
Example demonstrates variety three-valued logic.

Three-valued logic

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/** \example bv3vlogic.cpp
Example demonstrates variety three-valued logic.
<a href="">Three-valued logic</a>
/*! \file bv3vlogic.cpp
\brief Example: Kleene algebra operations
BitMagic implements 3-value (Kleene) logic using two separate bit-vectors:
bit-vector of values and bit-vector of knowns.
bit-vector of vlaues contains 1s in the positions of true
bit-vector of NULLs contains 1s where values in known (or set)
The convention is that unknown elements (0s in the NULL vector) MUST NOT
have 1s in the corresponding positions of the value bit-vector so
"unknown TRUE" is not a correct situation.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cassert>
#include "bm.h"
#include "bm3vl.h"
#include "bmundef.h" /* clear the pre-proc defines from BM */
using namespace std;
Print 3-value vector
void PrintKleeneVector(const bm::bvector<>& bv_v, const bm::bvector<>& bv_null)
bm::bvector<>::enumerator en_n = bv_null.first();
auto prev = *en_n;
if (prev > 0)
prev = 0;
for ( ;en_n.valid(); ++en_n)
auto curr = *en_n;
for (auto i = prev; i < curr; ++i)
cout << i << ": NULL" << endl;
bool v = bv_v.test(curr);
cout << curr << ": " << (v ? "true" : "false") << endl;
prev = curr + 1;
} // for en_n
cout << endl;
This demo shows how to use bm::set_value_kleene and bm::get_value_kleene
functions to set values into pair of vectors (value vector and knowns vector)
Kleene algebra operates on 3 values, which are by convention read as:
-1 (known false), 0 (unknown), 1 (known true).
bm::set_value_kleene takes a pair of vectors, position and an int value
to set value in a pair of bit-vectors representing value and knowns
Please note that this is the easy but relatively slow method to init the
vectors since because it uses random access initialization.
bm::bvector<> bv_v; // (true/false) values bit-vector
bm::bvector<> bv_null; // (known/unknown (or NULL) values bit-vector
int v = 0; // start with the unknown
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
bm::set_value_kleene(bv_v, bv_null, i, v);
auto v1 = bm::get_value_kleene(bv_v, bv_null, i);
assert(v == v1); (void) v1;
v += 1;
if (v > 1)
v = -1;
PrintKleeneVector(bv_v, bv_null);
Faster way to initialize Kleene bit-vectors via bulk_insert_iterator
bm::bvector<> bv_v; // (true/false) values bit-vector
bm::bvector<> bv_null; // (known/unknown (or NULL) values bit-vector
// use insert iterators to load the vectors
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 13; i+=3)
if (i & 1) // add only true values as indexes of set bits via insert iterator
iit_v = i;
// set the known bit for both true AND false values
iit_n = i;
// flush the insert iterators to empty the temp.buffers
// it is best to do it explicitly (it can throw exceptions)
// init used to guarantee that value bit-vector would not contain
// "unknown" true values, which is a requirement of BM library to be able to
// correct 3-value logical ANDs and ORs
// If you are absolutely sure that you did not set true values for unknowns
// then you do not need this call
bm::init_kleene(bv_v, bv_null);
// optimize bit-vectors after initalization
PrintKleeneVector(bv_v, bv_null);
Generate Kleene vector (as two bit-vectors)
int v = 0; // start with the unknown
for (unsigned i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
bm::set_value_kleene(bv_v, bv_null, i, v);
v += 1;
if (v > 1)
v = -1;
} // for
// optimize bit-vectors after initalization
Demo for 3-value logic (Kleene) NOT
bm::bvector<> bv_v; // (true/false) values bit-vector
bm::bvector<> bv_null; // (known/unknown (or NULL) values bit-vector
GenerateDemoVector(bv_v, bv_null);
cout << "Input vector:" << endl;
PrintKleeneVector(bv_v, bv_null);
bm::invert_kleene(bv_v, bv_null); // 3-value logic NOT
cout << "Inverted vector:" << endl;
PrintKleeneVector(bv_v, bv_null);
Demo for 3-value logic (Kleene) AND
Kleene algebra AND
produces known FALSE when known FALSE meets UNKNOWN (false)
bm::bvector<> bv_v1; // (true/false) values bit-vector
bm::bvector<> bv_null1; // (known/unknown (or NULL) values bit-vector
GenerateDemoVector(bv_v1, bv_null1);
bm::bvector<> bv_v2; // (true/false) values bit-vector
bm::bvector<> bv_null2; // (known/unknown (or NULL) values bit-vector
bm::set_value_kleene(bv_v2, bv_null2, 0, 0); // idx = 0 (unknown)
bm::set_value_kleene(bv_v2, bv_null2, 1, 1); // idx = 1 (known true)
bm::set_value_kleene(bv_v2, bv_null2, 2, -1); // idx = 2 (known false)
bm::bvector<> bv_v_t, bv_null_t;
// bv_v_t := bv_v2 & bv_v1
bm::and_kleene(bv_v_t, bv_null_t, bv_v2, bv_null2, bv_v1, bv_null1); // 3-value logic AND
// bv_v2 and bv_null2 are modified in place:
// bv_v2 &= bv_v1
bm::and_kleene(bv_v2, bv_null2, bv_v1, bv_null1); // 3-value logic AND
bool b = bv_v_t.equal(bv_v2);
b = bv_null_t.equal(bv_null2);
cout << "AND vector:" << endl;
PrintKleeneVector(bv_v2, bv_null2);
Demo for 3-value logic (Kleene) OR
Kleene algebra OR
produces known TRUE when known TRUE meets UNKNOWN (false)
bm::bvector<> bv_v1; // (true/false) values bit-vector
bm::bvector<> bv_null1; // (known/unknown (or NULL) values bit-vector
GenerateDemoVector(bv_v1, bv_null1);
bm::bvector<> bv_v2; // (true/false) values bit-vector
bm::bvector<> bv_null2; // (known/unknown (or NULL) values bit-vector
bm::set_value_kleene(bv_v2, bv_null2, 0, 1); // idx = 0 (known true)
bm::set_value_kleene(bv_v2, bv_null2, 1, 0); // idx = 1 (NULL)
bm::set_value_kleene(bv_v2, bv_null2, 2, -1); // idx = 2 (known false)
bm::bvector<> bv_v_t, bv_null_t;
// bv_v_t := bv_v2 | bv_v1
bm::or_kleene(bv_v_t, bv_null_t, bv_v2, bv_null2, bv_v1, bv_null1); // 3-value logic AND
// bv_v2 and bv_null2 are modified in place:
// bv_v2 |= bv_v1
bm::or_kleene(bv_v2, bv_null2, bv_v1, bv_null1); // 3-value logic OR
bool b = bv_v_t.equal(bv_v2);
b = bv_null_t.equal(bv_null2);
cout << "OR vector:" << endl;
PrintKleeneVector(bv_v2, bv_null2);
int main(void)
cout << endl << "3VL Set values:" << endl << endl;
cout << endl << "3VL Invert vector:" << endl << endl;
cout << endl << "3VL AND:" << endl << endl;
cout << endl << "3VL OR:" << endl << endl;
catch(std::exception& ex)
std::cerr << ex.what() << std::endl;
return 0;
Three-valued logic (3VL) operations.
Compressed bit-vector bvector<> container, set algebraic methods, traversal iterators.
Definition: bm.h:47
pre-processor un-defines to avoid global space pollution (internal)
static void Set3VL_ValueDemo2()
Faster way to initialize Kleene bit-vectors via bulk_insert_iterator.
Definition: bv3vlogic.cpp:117
static void Set3VL_ORDemo()
Demo for 3-value logic (Kleene) OR.
Definition: bv3vlogic.cpp:249
static void Set3VL_AndDemo()
Demo for 3-value logic (Kleene) AND.
Definition: bv3vlogic.cpp:209
static void Set3VL_ValueDemo()
This demo shows how to use bm::set_value_kleene and bm::get_value_kleene functions to set values into...
Definition: bv3vlogic.cpp:90
static void PrintKleeneVector(const bm::bvector<> &bv_v, const bm::bvector<> &bv_null)
Print 3-value vector.
Definition: bv3vlogic.cpp:55
int main(void)
Definition: bv3vlogic.cpp:284
static void GenerateDemoVector(bm::bvector<> &bv_v, bm::bvector<> &bv_null)
Generate Kleene vector (as two bit-vectors)
Definition: bv3vlogic.cpp:164
static void Set3VL_InvertDemo()
Demo for 3-value logic (Kleene) NOT.
Definition: bv3vlogic.cpp:185
Output iterator iterator designed to set "ON" bits based on input sequence of integers.
Definition: bm.h:465
Constant iterator designed to enumerate "ON" bits.
Definition: bm.h:603
bool valid() const BMNOEXCEPT
Checks if iterator is still valid.
Definition: bm.h:283
Bitvector Bit-vector container with runtime compression of bits.
Definition: bm.h:115
bool test(size_type n) const BMNOEXCEPT
returns true if bit n is set and false is bit n is 0.
Definition: bm.h:1480
bool equal(const bvector< Alloc > &bvect) const BMNOEXCEPT
Equal comparison with an agr bit-vector.
Definition: bm.h:1995
void optimize(bm::word_t *temp_block=0, optmode opt_mode=opt_compress, statistics *stat=0)
Optimize memory bitvector's memory allocation.
Definition: bm.h:3600
insert_iterator inserter()
Definition: bm.h:1265
enumerator first() const
Returns enumerator pointing on the first non-zero bit.
Definition: bm.h:1849
void invert_kleene(BV &bv_value, const BV &bv_null)
Kleene NEG operation.
Definition: bm3vl.h:135
void init_kleene(BV &bv_value, const BV &bv_null)
Initialized the value bit-vector so that it always returns 0 (false) for the unknown.
Definition: bm3vl.h:54
void and_kleene(BV &bv_value1, BV &bv_null1, const BV &bv_value2, const BV &bv_null2)
Kleene AND(vect1, vect2) (vect1 &= vect2) 0 AND Unk = 0 (known)
Definition: bm3vl.h:213
void set_value_kleene(BV &bv_value, BV &bv_null, typename BV::size_type idx, int val)
Set Kleene logic value based on value and known vectors.
Definition: bm3vl.h:96
int get_value_kleene(const BV &bv_value, const BV &bv_null, typename BV::size_type idx) BMNOEXCEPT
Return Kleene logic value based on value and known vectors.
Definition: bm3vl.h:70
void or_kleene(BV &bv_value1, BV &bv_null1, const BV &bv_value2, const BV &bv_null2)
Kleene OR(vect1, vect2) (vect1 |= vect2) 1 OR Unk = 1 (known)
Definition: bm3vl.h:151