
Example of how to use bm::str_sparse_vector<> - succinct container for bit-transposed string collections

See also
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/** \example strsvsample03.cpp
Example of how to use bm::str_sparse_vector<> - succinct container for
bit-transposed string collections
\sa bm::str_sparse_vector
/*! \file strsvsample03.cpp
\brief Example: str_sparse_vector<> back insert iterator example
This example loads sparse vector from an STL container uses character re-mapping
to compress, serialize and save container to disk.
Example also illustrates how to check memory footprint.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <random>
#include <algorithm>
#include <fstream>
#include "bm.h"
#include "bmstrsparsevec.h"
#include "bmundef.h" /* clear the pre-proc defines from BM */
using namespace std;
// define the sparse vector type for 'char' type using bvector as
// a container of bits for bit-transposed planes
// 32 - is maximum string length for this container.
// Memory allocation is dynamic using sparse techniques, so this number
// just defines the max capacity.
// generate collection of strings from integers and shuffle it
void generate_string_set(vector<string>& str_vec)
const unsigned max_coll = 50000;
string str;
for (unsigned i = 10; i < max_coll; i += rand() % 3)
str = to_string(i);
} // for i
// shuffle the data set
std::random_device rd;
std::mt19937 g(rd());
std::shuffle(str_vec.begin(), str_vec.end(), g);
int main(void)
str_sv_type str_sv;
vector<string> str_vec;
std::sort(str_vec.begin(), str_vec.end()); // sort the input vector
// load sparse vector from an STL container
size_t vect_size = 0; // approx std::vector<string> memory usage
str_sv_type str_sv_tmp; // temp vector
for (auto str : str_vec)
bi = str;
// some approximate estimate of std::string element cost
size_t str_size = str.size() + sizeof(str);
vect_size += str_size;
// it is important to use flush, because back inserter is
// buffering data. Of cause it flashes automatically on
// destruction but explicit flush is somewhat better
// because of possible exception is thrown here and not from
// destructor.
cout << "STL vector<string> approx.memory consumption:"
<< vect_size << endl;
// calculate memory footprint
cout << "Used memory: " << st.memory_used << std::endl;
// final step is re-mapping, which increses chances for
// good memory compression.
// A side-effect here is that remapping makes container
// effectively read-only.
str_sv.optimize(tb); // optimize the vector
cout << "Used memory after remap and optimization: "
<< std::endl;
// a slightly different way to do the reampped loading
// iterator in this case is used to collect character frequency
// tables and do remap on flush() (which is a bit faster)
// another option here is to turn vector into read-only mode
// which runs an embedded memory defragmentation algorithm
str_sv_type str_sv1;
for (auto str : str_vec)
bi = str;
// freeze is used to turn the vector into read-only (immutable)
bool eq = str_sv1.equal(str_sv);
cout << "Used memory after remap / optimization / freeze: "
<< std::endl;
// construct a vector with remap table derived from another
// we can just add the same data into the new vector
// or part of the same data (projection) or reorderd data.
// the key thing is that we have to guarantee that the
// remapping tables will be the same
unsigned cnt = 0;
for (auto str : str_vec)
bi = str;
if (++cnt >= 10)
break; // pick first 10
cout << "size2=" << str_sv2.size() << endl; // 10
// serialize and save
std::string fname = "";
bm::sparse_vector_serialize(str_sv, sv_lay, tb);
std::ofstream fout(fname.c_str(), std::ios::binary);
if (!fout.good())
return -1;
const char* buf = (char*)sv_lay.buf();
fout.write(buf, (unsigned)sv_lay.size());
if (!fout.good())
return -1;
cout << "Saved size: " << sv_lay.size() << endl;
catch(std::exception& ex)
std::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 1;
return 0;
Compressed bit-vector bvector<> container, set algebraic methods, traversal iterators.
Definition: bm.h:47
Serialization for sparse_vector<>
string sparse vector based on bit-transposed matrix
pre-processor un-defines to avoid global space pollution (internal)
Bitvector Bit-vector container with runtime compression of bits.
Definition: bm.h:115
Back insert iterator implements buffered insert, faster than generic access assignment.
void flush()
flush the accumulated buffer.
void set_remap(bool flag) BMNOEXCEPT
Method to configure back inserter to collect statistics on optimal character codes.
succinct sparse vector for strings with compression using bit-slicing ( transposition) method
bool is_ro() const BMNOEXCEPT
Returns true if vector is read-only.
void optimize(bm::word_t *temp_block=0, typename bvector_type::optmode opt_mode=bvector_type::opt_compress, typename str_sparse_vector< CharType, BV, STR_SIZE >::statistics *stat=0)
run memory optimization for all vector planes
void calc_stat(struct str_sparse_vector< CharType, BV, STR_SIZE >::statistics *st) const BMNOEXCEPT
Calculates memory statistics.
bool equal(const str_sparse_vector< CharType, BV, STR_SIZE > &sv, bm::null_support null_able=bm::use_null) const BMNOEXCEPT
check if another sparse vector has the same content and size
void remap_from(const str_sparse_vector &str_sv, octet_freq_matrix_type *omatrix=0)
Build remapping profile and load content from another sparse vector Remapped vector likely saves memo...
void freeze()
Turn sparse vector into immutable mode Read-only (immutable) vector uses less memory and allows faste...
back_insert_iterator get_back_inserter()
Provide back insert iterator Back insert iterator implements buffered insertion, which is faster,...
void sparse_vector_serialize(const SV &sv, sparse_vector_serial_layout< SV > &sv_layout, bm::word_t *temp_block=0)
Serialize sparse vector into a memory buffer(s) structure.
copy remap tables only (without data)
bm::str_sparse_vector< char, bvector_type, 32 > str_sv_type
bm::bvector bvector_type
int main(void)
static void generate_string_set(vector< string > &str_vec)
size_t memory_used
memory usage for all blocks and service tables
Definition: bmfunc.h:62
layout class for serialization buffer structure
size_t size() const BMNOEXCEPT
return current serialized size
const unsigned char * buf() const BMNOEXCEPT
Return serialization buffer pointer.