
Succinct container scanner search using pipeline to run thousands of searches faster one by one scans. scanner::pipeline uses variuous cache and algorithmic optimization techniques to run bulk searches faster.

See also
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/** \example strsvsample07.cpp
Succinct container scanner search using pipeline to run thousands of searches faster
one by one scans. scanner::pipeline uses variuous cache and algorithmic optimization techniques
to run bulk searches faster.
\sa bm::str_sparse_vector
\sa bm::sparse_vector_scanner
\sa bm::sparse_vector_scanner::pipeline
/*! \file strsvsample07.cpp
\brief Example: Succinct container for strings, bulk search using scanner pipeline
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
#include <cassert>
#include <thread>
#include "bm.h"
#include "bmstrsparsevec.h"
#include "bmtimer.h"
#include "bmdbg.h"
#include "bmundef.h" /* clear the pre-proc defines from BM */
using namespace std;
Test data generation.
max_coll - defines the number of string variants
repeat_factor - how often strings should be duplicated (to simulate the compressable collections),
higher repeat_factor produces more compressable vector.
void GenerateTestData(std::vector<string>& str_coll,
str_sv_type& str_sv,
unsigned max_coll = 8000000,
unsigned repeat_factor=10)
// use back inserter to fill in succinct vector (it is faster than push_back)
auto bi(str_sv.get_back_inserter());
string str;
for (unsigned i = 10; i < max_coll; i+= (rand()&0xF))
switch (i & 0xF)
case 0: str = "AB"; break;
case 1: str = "GTx"; break;
case 2: str = "cnv"; break;
default: str = "AbY11"; break;
for (unsigned k = 0; k < repeat_factor; ++k)
bi = str; // feed into SV back-inserter
} // for i
bool is_diag = true; ///< Flag to print the SV diagnostics
/// Rudimentary cmd-args parser
void parse_args(int argc, char *argv[])
for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
std::string arg = argv[i];
if (arg == "-nodiag")
is_diag = false;
} // for i
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
parse_args(argc, argv);
std::vector<string> str_coll;
str_sv_type str_sv0(bm::use_null); // sparse-succinct vector
cout << "Generating the test data... " << flush;
GenerateTestData(str_coll, str_sv0);
str_sv_type str_sv1(str_sv0); // make a copy of the original vector
cout << "OK" << endl;
cout << "Remapping the data to create compressed vector " << flush;
// apply char frequency remapping compression
// (should not modify after that)
str_sv0.optimize(tb); // optimize the succinct vector
cout << "OK" << endl;
// we have two succinct vectors str_sv0 (remapped and optimized)
// and str_sv1 - original after construction
// - print statistics to take a look into details
if (is_diag)
cout << "\nStatistics on generated SV:" << endl;
bm::print_svector_stat(cout, str_sv1);
// diagnostics print to see the details of succinct structures
cout << "\nStatistics on remapped/optimized SV:" << endl;
bm::print_svector_stat(cout, str_sv0);
cout << endl << endl;
// create a random sampling of strings to search
unsigned test_runs = 10000;
std::vector<string> str_test_coll;
for (bvector_type::size_type i = 0; i < test_runs; ++i)
bvector_type::size_type idx = (unsigned) rand() % test_runs;
if (idx >= test_runs)
idx = test_runs/2;
assert(str_test_coll.size() == test_runs);
// -------------------------------------------------------------
std::vector<unique_ptr<bvector_type> > res_vec1;
cout << "Running benchmark tests.." << endl;
for (int pass = 0; pass < 2; pass++)
cout << "PASS = " << pass << ((pass==0) ? " -- remap/optimized" : " -- NOT remapped") << endl;
const str_sv_type* str_sv = (pass==0) ? &str_sv0 : &str_sv1;
// Run experiment 1, search sparse vector in a loop one-by-one
// This is not a slow method, scanner uses various optimizations
// (SIMD, "search space prunning" to be efficient)
bm::chrono_taker tt(cout, "scanner<>::find_eq_str()", test_runs);
for (bvector_type::size_type i = 0; i < test_runs; ++i)
const string& str = str_test_coll[i];
unique_ptr<bvector_type> bv_res(new bvector_type);
scanner.find_eq_str(*str_sv, str.c_str(), *bv_res);
} // for
// There is a faster way to do the same.
// if we know a bulk of our searches upfront we can use pipeline
// schedule to run the search group.
// Scanner pipeline will anayse the set and try to build a more
// optimal search plan, taking into account CPU cache optimization,
// resuse of compressed bit-blocks (inetrnal details) and other
// factors between the search data set items and the sparce vector
// pipeline object to run the bulk search
// batch_size instructs how many search to run at once
// batch_size=0 and this parameter will be identified automatically
// batch size essentially depends on CPU cache size and it is
// sometimes difficult to determine without trying.
// batch_size=0 will try to use euristics for CPU L2 = 256KB,
// it may be "good enough", but for best results it is best
// to run trial runs with typical values may be (2 to 20)
pipe1.options().batch_size = test_runs;
bm::chrono_taker tt(cout, "scanner::pipeline find_eq_str()", test_runs);
// add all the search items to the pipeline
for (size_t i = 0; i < test_runs; ++i)
const string& str = str_test_coll[i];
pipe1.complete(); // finish the pipeline construction with this call
scanner.find_eq_str(pipe1); // run the search
// at this point we have the results (in the pipeline object itself)
// This example sets the search range for only a part of
// the sv vector using the mask bit-vector.
// Since mask vector narrows down the search space - it is faster
bm::bvector<> bv_mask;
bv_mask.set_range(0, str_sv->size()/3); // only first 1/3 of elements will be searched
// scanner is configured to support result vectors AND search masking
typedef bm::agg_run_options<true, false, true> scanner_custom_mask_opt;
bm::sparse_vector_scanner<str_sv_type>::pipeline<scanner_custom_mask_opt> pipe1_and(*str_sv);
pipe1_and.set_search_mask(&bv_mask); // associate search mask with the pipeline
pipe1_and.options().batch_size = test_runs;
bm::chrono_taker tt(cout, "scanner::pipeline+MASK find_eq_str()", test_runs);
// add all the search items to the pipeline
for (size_t i = 0; i < test_runs; ++i)
const string& str = str_test_coll[i];
pipe1_and.add(str.c_str()); // this will search within defined mask
scanner.find_eq_str(pipe1_and); // run the search
// This variant would build the same pipeline but configure
// it differently using pipe2.options()
// The idea here is that sometimes we don't actually need the result
// vectors, but only need population count from this
// pipeline can be configured to do that without actually
// materializing result bit-vectors
// pipeline configuration passed via template parameter
// instructs to drop results and provide only counts
pipe1.options().batch_size = test_runs;
bm::chrono_taker tt(cout, "scanner::pipeline find_eq_str()-count()", test_runs);
for (size_t i = 0; i < test_runs; ++i)
const string& str = str_test_coll[i];
pipe2.complete(); // finish the pipeline construction with this call
scanner.find_eq_str(pipe2); // run the search pipeline
// at this point we have the population count
// ... see below how to use it
// results from two pileline runs are ready at this point
// we now get access to it
bvector_type bv_or_total;
// please note that returned buffer results vectors are NOT STL
// vector<> type, but a thin wrapper over C style objects
// (for the reasons of portability)
auto& res_vect = pipe1.get_bv_res_vector(); // results from pipeline 1
auto& res_vect_and = pipe1_and.get_bv_res_vector();
auto& cnt_vect = pipe2.get_bv_count_vector(); // counts from pileine 2
assert(res_vect.size() == cnt_vect.size());
// iterate over results, run some checks...
size_t res_sz = res_vect.size();
for (size_t i = 0; i < res_sz; ++i)
const bvector_type* bv1 = res_vec1[i].get();
const bvector_type* bv = res_vect[i];
bool match = bv1->equal(*bv); // quick check
auto c = cnt_vect[i];
auto cnt = bv->count();
(void)cnt; (void)c; // to silence unused warnings (relese)
assert(cnt == c); // check if counts match
bv_or_total |= *bv; // accumulate OR
auto c_and = bm::count_and(*bv, bv_mask);
const bvector_type* bv_and = res_vect_and[i];
if (bv_and)
auto c1 = bv_and->count();
assert(c1 == c_and); (void)c1; (void)c_and;
bv_m.bit_and(*bv1, bv_mask);
match = bv_and->equal(bv_m);
// Here we define a csutom pipeline run policy which disables
// both intermediate results and population counting for it...
// instead it aggregates the results into one UNION ALL (OR) vector
// which simulates a huge
// field1 IN ('value1', 'value2', 'value3', .... ) SQL expression
typedef bm::agg_run_options<false, false> scanner_custom_opt;
bm::sparse_vector_scanner<str_sv_type>::pipeline<scanner_custom_opt> pipe3(*str_sv);
pipe1.options().batch_size = test_runs;
bvector_type bv_or;
pipe3.set_or_target(&bv_or); // Assign OR aggregation target
bm::chrono_taker tt(cout, "scanner::pipeline find_eq_str()-OR()", test_runs);
for (size_t i = 0; i < test_runs; ++i)
const string& str = str_test_coll[i];
pipe3.complete(); // finish the pipeline construction with this call
scanner.find_eq_str(pipe3); // run the search pipeline
bool match = bv_or.equal(bv_or_total);
if (!match)
cerr << "OR vector mismatch!" << endl;
cout << endl;
// second pass will run the same benchmarks, only using original
// non-remapped vector to see the effects of additional compression
// on performance of scanner searches
} // for pass
catch(std::exception& ex)
std::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
Compressed bit-vector bvector<> container, set algebraic methods, traversal iterators.
Definition: bm.h:47
Algorithms for bm::sparse_vector.
string sparse vector based on bit-transposed matrix
Timing utilities for benchmarking (internal)
pre-processor un-defines to avoid global space pollution (internal)
Bitvector Bit-vector container with runtime compression of bits.
Definition: bm.h:115
bool equal(const bvector< Alloc > &bvect) const BMNOEXCEPT
Equal comparison with an agr bit-vector.
Definition: bm.h:1995
size_type count() const BMNOEXCEPT
population count (count of ON bits)
Definition: bm.h:2366
bm::bvector< Alloc > & bit_and(const bm::bvector< Alloc > &bv1, const bm::bvector< Alloc > &bv2, typename bm::bvector< Alloc >::optmode opt_mode=opt_none)
3-operand AND : this := bv1 AND bv2
Definition: bm.h:5880
bvector_size_type size_type
Definition: bm.h:121
bvector< Alloc > & set_range(size_type left, size_type right, bool value=true)
Sets all bits in the specified closed interval [left,right] Interval must be inside the bvector's siz...
Definition: bm.h:2333
Utility class to collect performance measurements and statistics.
Definition: bmtimer.h:41
Pipeline to run multiple searches against a particular SV faster using cache optimizations.
algorithms for sparse_vector scan/search
bool find_eq_str(const SV &sv, const value_type *str, bvector_type &bv_out)
find sparse vector elements (string)
succinct sparse vector for strings with compression using bit-slicing ( transposition) method
size_type size() const
return size of the vector
back_insert_iterator get_back_inserter()
Provide back insert iterator Back insert iterator implements buffered insertion, which is faster,...
@ use_null
support "non-assigned" or "NULL" logic
Definition: bmconst.h:229
BV::size_type count_and(const BV &bv1, const BV &bv2) BMNOEXCEPT
Computes bitcount of AND operation of two bitsets.
Definition: bmalgo.h:49
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
static void parse_args(int argc, char *argv[])
Rudimentary cmd-args parser.
bm::bvector bvector_type
static void GenerateTestData(std::vector< string > &str_coll, str_sv_type &str_sv, unsigned max_coll=8000000, unsigned repeat_factor=10)
Test data generation.
bm::str_sparse_vector< char, bvector_type, 8 > str_sv_type
bool is_diag
Flag to print the SV diagnostics.
Aggregation options to control execution Default settings are to support only result bit-vector filte...
Definition: bmaggregator.h:66