition: xsample01.cpp:678
const unsigned benchmark_ops
Definition: xsample01.cpp:64
static TBVector * construct_bvector()
Definition: xsample01.cpp:101
const unsigned bits_per_vect
Definition: xsample01.cpp:61
int main(void)
Definition: xsample01.cpp:800
static void speed_test_bv_index(const bv_index &bvi)
Definition: xsample01.cpp:555
static size_t calc_memory_footprint(const bv_index &bvi)
Definition: xsample01.cpp:283
static void bv2delta(const TBVector &bv, std::vector< unsigned > &vect)
Definition: xsample01.cpp:397
static size_t convert_bv2bvs(const bv_index &bvi, bvs_index &bvs)
Definition: xsample01.cpp:305
void destroy_map(TM &id_map)
Definition: xsample01.cpp:116
const unsigned result_set_cnt
Definition: xsample01.cpp:70
bm::chrono_taker ::duration_map_type timing_map
Definition: xsample01.cpp:78
static void speed_test_sv_index(const sparse_vect_index &svi)
Definition: xsample01.cpp:740
static size_t convert_bv2vect(const bv_index &bvi, vect_index &vidx)
Definition: xsample01.cpp:367
const unsigned sample_cnt
Definition: xsample01.cpp:67
static size_t convert_bv2sv(const bv_index &bvi, sparse_vect_index &sv_idx)
Definition: xsample01.cpp:421
const unsigned max_size
Definition: xsample01.cpp:58
static void speed_test_bvs_index(const bvs_index &bvs)
Definition: xsample01.cpp:614